Anyone here have experience with DIY alignments?
So every shop in my town will NOT do an alignment to my specs. and want $100+
the settings are not crazy by any means.
+5.5 degree caster
-1 degree camber
3/32 toe in
this unit is $150
worth it?
Anyone here have experience with DIY alignments?
So every shop in my town will NOT do an alignment to my specs. and want $100+
the settings are not crazy by any means.
+5.5 degree caster
-1 degree camber
3/32 toe in
this unit is $150
worth it?
Why are they not willing to do those specs? They don't sound outrageous in the slightest. Do you have fuckretarded wheel setup or rideheight?
i have a immigrant do it on a proper alignment equipment for 40$ and unless you ram into curbs every week alignments last for years
Most wrench monkeys won't know what to do with those specs beyond what the alignment machine tells them what is and isn't aligned.
Why do you need it to those exact specifications, stancefag?
Surely if you knew anything about wheel alignment, you'd already have a laser rig to do it yourself.
-1° camber.
Definitely not stancefag
Wheel alignment man reporting in - I do all my alignments by eye and feel, but I do have a very good eye and a great feel for how the car is behaving.
First thing to note is that I'm not running a business so I don't have to align my car in half an hour like shops do, that's why I don't need precision tools. Sometimes it will take weeks before I get the alignment really good, each time I take it for a drive I'm always evaluating the alignment "is there too much toe in, is it tracking straight".
THE MOST IMPORTANT thing to get right is front toe, that will make the biggest difference to how your car handles, but with enough trial and error you'll end up with a toe you like eventually. For everything else close enough is usually good enough but for front toe the tiniest adjustment makes a huge difference.
But what really sticks out in your post is that you don't have separate front and rear stats? Why is that? Is your car live rear axle? What sort of car do you have?
>I do all my alignments by eye and feel,
How do you stil have a job?
>Why are they not willing to do those specs
No idea
They wouldn't tell me
Did you even fucking read my post?
-1 degree camber isn't stance
Car is a solid axle
Rear is already centered.
The right and left sides have slightly different caster, I have the specs written down.
Incredible reading comprehension I see.
He said he doesn't run a business.
I feel ya, I bought a camber gauge and toe plates off of ebay. I did my own alignment in my garage, and aligned my friends car. Not 100% perfect because no machine precision, but its pretty damn good and rides well.
I will continue to do my own alignments because every shop around here is filled with morons that have trouble breathing, let alone getting the work done right.
What sorta car? Big heavy engine up front? What do you want to do with it?
But the specs you've posted seem pretty good, slight toe in, slight camber, reasonable caster, you probably won't go wrong with that.
These are the recommended specs for 3rd gens 82-1992 Camaros/Firebirds
They have a 55/45 split
From I've read, home alignments can be more accurate than shop ones.
Those guys aren't gonna spend 3+ hours making sure it's perfect.
Most shops wont do it because they dont know how to. The machines tell you what is and isnt aligned, apprentices dont fuck around with settings.
Seems good, buy the tool, give it a go.
Remember if you don't get it right the first time you can always adjust it again and again until you do get it right.
>they dont know how to
All you have to do is move the caster places to the left or right
It's super easy.
On stock cars, caster is set and you can't move it.
If you're driving with those specs on the street it's going to pull to the right
i just do toe in myself. camber sucks to do without a rack. it becomes trial and error.
castor is set it and forget it
How does one determine what alignment specs they need and for what.
Every car has factory settings
The aftermarket has other settings for drag, street, or road race.
Hardcore racers test each through trial and error.
Almost all modern cars have something like:
Fr: -1
Rr: -2
Fr: close to zero, maybe slight toe out
Rr: always toed in a bit
5 degree or so
>Did you even fucking read my post?
Yes, and I decided that since they refused to do your 'special settings', you're evidently a moron.
>since they refused to do your 'special settings', you're evidently a moron
Are you retarded?
My settings were designed by auto cross Bros.
After years and years of tesing, there are the specs that work well.
You probably don't even work on your car.
K, stancefag. Stay triggered. Good luck getting anyone to agree to your special snowflake settings.
And evidently you don't either, or you wouldn't be bleating about how nobody wants to have to realign their gear for one special snowflake stancefag.
>I was just pretending to be retarded
You need to find an alignment shop that does track cars because your average alignment shop is staffed by meth heads that don't know anything other than what the computer tells them to do.
>Take car in for alignment before autocross
>decide to be a cheap-ass and go to the shop that does it for $30 instead of the dedicated racing shop that costs $75
>hand desired specs in
>explain why
>"ok user"
>45 mins later tech says it's done
>settings are all sorts of wrong
>steering wheel isn't aligned properly
>"We have really bad road crown here so these settings will help with that"
>Tell him to do it again and remind him the settings I want
>20 minutes later he comes out and tells me he can't do it because the computer says it's out of spec
To Op and everyone else you need to find a specialty shop that fucking knows what their doing like others have said most just see green and go that's it but if you have an actual person that knows what they are doing is no big deal. I've had to do a couple custom alignments for this guy that tracked his TTrs at my Audi stealership.