Protip: you can't.
Find a more beautiful gear knob
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Nice troll thread
I win
That's fucking disgusting
Looks kind of familiar
Everything this user says is true.
It's pretty sexy, but it's automatic, so pretty much any manual shifter will look better.
Wew lad.
That's some over-engineered steampunk bullshit
4/10 would not shift
How do they keep these chrome knobs from going dull due to sweat?
drive with gloves on
Find an uglier shifter made within the last 10 years
Tip: you can't
It's a Ferrari brotha, I'm sure they'll figure it out. ($$$)
Lacquer you dipshit.
They have the paddle shifting and manual mode. They look kinda weird, but they are actually surprisingly comfy. Though, they do lock some of the heft of a real shifter. They do a cool paralour trick where if you're in manual mode, and click the park button, it jumps back into the normal location automatically. Video related.
Edit to add, the larger knob for the entertainment system is something that you NEED to have in the car. It feels so much better than the little dinky standard version. The detents are better, and help remove the "if I move anything hard, I'll rip it off" feeling.
You can buy one off ebay and put it into any car with the standard selector. It's like a $300 upgrade. WORTH IT 100%, you get to finger it to spell out names while driving. 10/10 comfy.
I also accidentally ripped the door handle off an I3 once, while at the dealership, so anything that reduces the "I can't be a brute" feeling, helps. INB4 germans commit suicide.
i had a computer joystick that looked just like that back in the 90s
this is the most cuck post I've heard today.
Wow extremely complex for absolutely no reason at all other than "muhhh luxuryy brand!!". Definitely sounds like classic BMW design.
Thanks for that input.
I never said it wasn't a useless complex "MUH LUXURRRYYY BRANDD" feature, because it 100% is. I just found it an amusing little quirk. That said, the ceramic input knob with the touch surface is no joke a 10/10 input device for a vehicle. I'm wanting to modify one to use as a computer input device for a media box.
who here /simple econobox gear knob/
>chrome galore
Yeah, whatever dude.
holy shit is that the new Giulia?
even my 2007 5 series I bought for $10k has a better designed shifter (pic related)
I guess there is a reason why everyone is bashing FCA interiors
I do not like that pattern
i like this one.
>Driving a car with 2 gears
Why not?
It gives me a boat throttle vibe and its gay.
>not wanting a land yacht
The new Lincoln piano keys.
dumb AF
Prove me wrong
they got the pattern right
Came here to post this.
I bet you work in an office you fucking fags
requesting that post about that guy who's shift knob is a duck
Because i'm biased.
>best knob
Literally nothing wrong with this on an automatic
>fighter jet style switches
my fucking knob shifted into D for Diamond
The true patrician shifter setup
It's so asymetrical and ugly.
these are unironically awesome
>knob is hard wood
>knob is diamonds
I like the subtlety of the NSX shifter
Looks like a key fob
No one posting JDM bubble dildo shifters?
Maybe nobody really finds it amusing?
I like mine. Looks simple but sporty. Stiched leather underneath your fingers is nice.
I unironically find it beautiful.
what the fuck is this off?
Weird headunit too wtf
looks like a prolapsed anus
>electronic shifter
Into the trash it goes.
not the other guy but the Giulia also has an electronic shifter, except it looks like cheap trash.
oldsmobile tornado
>not a single dragondildo
Kys nu-Veeky Forums
Looks like the tip of a dragon dildo
>Veeky Forums is slipping, nobody has mentioned it yet
is winrar
What I win?
Are the new Commodore shifters as incredibly spongy and vague as the VY/VZ were?
Last manuel V8 Commodore I drove
I actually like that. Would buy a car with updated version of this.
>want to shift from 6 to 7
>misshift from 6 to 1
Oh god
What the fuck???
That's the best I've seen so far. What car is that?
Checked, also metal on metal noise everytime you shift sounds do satisfying.
lol i fucking hate driving semis so much
How about literally anything else that isn't an automatic
Damn right I do, I get to boss around welders all day long. Feels good man.
>No boot
but why
because racecar
It's a basic ZF knob...
I like big sticks.
what is this? A gruman LLV?
looks like a fucking cassette player
ZF doesn't design knobs. It only builds the transmissions
It was Alfa designers task to design the knob, it ended up looking like cheap shit