Just got a manual 94 nissan sentra. The car is in good shape and runs fine. The problem is... There's no a.c. and I'm not talking "it needs a recharge" or "the compressor is out" I mean it has nothing. No compressor, no condensor. Nada. I can't find anything online about this model not coming with ac. So I guess the point of this theead is: what are my options? Is there an inexpensive way of keeping my car cool? I live in the deep South so its fucking hot all day.
A.c. alternatives?
Put a large container of icewater next to you and stick your hand in it. A lot of your body's heat goes through your hands.
roll down the windows
Get a cool suit.
Why would you buy a Mexican Nissan with no ac if you know it's hot where you live?
because he's a homoshithead.
I was going to say probably jury rig a compressor to the block and run it with the serpentine belt? I have no idea.
now that I think about it... If you can weld and you can somehow get a custom serpentine belt.... Anything is possible
Well, I had looked online and didn't see anything about it not having ac so I didnt really have a reason to believe it wasnt there. The guy I got it from said it just didnt work. I really should have payed more attention, but hindsight is 20/20 Y know.
There's room in the engine bay for a compressor and then some. This model did come with a.c. for whatever reason its just been removed from mine. I was thinking along the lines of some bullshittery for giggles and to save some money
If the "housing" vents and shit are there it should be easy to throw in some lines and a compressor. I bet you can even buy a belt that fits your model since it can have AC
Of course you can do that but those parts are pretty delicate and need to hold pressure so working ones will be expensive and easy to fuck up. It'll cost as much or more than he paid for the car.
No it really won't
This is actually my first time posting so I am wondering how retarded you guys are as mechanics.
The only thing he needs to do is get it filled professionally unless he has the machine to do it.
1. loosen tensioner
2. remove belt
3. install compressor
4. install lines
5. install filter
6. put on new belt
7. tighten tensioner
8. have a professional place fill it for like 100-200 USD
>manual shitbox
>giant wheels with low-profile tires
It doesn't take a genius to figure the previous "genius" opted for AC delete weight savings because racecar
How much do you think he paid for the car? Because I think $1200
compressor is like 200-300 at most I paid 300 for my jaguars, lines are like 200 or less and filter is also cheap
If he is going to invest in this car then I don't really think the kelly blue book matters.
>Then I dropped a junkyard LS1 in there, just $500 and a weekend
Easiest, most inexpensive method:
>sell car
>buy car with A/C
Can you blame me? it's a solid engine. If you can't repair your car yourself you don't deserve to own it.
Thank you!
There are also small clip on fans that are powered by your cigarette lighter, but it's still blowing the same hot air
Open the damned windows.
Yeah I figured that, genius. Why'd you even bother posting that?
Take out the windshield and windows.
Why do I have to repeat this. Get a cool suit. Literally cheaper than installing AC in a Mexican taxi.
Or, you know, get a car with AC. Dumbass.