It's a cyka blyat episode

>it's a cyka blyat episode

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*blocks your path*


omg this is too good
just kill me already

>katyusha starts playing

What did they mean by this?


>When you want a 6 wheeled G wagon
>But you're not a Saudi oil barron, and your name is Vadim and your Adidas is even offbrand

wow that's actually pretty rad
I wonder what's the name of the Stratos Zero/Carabo knockoff

I'd probably enjoy driving that more than a G63 6x6 tbqh, but I have a silly obsession with Nivas

No idea, allot of the sports cars over there in the time frame were one offs made by bored Engineers out of whatever they had laying around.

Wew lads, I thought it was modified from a regular Niva but it turns out a Niva pickup exists. Now I need one, kek.
That's fuckng nice

Allot of them are still shown in museums and such still, and a good few are still owned by their original creators.

The creator still owns this one and still updates it latest thing I could find on it says it has a BMW engine out of a 525i in it.


Actually looking at this and seeing those center lights, that blue car might just be the Pangolia with a new coat of paint later down the line. Didn't realize it was the same car until now kek.

Now that is sexy

I looked it up and it's the "Pangolina". And yes it's the same car.

They were apparently made for the KGB.


>video literally says cyka blyat

Nice, thanks for the link, it's cool as hell.

>Group B

One of my favorite things of all time to be honest.




Would have a hard time driving an offroader that is shocked about every obstacle.


explain this shit


ayyy nice
10/10 would drive
>those shopped guns

>90's electronic music
>rolling over a guy in the snow




Just need to swap the windscreen wipers around.

Fuel inside froze.

>how to fuel a ghost car


Fuck yes.

A dorito VAZ would be the sickest shit to drive ever. Holy fucking shit.



The sign on the windshield says "The car isn't abandoned"


Golf 3 shitbox reporting in

Intense eastern europe lifestyle

Tfw no lada in the US.

It really is a shame, I'd love a sub 10k offroad capable minimalist shitbox.

Or a literally $100 drift missile base.

no, rubber became hard from cold

Is this the new carmaggedon coming out?


For some reason this is so unsettling

I have heard some got in the hands of traffic cops and in 90's would catch up to Western imports

I want this.
Or this.
Or this.

Spooked solid

ITT Mad Moskovitch: Fury Rodina

>turk flag in trash

What did they mean by this?

That's Holland


is this how snake enchanters refuel their cars

they exist in the US, a Ural dealership in Massachusetts usually has a few for sale. There's almost always some on eBay too, usually from $5k-$10k.

>rolling over a guy in the snow
ayyy I missed that
definitely adds a new layer of blin to the whole thing


nice, it even has a dent

Also checked, both of you

Ancapball is a slav!

free candy ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

They were for both the KGB and the police

>Ural dealership in Massachusetts
Wow, that exist? That's pretty fucking cool. We don't have those in my country even though the government uses a lot of Ural and UAZ stuff.


pretty fucking cool
like a BMW 2002 but cooler



>selective yellow tint
where does one acquire this

a few professionally-made ones existed but they were few and far between.

for a minute I thought they just swapped a 13B in, it's apparently an original dorito Lada.

Reminded me of this

>BMW fangirls btfo again

Sure but they have to be older than 25 years to import and since it's a specialty place they're expensive as hell, the only reason the Niva is so good is because it's cheap where they're imported and it's still in production with little modification since the 80s, if it's expensive your better off getting something like a Suzuki jimmy/samarui.

wow, in Soviet cars the prices are reversed with my country (Uruguay)
In the US you can get a mint W140 S600 for 5k, here a base W140 is over 20k. But we have decent Nivas from 4.5k

>>stapling a lifted Ford bed to an unlifted Dodge cab

Yeah we can't get them over here until they are older than 25 years because of emissions and crash safety regulations, which means there pretty much clapped out by the time they get here and only collectors who restore them will buy them, plus there's no parts supply locally so unless your willing to ship things in from outside of the country you've got to get creative with repairs.

It's a real shame the US is so protectionist when it comes to cars, I'd love to have cheap and plentiful Jap and Russian offroaders here, but alas we still have meme Jeeps right...

Here we basically can't import used cars and the process takes years, also they have to be over 25 years old too if I recall correctly. Not because of emissions, but because of bullshit protectionism. So people buy chinese unsafe shit instead of newish higher end cars. Some people still buy better cars but as you can imagine the average car is a total shitbox. Not saying that the Niva isn't one though, but it doesn't really matter because it isn't fast. Also there's a lot of import tax that increases with displacement, it's bullshit. I can't wrap my head around how PSA manages to sell the Spanish-made 301 when it gets extra tax for being European. Argentinian, Brazilian and Mexican cars get a gentler tax because of commercial agreements (FTA with Mexico, customs union with Brazil and Argentina).

>giving a single heck

Yep it's original. There's a two and one rotor one. Like I said/accoriding to Wiki they were apparently originally made for the KGB.

Found a video of it without the music.

Yeah, here it's just a 2.5% import tax on everything except light trucks as long as you meet the current emissions and crash safety standards, but testing for those standards is expensive as hell so unless your a manufacturer with tons of cash for testing it's not apt to happen.

Then for light trucks there's a 25% tax that was put in place over a chicken trade war with France back in the early 60s, so pretty much every foreign manufacturer except Toyota has pulled out since they can't compete, and even then Toyota doesn't sell the Hilux here they designed the Tacoma and Tundra from the ground up domestically to get around it.

It still sounds like you've got it a lot worse over there though.

Yeah, specially because our protectionism has no industry to protect other than the importers themselves, it's utter bullshit. Meanwhile in Yurop they can trade from one country to another with no problems whatsoever.

I do have to wonder, kemal

>fuck the animal
m-mr cummy?

hon hon

I wonder what's the gas mileage on that

Doesn't matter. Petrol in Russia is so cheap it may as well be free. Perks of havving our own oil.

so almost like in Venezuela without the shit economy? Not saying Russia's economy is great but it's not in the gutter like Venezuela where there's not enough food or medicine.

>hon hon hon
hon hon hon