Why do people on Veeky Forums dislike automatics?
Why do people on Veeky Forums dislike automatics?
they are boring
Personally, I have more control with a manual. I can go much faster than I could with an automatic variant of my car. Other than that, it is pretty much just for fun.
Why aren't you rangebanned you fat underaged spic?
He's australian, you newfag
Because they are insecure.
Rangeban cocks
because they are poorfags who cant afford them mostly, automatic is a premium add on
manual cucks have been brain washed by the jews on Veeky Forums to literally believe that pressing an extra pedal is akin to truly experiencing a car
two pedals just isnt enough, has to be 3 to actually drive a car
pic related is the average manual kid
>the country you live in determines your race
I think you should leave retard
>arguing semantics because you can't lurk more
Look at the newfag having a meltdown
Automatic is fucking boring.
>Thinking i'm the other guy
Lmao you really are retarded hurr durr i been here longer than you like it's so special and matters
You sound angry
Fuck off lardass spammer
why do people on /pol/ dislike fat mexicans?
>Automatic is a premium add on
This guy is still in the 70s
On some cars it makes sense, on others they are autotragic
autos are always more expensive to maintain and get lower mpg.
If you learn how to drive manual, you wont need to damage control that hard, and you can acknowledge all the good and bad points of each.
So seriously
You have no shame?
Auto hate is a holdover from like 40s when autos were first made and manuals actually were still better. Grandpa never grew up and now there are "enthusiasts" who actually think a 5 or 6 speed manual is better than an 8-10 speed auto with paddles that is faster. But sure, it's "boring". Ferrari, Lambo, Lexus, Jaguar, Tesla, Mclaren and many more are now all auto only because nobody cares about that dinosaur tech anymore.
It's also non-Americans who are always having to justify their inferior options
Because Veeky Forums is an auto enthusiast board, and most auto enthusiasts prefer manuals not because they are faster, but because they make driving spiritedly more fun since they make you feel more connected to the vehicle
Auto is literally only good in stop and go traffic. I've only ever felt like the engine is properly connected to the road in a manual.
Obvious bait. But do you really thing that a ten speed auto will go the same number of miles before a rebuild than a six speed manual?
Yes. Manuals are no more reliable than autos anymore, this isn't the 70s
Who puts a filthy fucking bird in their car, seriously.
take that back, chickens are really cute
It doesn't matter in a car there all heavy as shit anyway. The only clutches should be operated by hand.
You must have nice roads.
Stop and go traffic IS everything on this shithole.
Because they're more confusing, less fun and give you much less control over what your car is doing.
Actually, they're fucked in WI. But more open streches if you don't mind it eating your struts.
>put stick into D (for dick i assume since autos are gay)
>go pedal and dont go pedal
>conglaturations ur drive a car