Should there be a max horsepower per iq law?
If you were only allowed 2 horsepower per iq point, how many horsepower would your car have?
Should there be a max horsepower per iq law?
If you were only allowed 2 horsepower per iq point, how many horsepower would your car have?
I qualify for a focus st.
It makes no sense. Why would that make sense
This is the only thing I'd be allowed to drive
>literal retards still hitting 170+ mph on motorcycles
Loving the idea OP.
The amount of horsepower you should be allowed to have should be inversely proportional to how much you like lifted trucks
550 minimum
Don't you mean 178?
What damage is a retard on a motorcycle going to do?
I'd be blowing by all the brainlets on this board, that is for sure.
a better formula than hp = iq*2 would be something like hp = iq*3*(iq/100). thatd look more like this.
Why not just a logarithmic formula.
CS mathlet here but that's what that graph looks like
I said I'm loving the idea, what's hard to get about that? Have fun with your 140 hp.
thats the best i could do. ideally itd have the iq on one axis and the hp on the other with a single line intersecting both at the correct points.
sad part is im a software engineer.
so.. this.
>implying the people that ignore traffic laws and slam into people are in high powered supercars and not dented up shit econoboxes that get 200 hp at the highest in a 4000 lb design
A for effort tho, you get a supposedly autistic cutie
in contrast/addition to this, i would rather speed limits be based on a similar formula. make the dummies on their cellphones swiping through kim kardashians latest instagram posts drive 20mph with the people actually intellectually capable of realizing that they need to pay attention to the road allowed to go much faster.
I would be happy for mandatory self driving cars for anyone below 120. That would make life better.
>i want to take peoples freedoms away
suck my dimma dick, communist scum
So a V6 accord is illegal for almost everyone because it needs 140 IQ?
yes, it's not for plebs like you
> muh freedoms
>muh happiness in slavery
i guess it should be based on hp/lb
if you're a retard you don't need 400hp to have fun. in fact you'd probably have more fun in a slow shitbox
that's not up to you to decide
why not?
if someone thinks they need 400hp to have fun, they definitely do not belong on the road.
prove me wrong
fun is subjective, therefore only the individual can decide if he needs 400hp to have fun
> tfw only 160hp
>mfw only 600 horsepower
I dont have to prove you wrong, because of muh freedoms.
Also youre an idiot if you think driving a 400hp sports car is less fun than a shitbox, stay mad poorfag.
See pic, I personally know someone who lost two kids from the same thing - some asshat racing through a school zone who ran a stopsign. Bike went directly through the back seat.
I still love my 120hp 400lb scoot, theres just a time and place for it.
>Also youre an idiot if you think driving a 400hp sports car is less fun than a shitbox, stay mad poorfag.
That was literally my point. Brainlets have more fun in shitboxes
Collectively? Veeky Forums would be riding the bus. Oh wait, they do already...
>If you were only allowed 2 horsepower per iq point, how many horsepower would your car have?
More than it has right now, LMAO.
It shouldn't be linear though, and not only as q function of IQ, it should factor in total driving experience and number of accidents caused.
In a perfect world good drivers in fast cars would have a flashing blue light in the top corner if their windshield which signals slower drivers to prepare for being overtaken. Also, someone who has proven that he can judge the road conditions and stopping distances reliably should not have to obey to retarded speed limits, at least not on empty straight roads.
The smoothest and most naturally flowing traffic I've ever seen was on a piece of German Autobahn with no speed limit. No tailgating, no brake checking, slow cars mostly stuck to the right and mid lanes, or at least made room for faster cars, everyone let everyone else merge, sometimes even waving politely. It's a level of comfyness we lack in the US.
I could probably get a 90s rx-7
>2hp/IQ point
>need a 250 IQ to even get respectable power
iq =/= driving ability
Nerds and people preoccupied with astrophysics typically make horrible drivers
Just get a light car
>driving ability
168 hp is still a lot