Why do people buy boring Japanese made-for-manlets slow cars when they can buy big fun muscle American cars for less?
Why do people buy boring Japanese made-for-manlets slow cars when they can buy big fun muscle American cars for less?
Why do you make shit threads where you pretend to be retarded on purpose?
Some people don't ever pop the hood and just want something to take them from their apartment to their cubicle. Others have garages and don't mind fixing shit when it breaks.
If everyone owned a fast car then this will be a boring place.
Overpriced jap garbage is overpriced. You have no excuse
some people dont want awful cars
those people know they cant buy American
they have work to do instead of going to the workshop.
retard alert lol.
i bought a 2016 infinity red sport used for 20k off list and it is a great car. drove a a4 before that. i like the infinity tter
>buying a Fiat
Jap cars have a reputation for reliability and people buying appliances like that.
because japanese cars aren't pig fat shit piles made by unions fuck off small dicked boomer
Time spent driving > time spent troubleshooting and fixing your POS ameribarge
Buy a classic nip sports-econobox if you want to wrench.
american cars are fucking garbage senpai
Because they aren't overcompensating for a micropeen
I like being able to take turns faster than 20mph
agreed, even american sports cars like the corvette overheat while making a lap,
>Burgers BTFO
I like inifinity better than volkswagen too.
What is actual resale value.
Japanese cars are more American than American brands.
resale value
legit no burger car is worth its price
why else do you think people always suggest going for craigslist?
can you believe that people pay 17~22k on gay-ass fiestas? who the fuck pays that much for some shitty overstressed factory turbo car that goes into limp mode after 5 minutes and only makes 185hp?
literally no car is worth it
Saw this earlier. Pretty much explains the americar meme.
Let me post the pic as well then
Because I drive a Lexus LS and have zero desire to showboat in a rolling meme designed for retired police Sergents on their third marriage, that is designed and built by retarded burger Union schlubs and Italians.
What do you drive
Why buy something if I cant drive it over 130kmh because of speed cameras.
They don't even sell murikan cars (other than Tesla) in my country. Nobody would buy that crap.
Some are unimaginative and simply want decent MPG with "reliability" so they buy a dodge charger. Others buy things like audi, bmw and merc
Truly stated by someone who has never had a car with 200+ horsepower without Forced Induction.
Not everyone is a nigger or having a mid life crisis