Motorcycle fails & crashes

holy shit go to the 3 minute mark

These guys give bikes a bad name.

fucking brutal

The worst part about road rash like that is sleeping. This is why I will never own a street bike that isn't a dual purpose.

>that blue camry at 2:00
guaran-fucking-tee it was a woman driving

Nope actually two black guys

What does the bike have to do with it? Wear proper gear and don't ride above your limits like an idiot.

basically the same thing

wearing gear looks stupid

As stupid as a skin graft?

>it looks stupid to do something intelligent
Youre a special kind arent you ?



why would he drive into car ?

>The worst part about road rash like that is sleeping.
If you're a moron, then sleeping with such an injury is far more painful than obtaining the injury.

It needs to be wrapped in something that is smooth so that the scab can not grow into it.

If you wrap raw skin you know is going to scab in cloth overnight, then you get what you deserve. Best I can tell you is to learn from your mistakes and maybe you won't be that stupid forever.

>riding a motorcycle in a foreign shitter country with no traffic laws


>that name
>that trip
>that post
all adds up, prezo is the biggest retard on this board

I can tell you've never had road rash before.
Getting quality sleep on wounds is nearly impossible, even for a tough guy like me.
If you weren't a basement dwelling neet with no life experience you'd know this.

really ? did you give him your crown ?

>even for a tough guy like me



>prezo is embarassing and degrading himself in front of everyone again


>Literally losing control of your car at 10mph.

I was going 68mph retard
it looks slow because the camera is far back

>damage control


>prezo bullied me and i'm desperately trying to get back at him but i accidentally projected instead



lol he got triggered again,

even the dogfucker is making him his bitch

Just imagine, if you were going 15mph instead of 10 thats what your car woulve looked like

kek prez/o/ literally cannot compete

>that wheelie'ing faggot getting btfo
Muh dick

Pop a mild pain killer and off to sleep. It's not difficult.

But once again, that's assuming you aren't a moron. If you stopped pretending to be a tough guy and started pretending to be a smart guy, it wouldn't be so painful.

>quality sleep
I woke up once or twice a night for the first 3-4 nights and went right back to sleep. Good enough for me. Maybe you aren't as tough as you think.

>look how tough i am prezo!
>road rash doesn't hurt me!

Textbook lil bitch

Why the fuck can't I post a goddamn image.

There's a difference between it hurting vs making it hurt worse and then bitching about how unbearable it is. Learn to mitigate the pain.



I could find this video everywhere online. But I first saw it in this webm format and under the exact same title.
Watching it wasn't the same with the ending being the arms flailing and the title being
>crossover drivers.webm

Thanks, user. I appreciate you.