Post rust

post rust

Those old Benzes live through eternal automobile hell.

They do in Africa, yeah. Or maybe this is Michigan, I don't know...

rust eze

Third world or USA, sometimes it's hard to tell the difference.

doing a body swap on my rusty ram.




ayyyyy garland bois WE GOONLAND SENPAI

Lets fuck in the abandoned walmart yo

I am more concerned about that frame of yours

Are u that grill that gets posted here next to her rusty red ram?

frame is fine, my old taco was the one i had to fix the frame.




she looks like she appreciates a cummins 12 valve in a manual 4x4 2nd gen.

>man lips


>that plate
>mile marker

Yeah maybe if you're retarded

Yeah, she's a real teeth-scraper too but those tits on her skinny body (plus some other stuff) make up for a lot.

How much did you get this for?

she still running strong?


moar pls



runs well, drives, 4x4 works, but needs a body swap and brake lines. got it for 1000



16 year old me was a skilled auto body tech.


You need a new used truck


Here have some brand new cute redneck shit. See her in action.

Cool Florida I take it?

Also that's edible right?

you can eat about anything if you cook it right

Just finished patching this week





Shut up bitch. Post up. Pussy ass nigga. Get spurred for that fag talk. Come thru hoe. Lets box today, go to the mall

poolboy truck?

>Bedliners are a waste of mon-

>Scotty Kilmer not using jackstands


>shitbox rustbucked
>wheels that probably cost more than the car

Why tho?

rat style was a mistake.


How was this done? Just got an 85 Corolla with a bunch of marks like this, want to get them out, but don't want to shell out for a full repaint when I'm done.

More? Will trade rust for gf

She just a friend but sure

does she know you post her

Yeah, she likes to do shit that may come back on her someday just to keep life interesting.

Rust is all around me


i can only imagine how intelligent you texans are

This is how young southern men talk now unfortunately. They sound like retarded niggers.

im from memphis.

we do not speak like shadow figures

that gaping door wound is concerning, get that shit welded up

and put a coat on, there's leaves all over the ground, you must be really cold

p.s. i like the little headlight cover things to match the one on the hood

Here are the prices when I bought the car vs. the wheels
Car $700 (100% stock)
Brand new wheels and tires $500

every day those holes in the floor get bigger.

I fell like if i went within 10 feet of that i would somehow rip up my leg and instantly get tetnis.

Tips on getting white trash girlfriend? Already have my house paid off, next step in life is to find a chick that likes panterra to lay my eggs in.

First step. Know who and what you are. You have seed, not eggs.

Third Gen F body with T-tops, late second gen works too, alternatively a fox body, or a pick up, whores love pick ups that scrap the sky in rural america, and it might be an even better bet in some areas than the F body.

Plus if it's nice, you can get a QT proper farm girl not just trailer trash.

On the not Veeky Forums related front, drink cheap beer, like going into the woods and having bonfires, (or at least be willing too) chew if you want maxium white trash.

>t. lived in rural areas my entire life

She definitely likes the truck better than the fox body.

It's basically about meeting as many girls as possible and reading the signals when they're interested in you then giving them attention without turning them off until they fuck you.

Cars can definitely get you attention and send attractive messages about you, that you're fun and/or handy, passionate, skilled, wealthy etc etc but you have to also project that. Fill in the gaps with mystery it's like fucking catnip. Accelerate the whole process with drugs. Trashy girls love to get wasted and fuck, it makes them feel like they're worth something. That's a first date and with trashy girls not moving fast enough can turn them off. If you have no idea how to talk to trashy girls, watch some amateur or "casting" style porn. You don't want a trashy girlfriend though.

All talk no walk, niggas. Ill smoke both yall anyway.

I know you, yeah you are that dude

Fucking tanks they are


Rust bump or "rump"

Tfw my local bank always has a rusted, mismatched paint, neglected NA that gives me bad feels

>says she's just a friend

Come on, I'm not even goin' for it

This is what I'm goin' sing

>You, you got what I need but you say she's just a friend
>And you say she's just a friend, oh baby
>You, you got what I need but you say she's just a friend
>But you say she's just a friend, oh baby
>You, you got what I need but you say she's just a friend
>But you say she's just a friend

Boss talk niggas.
Bumpin boss hogg, swangin thru the lanes
Gettin bopped by some ho
Texas weoutchea
White bois step aside, real niggas comin thru
Get your shit pushed in pussibois
Dont want nun
You bois stay smokin reggie, corn and dro

Yeah, it's like that.

>tfw In AZ you get no rust

It just kills your paint and everything made of plastic or rubber instead. Doesn't sound so bad until you think about all the insulation on all the wiring...

who are these girls

Left is gf, right is girl from the pics of my truck

just bought a 03 sequoia from ohio, this is before I educated myself on toyotas frame rust problem. owner took real good care of it- looks very clean. There was a patch done on the frame on the rail just behind passenger door.

How fucked is this car? How many ohio winters does it have left? It's only got 135k on the dash...

That's just painted to look rusty.


The plastic is, the steel has been stripped and sprayed/wiped with an oxidizer, usually hydrogen peroxide

one more pic of my crusty cummins. got the interior stripped out. getting close to lifting the cab off.

Why? Your cab doesn't even seem that rusty. Can I have your fenders?

cab mounts are fucked, and floor is rotten on drivers side. fenders are shit but if you want them they will be in my scrap pile.

his slaves

My old Miata was rusty

>crusty cummies


