Does a Mustang make sense for a first time buyer? I have been indecisive about purchasing one since it will be my first car that I purchase. I feel that I am not worthy, that I should just stick to iceboxes and such. Push me off the ledge Veeky Forums. Tell me it's gonna be ok.
Does a Mustang make sense for a first time buyer...
If your poorfag then no.
Why wouldn't it be? A cheap V8 Stang would be better than a Civic. At least you'll have fun and actually have power should you need it
If you have money to spare then yea, they're more fun than a civic but I had one and it was less reliable. I bought my 02 mustang back in 2011 as my first car, it had 40k miles on it and was owned by friend's grandma. I've pumped like 12 grand into it in the years I've had it.
Enjoy getting raped at the pumps. Remember, v8 needs premium gas
I would go new
going with ecoboost
His post implied it would be a new Mustang, not a used purchase.
The cheapest new V8 Mustang is not a cheap car.
The Ecoboost needs premium too unless you want less horsepower.
>going with ecoboost
Should've known you were a fucking faggot.
Fuck off loser.
>Buying a used Mustang as a first car
Sure. I did. Just don't be stupid with it and avoid crowds.
>Buying a brand new Mustang as a first car
Not recommended but it's your life and your finances, OP.
hello summerfag
>with it and avoid crowds.
What the fuck does this even mean? Like anyone gives a shit about a Mustang.
I knew you were a faggot. I bet you suck cum out of used condoms at the local fag bar
Okay that's a whole different question. I thought you meant a shitbox mustang as a first car. Personally I don't recommend anything over 4k as a beginner car. And I especially don't recommend any first year model as a first car. Any issues or accidents you get into are going to be expensive as fuck. Unless your parents are squaring the bill in which case go crazy
I am not fortunate to have my folks pay for it. I am just nervous about getting nice things I guess. Small details are driving me crazy. In the words of Hank Hill, " What if it is too much vehicle for me?" What if I bite more than I can chew? I have always owned used map cars and I like them for what they are. I test drove a Mustang and I just fell for the power.
just get a 3k civic and add some tasteful mods
If you can afford a new one, buy an older one and drive it like you hate it with no regrets. Shift like the box owes you money, drift like tires are free.
You'll enjoy it a whole lot more than babying a new one.
V8 can use regular and premium gas user
Fuckin #YOLO dude. Do it and don't look back.
It's a car. Calm down
Regular gas takes away HP
The power you get on regular is more than adequate.
Why do I get the feeling you have a v8 but put regular gas in it and are trying to justify it to yourself. If a v8 stang with regular gas raced one with premium. Premium will win
>Ford has had to add a driving aid to all mustangs because burgers can't do a burn out without losing cuntrol and crashing into bystanders
can't make this shit up
He means don't run them over
>A cheap V8 Stang would be better than a Civic
you will only ever have one first car, op
i still have mine, and i love it
but buying new is stupid
and mustang is shit
at least get a manual
Yolo dude xDDD
You only hav 1 lyfe, carpe diem bro
Get premium gas when you are at the track or intend racing other people.
>hur dur I need to keep premium in my car at all times incase I go to the track
That's why they have pumps at the track retard, and get fucking racing fuel faggot.
>post picture of 5.0
>I'm going ecoboost
kys literally and immediately
Dont be a crowd pleaser
that is the most 15 year old thing ive read in years
its good to have a shit car like a mustang for your first car because it makes you appreciate every car you drive afterwards
Please just get the v8. Dont let (((them))) tell you to settle for a small engine with a whiny little over stressed turbo. Be a man and get a big engine that doesn't have to work so hard every stop light just to do the same work. You deserve a V8. Your ancestors died so you can have a the largest engine available. The lords and kings killed them and told them they could only have one horse and no sword. What did we do? We said fuck you and killed those cunts. Now they are back to tell you that you can only have 4 cylinders. Dont let them turbo-cuck you. Remember your ancestors and please please please don't buy a small European style spastic turbo engine on the 4th of the fucking July weekend. Buy the v8. Be a man. Your ancestors are watching.
This is the most cancerous thing I've read all week.
Good goy. Dont let anyone ever convince you that you can have as many cylinders as you want. Be happy with your castrated engine choices. Too much fun and freedom is bad for you. We need to save extra engine displacement for the rich people and to send to Israel. Peasants dont need anything but 4 . Know your place.
You say that with unironic frogposting on the front page.
You'll get brutally assraped over the insurance for it, unless you're over 25. Even then, they'll still be fucking you but it'll come with a date and some lube. Get something used and econoboxy that'll last you til then, save your money and then spring for the GT.
All that rage you must feel when your tiny weezy little four cylinder sputters and strains to pull your little shit box over a medium sized speed bumb in your tiny little over crowded country that doesn't let you drive more than 5 kph anywhere and taxes you like a venetian merchant just to have the privilege.
please do not respond to my posts
OBuy the v8 engine OP. Do t let these cucks tell you you can't. They have been feminized. You dont have to be. Remember Hitler wanted everyone to have VW Beatles and he drove around in an eight cylinder Mercedes. Dont let the fascism of small engines for the masses win. Tell the Hitler's in this thread No! Pic related, its Hitler laughing at the dumb people who will buy small engines.
Asking "please" and thinking your passive aggressive bullshit like denying (you)s means anything. Your ancestors are cursing you user. They curse you for your indolence.
please someone tell this sperg to get away from me
>going with ecoboost
Hello summer!
Get the V8 or git out
You can't even get yourself away from something you dont like? You need nanny to come in and rescue you from opinions you don't like. Very sad.
lmao look at this loser having a meltdown
>Tfw paid $22k for a V6
>see V8 on Craigslist for 16.5k with 50k miles
Fuuuuck. Coming close to buyin that and selling mine, real stupid but dat V8. My car only has 15k miles though..
Being this new