is frosty free yet?
when will he start shitposting again?
is frosty free yet?
when will he start shitposting again?
things have changed
just leave her alone
Um...did you just assume xis gender, you shitlord
did prison make him want dick or something
They gave him the old Chelsea Manning treatment
(s)he isnt an //extremely// unattractive woman
lol Frosty
Still makes me laugh seeing his mugshot. He looks the stereotype Veeky Forums user basement dweller type person.
The posterboy of Veeky Forums
Supposedly he "always knew" he wanted to be a tranny, but """""""coincidentally""""""" he didn't start transitioning until after his time in prison
not qt gril
Apparently he was only acting male for street cred which is so important in the shatter game
give me a quick rundown on Frosty.
its that dude with blue corvette?
Free from the closet apparently
Correct. He'll tell you it did 0-60 in 2.7 according to some gizmo he had plugged in to his obd2. I'm pretty sure it's been sold off my the state though.
>Free from the closet apparently
Supposedly it ("""he"""/"""she""") still has it
>my progressive snapshot also gave me 300 more hp
shitposted on Veeky Forums with terrible quality photos of his corvette that had a totally """""custom""""" wing from a pontiac stuck on the back
got popped in a school parking lot doing burnouts with a few pounds of weed in the trunk several years back and is now used by newfaggots to lie about not being newfaggots.
Frosty is a compulsive liar though and we definitely saw it posted on a .gov site to be sold. It's possible he had someone buy it back for him but I'm thinking not. He was posting some pics of a sand rail project in the /pol/ thread where he came out and as cool as sand rails are I would have expected to see the c6 if he still had it
>tfw somebody is driving that thing around with the TA wing not knowing its rich history
Forgot all about Frosty. Are you guys joking about the tranny thing?
>he "always knew"
They all say that. That's why it's called getting "turned-out" by the prison community.
>Are you guys joking about the tranny thing?
No, fortunately. See: That's a pic """""she""""" posted in a tranny thread on /pol/ a week or so ago
Would you fuck Frostina?
You tell me
should've been Frostxee
>pic on the wall from before he started titty skittles
Yep its him
she needs to learn her angles jesus h christ
>Not "Frosti" with a heart dot on the i
No wonder it like going to jail so much.
Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if this is some elaborate ruse that he's pulling, if you look at the picture in the background, he still has his signature round glasses and beard
Just a speculation though. I think it's also worth noting that in the pictures he's posted of himself dressing as a '''girl''' it doesn't look like he's taking it incredibly seriously since he's just shaved, and has his hair straightened. The glasses could very well be his significant other's or store bought pharmacy reading glasses. The thing that sticks out to me the most is that he hasn't tweezed his eyebrows, which most trannies do
I'm probably over analyzing all of this
he's about to start HRT
just look at the /pol/ thread
he's mentally ill
You are. He's taking pictures of himself as a girl. That alone is enough that Veeky Forums should ridicule him endlessly. Like, imagine him going into a tech school's auto shop looking like that. Would they give a fuck if he was just pretending to be retarded?
I've read though the thread. He never stated explicitly he was going to start hormones, just vaguely avoided the topic
I'm still convinced it's an elaborate ruse
Well these pics came from /pol/ where it was defending lgbtqzxys.
We need to buy it some sunday dress. Flowery ones.
Not that pic. I just like the Jeebus/Cleetus pic.
>That alone is enough that Veeky Forums should ridicule him endlessly.
Yes and that's why he's doing it, for the attention since he was a relatively notorious troll
>Like, imagine him going into a tech school's auto shop looking like that. Would they give a fuck if he was just pretending to be retarded?
I'm not sure I follow what you mean here. If he did this in the real world he would probably be taken seriously but no one would say anything and likely ignore it/avoid confrontation. Him doing it on an anonymous image-board opens up the possibility of getting responses that aren't censored, and people on here are extremely prone to giving those types of responses. It would make sense that he's doing it just for attention and as a ruse
>If he did this in the real world he would probably be taken seriously but no one would say anything and likely ignore it/avoid confrontation
Guess how I know you're a coastie or in a major metro area
I approve of this plot twist. I'll allow it frosty.
I'm not defending trannies or gays or whatever ''they'' want to be called. I think they're degenerates and truly the dregs of society but in most places you can't point that out in public due to the backlash you'd get. (unless you live in some midwest town with less than 500 people) most people are probably thinking it, and its unfortunate that people have to censor themselves
>a ruse
>I'm just pretending I'm gay!
Seems stupid.
>that thread
I feel like Frosty has some kind of personality disorder, and it appears to have worsened after his incarceration
I'd agree if this wasn't Veeky Forums. But people go to extreme lengths for attention on the internet and to get others riled up, especially on this site
nah, Frosty is like a new CWC
I bet we can meme this into existence
Raped in jail confirmed. Instead of going man I wish I didn't get raped he is going of course I got raped I'm a girl stuck in here with all these guys they couldn't resist.
Better cut my dick off now.
>meme this into existence
we already did, look at him
Corvette driver coming through.
you mean coming out?
Fuck off red neck.
who cares?
hopefully never
all the free dick it could ever ask for, all day every day
only thing that should hit that is a tire iron
You're a shitty person.
>enabling mentally ill people instead of trying to cure them
No, you're the shitty person.
Not this homo but recently moved to the west coast.
I'm astounded by the amount of fag enablers and people getting upset at me for making fun of trannies/fags.
Everyone I've met here is accepting of this shit and seem to have multiple tranny friends.
Was just shown a picture of one by a co-worker and they couldn't comprehend why I was so disgusted.
It's truly one of the worst degeneracies of our time
>mfw they actually worked their way into being able to legally peddle their degeneracy to children
>drag queen story hour
>for children
>drag queen
>story hour
Am confused. Do you hate all gays or just the trannies?
I don't hate fags, I hate faggotry and the enabling of it
Imagine being a mentally ill felon
You can't get raped if you consent to it
Can't get turned out if you are already gay.
Alphonse is a bisexual from the las vegas area.
Maybe he'd get along with Frostina.
Why would a MTF tranny want a gay male?
retard alert lol
>it wasn't bullshit
Becoming a tranny really is the final step for people who've lost total control of their life, isn't it?
But did you see the YT video too, gay enabler?
Sure, look at Chris Chan
MTFs really go after gay men? Seems difficult and stupid. Why would a gay man want a MTF?
he's just melting down because the bus is late again
Once you go black..
>haven't been on Veeky Forums in over a year
>see this thread
This thread is the best.
I don't lile dicks though, sorry sweethearts.
nice projection.
Oh no user its all true. Give me a year and I'll be Claire, frosty ded.
how the fuck do girls take pictures of their own butts?
They use mirrors and/or selfie sticks - not even joking.
>how the fuck do girls take pictures of their own butts?
Their asses fit in the camera's range.
was literally about to post this
answer, they get another girl to take it.
still prehrt, need to lose some fat and lots of muscle especially those boxer triceps and delts, but minus the love handles ruining the top lines my butt is good
>even admits to having firearms as a felon
>but your honor she said so on Veeky Forums
get it right bus rider
Am I free yet?
>bus rider
uh oh he's starting to melt down
>btfos cuckphonse, mrcucky, and trannies
You are my new favorite Veeky Forums memester.
This is Veeky Forums, why aren't you posting a car?
I try my best
I think he said the wing was from his old car (this)
Cars don't troll Veeky Forums anymore.
I posted my m5 last month and no one gave a fuck.
because that is a shitty pic
See? Dead remembers. Hey hun hows the fight with cancer?
Well what do you expect from me user?
haven't fought it since august 2011
>R A R E D R A K E