Is anyone familiar with Baer brake systems? Are they good? Should I just save money for Brembos?

Is anyone familiar with Baer brake systems? Are they good? Should I just save money for Brembos?

im trying to nofap, but thanks for the temptation, satan


why tho


Double trips, well played Satan

Brembos are expensive for a reason. They are worth it, the best you can buy

Protip Satan, never make the picture more interesting than the post.

your choice in waifu a shit

some old boomer cunt on jewtube was going on a rant about brembos, it was fucking hilarious - literally any comment he was twisting into his rant about brembo brakes and how only kids used them.

Also the woman in the pic is Melissa Debling for you nofap astronaughts.


>thighs wider than waist

I thought this body type was only possible in anime. It doesn't look nearly as good IRL.


Are you blind user?

fapping too much can actually fuck with your hormones and the dopamine receptors in your brain.

Where are your proofs

It's a shoop tards


Waifu (male)s are truly the patrician's choice.

I was asking about proof for nofap's effectiveness you illiterate retard

I quoted everyone referring to the picture and ensuing discussion you illiterate retard.

I love how we're not talking about brake systems lol

It's hard to say "brand x is good brand y is bad" when it comes to brakes. And ezpecially brake kits.

They're probably fine though. Gotta do research

Your waifu is good but could be better

>it's a shoop tards
>all i said was her name

did i photoshop her name?

This is clearly a man