I hear it being brought up a lot, but does a car's >Nurburgerking lap time

I hear it being brought up a lot, but does a car's >Nurburgerking lap time
actually mean anything?

It means the car is shit to drive on the road.

cars are one giant pissing contest, and for some reason that garbage heap of a track is the king

only if you track your car

It's a large track where a slight mistake can hurt your time.

it's a good indicator of performance for track use, but it's dependent on driver too.

Hurrdurring times are the stupidest thing.
Car won't be stock by any stretch of the imagination, and track may be cut short
>huge track
0.05% difference becomes 10s of seconds
>pro driver
Running the car to its very limits. The average owner can outpace a car with a faster "official" time if he's a better driver.
A lot of enthusiasts aren't even on the same continent as the track.

Only if you plan on taking yours to the Nurburgring.

Honestly, one lap time by one driver isn't enough to go on, I'd like to see an average lap time from at least 3 different drivers doing at least 3 passes.

>The average owner can outpace a car with a faster "official" time if he's a better driver.
You aren't a better driver.

Sorry, worded that wrong. Between two normal owners, the faster driver will win, not the faster car (within reason).

Wouldn't an ideal track not involve user error in any way? Shouldn't an AI perfectly programmed to run the course be in charge of the vehicle?

You're starting to see why even times set by the same driver are stupid.

>huur cars aren't srock and they don't run a full lap
Fuck off idiot

>ITT: Captain Slow has discovered Veeky Forums

I'm confused. He's selling his ear or some kind of fruit

It's entirely self reported. You think they aren't going to cheat? They'll cut a few hundred feet to save a few seconds, run it on race slicks, put fancy brake pads on it, strip anything they can hide to save weight, tune it for 110 octane race gas, cage it "for safety" etc.

That's a meme.
This is the right answer.
This. But fag Americans only seem to want to drag race... In which case the faster car wins, unless the driver is literally pants-on-head retarded. Also lap times have no bearing on lameshit American highway roll racing.
If I had a slip for every faggot who refused to race a pass because of the "danger" or "cops" or whatever other faggot excuse I'd need a fucking big warehouse.

You're aware that I'm American right? Also drag racing is usually bracket racing, which involves being as consistent as possible. You have one shot to do everything perfectly, not multiple laps to make up for small errors or capitalize on your opponent's errors. It's a different kind of fun.

The only time that matters when judging how fast a car is it's 0-60 and its quarter mile time.

Turning has absolutely nothing to do with determining speed.

You are straight up a dumb fuck of you think manufacturers run the track short

You ever seen a lap video? You know where the start and finish points are? Everyone does
So no manufacturer does that shit and gets away with it

Stop posting any time kid

> be american
> buy a car that's fast at Laguna Seca bit slower than the cars it normally beats if you look at ring times
> \o\ makes fun of you anyways

Chassis, suspension, and tyres determine how fast you can go while turning

Why don't we sperg out over skid pad numbers? Because they're not so frequently published? So we'll take the first available metric even if it's a shit one and only compares car:track combos and not cars directly?