>this asshole overtakes you and brake checks you
what do you do?
>this asshole overtakes you and brake checks you
what do you do?
What did that poor m3 do to deserve such abuse?
Outbrake him with ease and report him to the police.
>Trying to brakecheck someone with 4 tiny little contact patches.
Lol fucking stancefaggots are the funniest.
Gonna be hard to overtake me when he rips his oil pan up with a reflector off the road.
Stance fags really are mentally retarded buying a performance car and then fuck it up now it won't handle and perform as well just because they think it looks cool but in reality it doesn't
That's a cool thing to do though.
People who don't damage their cars are like boomers who keep their cars in prestige condition.
maybe if i was doing half the speed limit, i cant see that piece of trash going very fast without breaking something
He's perfectly right though, that's the point of any non-econobox. It's a mating display showing you're resourceful enough to withstand financial setback, and still thrive in spite of it.
>Clipping my bae onto the bus
If it makes you guys feel any better owner of car in OPs pic doesn't have that car anymore
Stance is fun tho y'all maf
>Get passed by stancefag
>Switch lanes
>Start overtake
>Gradually move closer to his lane
>Wait until he looks at his phone
>Honk and swerve out of the way
>Watch him attempt evasive menuevers
>Stancelet tire patch is no match
>Watch how bimmer and barricades meet
Wait for him to bottom out on our famously shitty roads
Laugh at him afterwards
Whoa man, what a non-conformist.
Its probably a 325i
You probably cant tell a 325i from an M3
f*ck yea dude, what your favorite vape flavor
yo that car is dapper af senpai how many horses?
Why do people think people who drive stanced cars are overly bothered by this?
If they were pussies about it they wouldn't slam their cars.
It's like laughing at someone with a lowrider for breaking his ball joints after hoping in the air or laughing at a drifter for running his bumpers when hitting a wall.
They know about the risks and problems but do it anyway...
When I said famously shitty roads I wasn't joking.
Normal cars already have issues with them
>implying that they're not just ignorant, but are actively choosing to be so
What do you mean?
Do you think when someone crashes their drift car they think "Oh shit I never expected the car to be in an accident"
Do you think when a lowrider breaks ball joints from the front end hitting the ground that the owner didn't know the risks of hopping the car 6ft in the air?
It's the same with stanced cars... The owners don't care much if the car scrapes or destroys and oil pan.
i think what hes saying is that stancers are so stupid they dont understand the risks of losing a sump at 100kmh
give him a slight tap and watch him spin uncontrollably because of too much camber.
Use my dash cam footage to sue him.
So basically stancefags know they're destroying their cars when they stance them, but do it anyway, paying thousands of dollars on top of the (soon to be ruined) car's cost, for absolutely no reason other than a shitty, unpopular aesthetic?
But no, you're right, there's definitely nothing to laugh at there.
Be amazed, and question how that cambered out shit boat passed me
ram him and push his shitbox into a ditch
Laugh as he locks up his wheels trying to brake check me and ends up skidding off into a ditch.
Here's your (You), OP.
open a window, throw out a handful of coins up front, watch him losing his front bumper
although, as every proper eastern european, i own a dash cam. i'd just ram his stupid ass and call the police.
Get out of my car, go over to his, push down on his trunk, wheels fling up and pop off.
This. I'm almost positive stancefags do not brake check or even aggressively overtake anything other than their camera car.
Get my cock out and stroke it softly while checking him and winking.
Being owned by a white child of a single mother
>mildly lowered e36 with flush fitment
>stance is fun you
fuck off poseur
>brace for impact
>watch his trunk get smashed
>get off the bus
>walk behind him
Heh, nothin' personnel kid *tips bus pass*
>Crash with him
>Sue him because I have a dash cam
>Make him sell the car to cover my phsycal and mental damage caused by the incident.
this, stance mrs reporting in.
(You) can have non-pristine cars without going full retard, you know.
>driving back to Wisconsin for the weekend
>going 75 in center lane, almost home
>IL plates coming up going 90+ in right lane
>speed up, make him get stuck behind flatbed
>has to wait for me to get past old guy in left lane before IL fag can get around us
I intentionally fuck with Illinois drivers because they're all shit, never use their turn signals, speed, and are black 9 times out of 10
>how to make a mr-s somehow look worse
Stock suspension, wheel offset is way out and huge sidewall tires. What are those like 225/55/16s or some shit?
Do you know what stance means?
I want to punch you
Massachusetts? RIP wheelbearings, control arm bushings, shocks, etc. also alignments every 5 minutes.
Quebec lel
Famously shitty drivers to go along with the roads
depreciated to the point that fuccbois can afford it
>Pull up alongside him
>Flip him off
>Let off accelerator so he's 3/4 of the way past me
>Slam into rear quarter panel
>E46 spins, flips and explodes
>"That's what happens when you ruin a good car faggot"
>Justice has been done
>Continue with Eurobeat drifting
summer has started the post
>literally 0 things correct
Follow him home.
Execute his only son
How can you say that offset isn't shit, the tires aren't big and the car sits way too high to be called stanced.
Your shit looks terrible.
Slam right into him as my dash cam records it all. Then get a nice jew lawyer to fuck him over :)
Let my front bumper eat his rear windshield and keep on accelerating.
you dont brake check a truck where the bumper has more metal than your car.
>trying way too hard
It could have been saved..
Depends on if I have more or less to lose than him...
>Implying I haven't been lurking here since 2014
Who would buy a stanced wrecked pile of shit tho, besides other stance fags?
>make him sell car to pay for damages
>laugh at the thought that some other stance fag is enjoying his car while hes still paying for random medical issues that appeared when you got hit
How do I win a stance competition?