What would your car be like if it turned into a human overnight?

What would your car be like if it turned into a human overnight?

pic unrelated

Like this.

>I James Bond Big Mac your sister

It would be shit because then I wouldn't have a car

it's bond burger you idiote

That looks absolutely nothing like a big mac.

In what world does that look anything like a big mac? Maybe it's Five Guys

probably something like this

pierced the buns you dinkus

>nobody ITT knows what a Brosnan Whopper is


trap frosty so i can fuck her

>that boob to arm ratio
was frost always a girl?


Seek mental help.

srry I don't have burgers for breakfast like you Americans

Because you cannot afford meat?

I own an e92 bimmer so probably Elliot

lmao that dude just got dicked on

My negro

A pain in the arse. I wont even be able to bus since the little cash i do keep is kept in said car.

Hitler Youth

Its clearly last night i pierced (brosnan) your sisters steamed hams


Secretly pounded.

A Frat Bro

Thanks senpai, this had been driving me nuts all day

FWD torque steering Honda.

Except she would have severe skin problems that would require grafts.

probably a PoC according to Veeky Forums



>plz add fiesta st badges

i fucking hate this picture because I don't get it and nobody will explan it to me and google won't yield and results.

>last night I james bond hamburger your sister

What the fuck does this mean?

thats the meme you autist

Need to post more of these. If I remember correctly the 240sx girl has dat ass. (the japanese equivalent is a 180 or 200 or some shit)