What color is most likely to attract the most buyers for my Mustang? I finally saved up enough money for a car show-tier paintjob but still can't decide on what. Right now I'm more inclined to paint it red but would that be too "intense" a color that will put people off?
What color is most likely to attract the most buyers for my Mustang...
Why are you selling it?
Grabber blue
i have a 71 red ive been trying to sell it for over a year, this however is a 69, i would paint this black.
It's a project car I bought several years ago to make money out of, so far I've only put $7k into it and want to get a bit of profit back.
Highland green or black.
Protip: you're not going to make your money back and you're an idiot
Dark green
Look at the original factory colors and get some ideas. The choice is your's, but I would avoid Yellow and Orange
How am I not going to make money back? I could sell it as is right now already and a profit already.
Then do that instead of blowing money on a paint job boomer scum.
Ugh no, the Bullitt clones that boomers obsessed over ruined that color for me.
This, paint factory color it will be worth more assuming everything else is numbers matching. Do you have original drive train OP?
If he paints it a nice color, then he can make substantially even more money on it???
Are you dumb?
how about... finish repairing it and then put in the description that you can paint it at buyers preference for (((FREE)))?
>invested 7k
>at least $20k selling it complete
Offwhite with ford blue stripe down the side
Red is the factory color, that's why I've been inclined to it as well. But my ultimate goal is to resell this so I want to maximize what I'll get out of it.
I'm only 32 brah, I bought this car literally because Veeky Forums told me to several years ago.
This isn't bad idea but OP will need to stress how the paint job will be from good reputable shop
OP do what this guy said just make sure to post in ad what original color was, what kinda shop would be doing paint?
It's a reputable shop, I have no worries about the paint. But they already have a backlog of cars to repaint and mine won't even be repainted right away so I can't just leave it as is and wait for a potential buyer to chose their color and have them wait several months.
They get exactly what they want though, maybe they don't want the factory red, it all depends but it favors the buyer imo
>Red is the factory color
Then paint it the same color to maximize value and appearance.
Where are you located?
How much are you looking to get?
Is it matching numbers? what do you know about the car from the factory?
Absolutely this if you want it to be as fresh as possible and authentic at the same time. Showy blues are THE color for cars right.
Oh! Well if you have the paint codes then just do that. My Capri was red to begin with but I prefer the blue.
If he does it the correct way, he doesn't make his money back. If it's a half ass resto, sure.
just sold it at auction for 13,500
I fucking love dark blue + black stripes on Mustangs.
Cant go wrong with black.
that red mustang looks amazing
what are those rear vents for?
impact blue with pale yellow stars like some kind of Kirby's dream car
can't go wrong with green
brake cooling you underage loser
Whatever colour it came with from the factory
I hope you're planning on doing some more body work first, it looks like shit now and it will look like shit with paint too if you don't.
Bullitt green
15k no low ballers. He knows what he's got. People who buy cars to "restore" and sell are cancer.
>People who buy cars to "restore" and sell are cancer
What's wrong with that?
Lightning Mcqueen Catchu
Decent tier: Shit body work and paint, cheapest parts all around, defects deliberately hidden.
Typical tier: VIN swaps, engine re-numbered, stolen parts all around, bondo over active rust
Why do you hate me senpai
The original color on your vin will make it more valuable.
Nobody is going to trust shit that a professional didn't do, and even then I'd rather do it myself. A big personal one for me is that I know nobody is going to restore the car I want the exact way I want it.
I don't hate you personally, I hate the idea of you. I hate the people who let these cars decay to this level in the first place even more, I do hate them personally.
I do agree that I hate people who let their cars rot away, I also don't like people who half ass restorations.
I don't know about where you live but the restoration community in michigan is very good at what they do and bring cars back from the grave to looking and feeling like they just rolled of the line.
Don't take those "restoration" shows on velocity as your standard, everyone hates those slobs.
I'm in rural Georgia, most "restorers" here do it in metal buildings in their yards. One of them tried to get my grandpa to trade the doors on his 58 Apache for Chinese ones because his were "rusty" (they aren't)
>bought a project car to flip
Grabber Green
>Getting fire engine red
Yeah no. A midnight purple would be pretty nice.
1. What year is that mustang? 69? 70?
2. What engine were you going to put in it?
It's a mustang not skyrine you cuck
Dukes of Hazzard orange
yellow with black stripes, black with white stripes, white with black stripes,
bright blue, competition orange
magnetic grey/silver
gloss black, white
or a classic ruby red which is always good
It doesn't even have a fucking engine it.
OP just stop.
Go larp somewhere else.
>project car
>make money out of
>get a bit of profit back.
You fucking idiot