Tfw too intelligent to work on my own car

>tfw too intelligent to work on my own car

I'll repair components myself, but I will never do my own oil change again. It just isn't cost economical for all the effort you expend.

I changed my oil in 30 minutes.

>all the effort you expend.

>jack up car, throw stands under, pull drain plug and filter
>drink a beer
> replace plug and filter, lower can and fill with fresh oil.

takes about 30 minutes, faster than going to the dealer or the local shop.

i save 6$ doing it myself and more importantly, the place i get my oil change done at has a pump hose of oil and will purge my engine with an extra quart for free because they buy that shit in bulk.

>using the lowest-quality oil in your bb
for shame

some of us can't afford for other people to work on our cars. somethings are better done yourself.

>bro I'm such an adult
>I drink beer

he's an adult bc he fixes on his own shit

"too intelligent to fix things yourself"

>Not intelligent enough to own a car you enjoy working on

found the manchild with insecurities

I am scared to put my head under the car because all the jack stands you can vet here are made in China. I tried changing my own oil once and I couldn't do it because the filter was stuck on there. I wasted more money buying a whole bunch of crap like tools and a jack and I endec up just calling a mobile mechanic to come do the job when I could have paid $40 to get it done. Most people don't change their own oil because it's not worth the effort and because THEY ARE NOT MECHANICS.

>I endec up just calling a mobile mechanic to come do the job

>too intelligent to work on my own car
>too intelligent to work

Explains OP's position on life.

>tfw two dum to fix car aye see

then why act smug about your own insecurities

You want to get an oil filter off that's stuck on? Take the longest screw drive your can find and a mallet. Hammer the screw driver through one side and out the other and twist that sucker off, it's not like you're ever going to use it again.

Top mount oil filter and vacuum pump = easy oil changes.

Nigga I was a teenager when I changed my b5 audi oil and that shit took 30 minutes and saved me $50
You'd have a better argument if you just said you don't like doing it.

You mean you think you are intelligent but are in reality so dumb that you can not comprehend unscrewing a few bolts on your engine to save yourself hundreds of dollars?

Kinda the definition of an idiot there mate.
Enjoy getting fucked by jew mechanics though.

>tfw just dumb enough too work on my own car

$50 to get a full synthetic change vs $35 (I think?) in parts to do an oil change myself. I get to walk down the street for a sandwich while I wait, plus they check out the car end to end.

But I'll never pay for a brake job, especially when I can do that myself in a couple hours, and I hate them trying to force $100+ worth of air filters down my throat when I'm trying to cash out.

Get two hessian sacks, fill them up with sand, put them under your front wheels, drive up on the sand bags and wow...
Look at that...
Extremely safe and stable car stands and they cost you the price of two hessian sacks and the time it took for you to shovel some sand into them...

Being autistic and able to score high on an IQ test does not actually make you a very smart or resourceful person it seems.


>sobriety lifestyle

It's economical when you realize you aren't going to upsell yourself on shit you don't need or want. When you know that you aren't going to be cracking your airbox or putting the airfilter back wrong. When you know the cabin airfilter doesn't need changing yet and you're not going to just take it out and throw it away out of spite because you refused to pay for changing it.

They don't just change the oil. They fuck with your car.

Also they've gotten orders wrong before too. I'd ask for just a synthetic service and it would magically turn into a regular full service. I don't trust those places anymore. Maybe they're fine to take a commuter shitbox you or nobody else cares about, because your wagecuck job leaves you no time to do anything else, but if you care about what you drive at all, nobody's going to care about your car as much as you do.

Summer in full force lmao.

Lube places won't touch my car.

actually working on your own car is so low class lol if I start changing my own oil to save a few bucks then I might as well start cutting my own grass too and spend my entire weekend doing mindless manual labor work

Holy shit you're a betafag

Enjoy having you head crushed

>Having a car so heavy it could crush your head
It's like you don't even want a good hp/kg ratio.

>working on your own car is so low class

Ah, I see, you can't afford cars that you're enthusiastic about. It's okay, little Timmy, someday you might begin to understand pride in ownership, but only if you really keep at it.

c-can't afford.....I don't do my own oil changes because saving $50 isn't a consideration to me. I wipe my ass with 50 bucks, why wouldn't I bring my baby to a professional $50 is nothing

>tfw getting to the drain plug means removing a cover with 20 torx screws

That's 30 minutes already and I haven't gotten the drain plug off.

What oil drain are you guys using? Mine sucks and makes a mess because it doesn't seal right.

Go take your vagina pills pussy