What's the worst car accident that you have had?

What's the worst car accident that you have had?

for me when I first got my license I went into park next to a shopping cart bay. I pulled in but my rear passenger door scrapped into the cart bay. just by the rear wheel.

felt bad man. and because of that experience I have never parked forwards in the 10 years I have been driving. it PTSD'd me

I will always back into a spot

Was driving down a narrow country road and met a Mondeo whose trailer unhitched and crossed to my side of the road totalled the front of my car.

Trailer had a smallish woodstove in it, strapped thankfully.

98 Nissan almera had finished the repayments like a month before this

Rear ended by a girl who was texting on her phone and didn't see that the light was red. Was a hard hit but didn't damage the frame, bumper and exhaust were fucked though.

Thankfully that's the worst accident I've been in and I hope I never have to experience anything worse every single time I get into my car to drive

Hit the ditch at 50 in my old Saturn wagon. Black ice on a curve. I managed to keep it on 4 wheels, but I took out a barb wire fence. Scratched the hell out of the car, but was otherwise driveable after.
Lucked out.

wtf. is going on in that video. why do they keep trying to show off after seeing the other guys fail miserably

>mustang is popular car
>normies buy them for image
>normies cannot into car control
>webm related
I don't get how they fuck it up, Mustangs are super nice cars to slide.

I somehow rolled a z32 after some roastie sideswiped/pit me in her 320i

I bumped a gtr with my subaru impreza wrx type r.The spolier got ruined and the exhaust fell off.I owed a shit ton of money

i scratched my wheel on a curb in front of my house. ruined a 13 year clean record.

Got t-boned by some fucking idiot who pressed on the throttle instead of the brakes at a red light and who was hidden behind two lanes of stopped cars in perpendicular. I had to go to the hospital on a stretcher and everything.

Wouldn't recommend.


green text the story

My front end of my 2004 stratus got ripped apart by this boomer late for work who blew through a stop sign
What pissed me off the most though is that he blamed it on me because I was 16 at the time and no one else was there to testify it was him so the cops believed him and my insurance fucked me in rates for 3 years

>icy road
>too fast
>start sliding to the right
>won't stop sliding
And that's how I ended up sideways in a ditch. Car was still driveable after it was pulled out though. The worst one was happened at less than 15mph.

>no sleep the night before
>rush hour traffic on highway
>oh shit brakes
>smashed front end under car in front of me
>his rear bumper just gets a scratch
>my front end got its shit pushed in

Took a 9p degree left hander going 90 on a country road in my Miata, fishtailed and took out 300 feet of cattle fence.


why can't black people ever shut their goddamn mouths?

>come up on shitload of traffic on highway
>come to a complete stop in right lane
>guy behind me gets rear ended so hard that his car gets pushed into mine and i get pushed into the guy in front of me

I was actually very surprised but how little damage there was to my car considering how hard i got hit. The car behind me was absolutely fucked. Pic related, dude was a fat 40 something neckbeard with a mlp shirt on. It was some spanish dude in a 3 series bmw that caused the crash. He was knocked unconscious and was out for a good ten minutes until the ambulance arrived.

85 year old lady blew a red and t boned me at about 45. Thank you 97 LeSabre for sacrificing yourself to save me.

Got my license a few weeks ago. Haven't crashed yet, but have come close quite a bit. Don't know if I'm made out to be a driver.

parking backwards into the garage, i wasnt looking at the passenger side mirror and clipped it against the wall. stupid mistake for sure

>4 year old me, riding with dad in a 92 geo tracker
>mid-day on a busy street in the city
>inbetween two big rigs
>another one pulls up to the next lane and can't turn
>the one in front of us backs up to let him in
>this tiny ass Tracker we're in gets sandwiched between two 18 wheelers

I just started driving 5 years ago. Thank God I haven't been in an accident.
The scariest thing that has happened to me was changing from 2nd, at about 4000 RPM, into first instead of third. RPMs skyrocketed to about 6500, the tires started squealing, I lost control of the car for a second there and ended up in a different lane going against traffic.
Luckily, it was 3 AM and there was nobody else on the highway; otherwise I would be dead.
And that's how 16 year-old me stopped being a faggot and never stole my dad's SpaceFox again.

>mustang owners

Jesus, you could have been crumpled like a tin can.

One time i was following a semi truck up this shitty hill with traffic lights spaced like 100 ft apart. He ended up having to stop short at one of the lights and so i was stuck right behind him in the middle of an intersection. Then the geriatric behind me in some k platform shitbox pulled up right to my bumper.
The truck started rolling backwards and i couldnt go anywhere. Luckily my car was low enough that it went under the trailers metal bumper bar, otherwise i would have been crunched.

> Be Canadafag
> Work at dealership, detailer/runaround guy
> -25 Celcius shitty day
> Bringing traded in Chrysler Sebring to transmission shop for diagnosis
> Turn left onto 4 lane highway, with middle lane for turning (5 lane?)
> Start accelerating, icy as fuck, going nowhere
> Oncoming semi truck pulling fuel trailer, about to turn left
> Across 2 lanes, no turning, shitty summer tires
> Full brake
> Fuel truck has full brake
> Black ice everywhere
> Truck turns to avoid me, but fuel trailer runs over hood of shitty trade-in.
> Pushes me on to center median
> Cannot believe trailer didn't roll
> Big-badda-boom avoided
> Code-Brown.exe

>busy intersection
>i'm turning right
>there is a lane mergin from the left into the street i'm going in
>I'm in just cruising, the ar that just merged is slightly behind me, he floors it and tries to merge infront of me
>by the time I realise he is already trying to squeeze inbetween the car infront of me and me
>His rear hits the side of my car
>I tried to dodge it but as I was doing it a car passed me on the right, thanks god I didn't go into the lane dodging the idiot

>left ligh fucked, body fucked even the hood, to make it worse it was a godd damn faggot in a subaru lancer with the ricer spoiler and everything

>12 yr. old me on a road trip with dad
>Old E32 V12 7-series
>Spot a wild cop atop overpass radar gunning
>Start moving over into the right lane, definitely speeding
>Hillbilly in a green Chevy C-10 speeds up and blocks the lane
>"Ur not gettin in'tuh mah lane with ur damn furrign cur"
>Accelerate and start to move over again
>Hillbilly stomps on it and swerves into our right rear, fucking pit maneuvers us
>We spin, sliding over onto the shoulder and stopping facing forward
>The car is fine, everything seems to be normal, start pulling back out onto the highway
>Cop goes screaming past with sirens and lights
>We pull over behind cop and hillbilly to explain what happened
>No need, cop is already dragging Billy Bob out of the driver's seat and cuffs him, he had seen the whole thing
>After forcing him into the back of the cruiser, officer friendly asks if we can still drive
>Right rear is a little bashed in, but otherwise fine
>The cop gives us the guy's information and we go on our merry way

What exactly is a Subaru Lancer l

I had a very similar experience when i was 18. 50 something woman in a red accord ran a stop sign and hit the side of my car, then she lost control and accelerated through two fences. My car made it because she was turning rather than going straight. The worst part was that she had who must have been a friend following her in another car, because they both told the officer the same thing, which was a lie. Never fucking driving a vehicle without a dashcam ever again.

I had a '97 Accord with 168k miles, and I hit black ice and slid right into the curb at about 15mph with the front wheels parallel to it. It fucked up the alignment and broke something and I didn't have money to fix it. It was the worst because that's the nicest car I've had, and the only one I had anything to do with.

Now my '05 Elantra has been backed into three fucking times and twice I wasn't even in the car. I was just about to sell it and this dude backed his Civic project into the tail light and fucked it up pretty bad.

the one thing Burgermobiles are meant to be good at and they still have trouble....

I got sued when a woman ran a stop sign and hit me.

>wife and I driving in rain
>Notice work crew trucks
>Light ahead is out
>Wife says half jokingly "don't stop, just go through"
>"No, you're meant to treat it like a stop sign" plus there were other cars
>Stop, car from left turning super slow
>Just as I'm like "fucking go already"
>now we're in a big explorer, and man we got pushed hard
>Felt the back lift up and was pushed forward
>Fucking old lady in an old Accord didn't see all the stopped cars
And then I had the fun of dealing with an insurance company. Apparently her 98 Accord only had 2500 worth of damage, despite having the entire front end ripped off, and she had no medical bills, despite me watching her get taken away in an ambulance, so why do me and my wife need medical treatment? Apparently my wife's previous car accidents have no impact on this one, and oh yeah, the lady that hit us disputes my, and the police reports version of events. One of the guys from triple AAA was literally a 1/4 inch from flat out accusing me of going out and trying to get hit by old ladies.

I got an attorney, and 18 months later they're still arguing about it

That's it. That's the lesson here. Insurance companies suck, get a lawyer.

I had a lady rear end me once at a red light with nobody else around, she tried to argue that I reversed into her.
Thank fuck for laywers- he found a grainy CCTV video from a gas station across the street that showed her hitting me.