Which cars actually attract girls?

Most girls couldn't care less about how sexy a 370Z looks or how much power a Viper has, but they'd love a VW Bug or a V6 Stang. What cars actually attract girls?

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really expensive ones, and comfy crossovers with lots of cupholders and butt warmers

Ones that get you to a stable job and back.

expensive ones with social status attached to them

How much it costs and if a celebrity drives it.

>Ones that get you to a stable job and back.
literally this.

Girls like for guys to drive pickup trucks because they look like dicks and they like v8s because they pulse like dicks. Making it more complicated than that just leads to misogyny. Don't over think.

most new cars will impress them
stuff (((youtube))) celebrities drive
they also like high up or big things they feel safe in. jeeps trucks etc. if you're lucky you can attract hipster girls in some old thing.

Trucks and Jeeps that have been lifted.

Expensive stuff like Lamborghini, Ferraris, and etc are dick magnets.

But really most chicks couldn't give a damn.


>Cute car user, do you do discounts for your besties at the hair salon? ;)

youre dumb. 90% of girls would wet their panties if you picked them up in a fucking viper. the other 10% have buzzcuts and black lipstick

Cars only attract car guys stop kidding youself

anything less than this you will get cucked by tyrone

Who is the gent with the glorious hair,
Who thinks rejection from girls is not fair?
With with shades from Armaniā„¢, and a car from Germany,
whose infinite virtues are known near and far?
It's Veeky Forums's own sweetheart, dear Elliot R.!

And under the shimmer of wannabe threads
lies hidden a fierce and disastrous lad!
The Stacies and roasties that lurk in the night
Will cower in fear WHEN THIS SUPREME GENT...

[propulsive rock beat]

Locked and loaded like a born gunslinger,
And wreaking havoc like a natural doombringer,
He rocks that SIG dual-wield and Glock made to compete
He's gonna slay those cunts so hail the gent sup-reeeeeeee-eeeeeee-eeeeeeeeeme~!

Cause he's a rebel virgin, he's the best!
He's a ball of lightning in a bulletproof vest!
He's a THOT Patrol roaring through the night,
He's our supreme gent and a really messed up guy!

He was a faggot who couldn't get laid because he had tiny Asian cock.

these are the cars they want when they have kids
not what attract them when they're fuckable

the answer is:
anything looking cool and that someone fun would drive
aka 'bad boy'
case in point:

>when your backup car is a lamborghini

If you are looking for girls and not women you are fine with your Miata or any other cute, gay hairdresser's car.

>implying women are anything else than older girls

Women are broken girls. All girls become women eventually but if you weren't the one who made them then they're a waste of your time.

Forget about the car itself. You just need a puppy to go with it.

If you are looking for a car to impress women I'd say you don't really understand women at all, cars don't mean shit to a good woman

You gotta know what to do with women in general before you need to worry about finding good ones

Theres a milf in our town with a green/black srt10 viper

I told her nice car and she said the same about my trans am

>missing the point

I don't get this questions at all. If the girl is interested in cars then any car that makes you happy will show her you share a common interest.

If the girl isn't into cars then literally anything thats clean on the inside and has an AUX jack is fine.

Unless you just looking to pick up drunk sluts, then you just need to have money, which is the opposite of buying a car.


I was jumping off your point to make a more useful point of my own. "Girls" are great, "women" are trouble.


i see what you're getting at, but i grew out of it

right i now have one (1) woman and two (2) girls, and it's mostly just the opposite desu

girls like cool vans and bikes


Sounds like you're failing to handle your girls and your woman is handling you. That's feminism for ya.

>anything looking cool and that someone fun would drive

Except actual "fun" guys don't give a fuck about having a show off car. It's normally boring insecure guys who drive fancy cars to make up for their social deficiencies.

Yes I drive a $5k civic

Smug Philly.

he said attract girls not gay men.

>looking cool and that someone fun would drive = fancy and expensive
sounds like you're projecting your insecurities...


Cross dressing doesn't make you a girl, user

Next question

>hehe im boring as fuck IRL so I'll buy this cool car to use as a crutch for my identity to rest on

why are you here if you hate cars so much?

I don't hate cars, I hate idiots who buy cars to attract girls. A girl is only worth keeping if she doesn't give a fuck whether you have a shitbox or a lambo.

just get a motorcycle man, the rumble from the engine when they're riding it will have them horny the minute they step on, also motorcycles are edgy and dangerous which young girls love in guys

>I don't hate cars, I hate idiots who buy cars to attract girls. A girl is only worth keeping if she doesn't give a fuck whether you have a shitbox or a lambo.
>own a really nice car and a total shitbox
>when I go on dates with girls for the first time I always take the shitbox
>eww user that's what you drive but you make so much why!

buy audi R8

my autism made me not understand how important cars are to your image until i drove my weekend car to work one day and suddenly had friends and got promoted

Clean, well maintained ones. However the main thing that attracts or repels girls isn't your car OP.

Girls love my miata since it looks cute

>until i drove my weekend car to work one day and suddenly had friends and got promoted

Yeah sure this happened

sounds like foreveralone.mp3
enjoy your right hand

>$5k civic can't be fun
must suck being you

t. 12yo

this guy gets it

So where these new friends of yours women and was it a woman who promoted you?

Fiat 500, Fiat 500 convertible, Miata, Mini, Mini convertible.

No the only answer is geo metro every thing else in this thread is bad


girlfriend drives a mini

Here's the article.


>UPS Truck

>He's angry he can't pretend his mom's grocery getter is a sportscar

>Yes I drive a $5k civic
That would be great if you worked at Toyota or Lexus. But Sam Walton has you beat? He drove a 1979 Ford pickup and it had no A/C. When Alan Mulally moved from Boeing to be CEO of Ford, he caught flak for calling his Lexus the finest car in the world just when Ford was introducing him as its new leader



Beetles are the only thing that will actually attract attention.

If you already have them in the car with you, Miatas are deceptively good.

honda's if you are looking for prostitots

theses are pretty fun famsquad

FJ if you want waifu material.

Pretty sure pickups attract homosexuals

>But really most chicks couldn't give a damn

Tell yourself that lad.

lol u think?

Nice. Looks like my FJ altho I don't have a rooftop tent. And my old lady has short dark hair, but same body type.

You need to get one so u can bang ur qt 7 feet in the air.

Current model generation or the previous one german shitbox.

I picked up chicks in a Buick Century.

Chicks dont care about your car. They care about you.

>I picked up chicks in a Buick Century.

OK but I think OP meant that they willingly get into your car.

Not at knifepoint.

Cars don't attract women. The money to buy the cars is what attracts women.

a 2015+ Challenger is a relatively affordable way of getting attention.

Yes, but it's like the child with ADHD.

>any attention is good attention
>even bad attention

No one respects you if you drive a Challenger. Even normies know it's a piece of shit, and that a Camaro/Mustang is better in every way.

Challenger really is the new Charger: The Cunt's Car of Choice

It doesn't make sense to me, but pic related. All kinds of females seem to like it. I get stares driving past the cafe, both of my grandmothers sat in it asking if I'd take them for a ride, almost all of my aunts, even some of my female cousins who don't give a single shit about cars asked to go for a ride, my mother wouldn't get out of it after sitting in it once. When my oneitis found out I have a new car she started texting me every other week to chitchat and ask to go for a ride sometime. For some reason female interest is far higher than male, I only have one friend who likes it.

Sadly, I'd rather go for lonely nightdrives instead of boasting.

>implying there aren't ten million niggers in challengers and chargers out there slaying pussy right this second

>niggers slaying nigger pussy


I wonder who could be behind this post...

Ones without you in them

Cars don't.


Your car doesn't matter.

Nigga, there was a time I would have taken you for your word, but all the smiles the girls gave me while I was riding in my friends vintage Mustang says otherwise, user.

Confirmed. Though it usually depends on whether or not the girl has daddy issues.

Bikes are a massive turn off. The furthest you can go is a Jeep but you'd better be able to put the roof back on when it gets hot. The types that don't mind aren't worth dealing with.

Mfw an Hrv will get you laid over a sedan. The threads were right. Hrv bro where are you...tell us about your wisdom. Veeky Forums is literally finished.

Weather-worn muscle with a halfway decent interior

Ones that can safely carry her to the hospital where she can squeeze out you child and ruin your life.

Joking aside. Girls dont care about cars and cars dont attract them. Its just a giant metal suit you wear. Just like a girl doesn't care about the thread stitching and pattern of a fine suit or how many excruciating hours you spend at the gym. She cares that it looks good and matches her mental image she built up through years of reality television viewing and fashion magazine ads. She knows when she sees a Chubby guy in a stained shirt and jean shorts that's not what she wants. She doesn't know why. That's just how it is. Your 3k civic is a stained pair of jean shorts. You need to try harder or just live with it.

And there are some girls who can compromise on the total package and roll with a chiseled hunk in a broke as ride for a while but again, you better get your shot together because she isn't going to tolerate that forever. She doesn't want to go to the hospital and put her kids in scrub-mobiles forever.

She doesn't know how or why but she wants better all the time. Its competition just like the yaks and the mountain lions. Survival of the fittest. You dont have to be the total package bit you sure as hell better max out something to keep her attention.

What kind of cars attract girls? Whatever cars demonstrate that you ate trying really hard to win her attention. Just like the fucking animals that dance for their female mates. Its all show.

Nicer than hers, but not excessively so.

Really really good post you just got a little loose there at the end but I do the same thing with my own subjective opinions too.

Maybe I'm the dumb one banging the girls who formed their sexual fantasies around rom-coms when the youngest, dumbest, sluttiest girl these days probably do form them around reality shows and/or e-celebrities. Jesus how horrifying.

I feel like you youngsters are mixing up filthy sluts and and regular women. sluts like what ever goes fast and looks flashy. Regular women don't give a shit. If you find a lass that likes cars she'll let you know what she likes.

Cars used to be a status item. Having a new car in the 50s, 60s, 70s and probably into the 80s meant that you had disposable income.

In 2017, any idiot can get a loan for a new car and the second hand market for cars means that you can buy luxury cars for cheap. They aren't status symbols at all.

The phone that you use is probably more indicative of your status to women now.

Anyway, attracting women with wealth is just going to mean gold diggers.

Yeah then they'd complain the whole time and want to go home because of how uncomfortable the ride is and how much rattling they can feel


Nooooo Mazda why !!!!???

This gave me crippling autism