Is Ryosuke actually dumb?

>Be Ryosuke
>Need to pick a driver to take on pro shit box racer
option A:
>Best Bro
>Is the only uphill/downhill specialist you know
>course is one half uphill one half downhill
>has plenty of track experience so he should have some knowledge of what a professionals driving style will be like
>Has all around better car
>Is confident he can win
option B:
>Some tofu boi you met a month ago
>Is only a downhill specialist
>Has never seen a race track
>Struggled to beat the same car a week ago
>"I dunno if i can do it".jpg
>drives a corolla with a carbon hood

Did Ryosuke forget to change the apex seals on his rotary powered potato brain the day he made this choice Veeky Forums?

>confident that he can win
More like too confident to not lose control when driving over an oil puddle and crash lmao

>Ryosuke: Its your fault that you ran over oil that you couldn't see until the last minute. I Ryosuke would have magically driven over the oil like it simply was not there.
>mfw this is a thing that happens

but he did choose to run over the puddle purposely, whether it be water or oil


The option was Racing Engine vs Engine with a racing pedigree.

post the rest pls

>beat a much better car
>ryosuke put the hood on the 86
>Takumi has more experience with touges
>opponent won't be expecting the 86 and won't be set up as well
Watch the rest of the battle.
IIRC he says he said that because Keisuke needed it to improve, not because he wanted to be harsh.

there's more?


holy fucking kek, if you have any more please post them. This shit is gold.

where can i watch this without hulu?

Funimation has subbed and subbed for stages 1,2,4 and third stage is up on YouTube with English subs. I watched 5th stage on soulanime and final stage is on youtube. Didn't bother with the dubs tho, shitty compared to the subs and much worse soundtrack

many thanks to both of you

no prob

Ryosuke went from being an actual character to an avatar of the author's in-race commentary. Keisuke went from being a hot-headed numbskull to a bland asexual numale faggot. Dagumi went from being a normal kid who can drive well to being the author's self insert God mode racing avatar just because he drives the author's favorite car. Itsuki and Kenji were completely forgotten about for Project D, and Iketani only got screentime because him wanting to bump ugliest with wallflower Mako was a failed attempt at a will-they won't-they romance

Everything about Initial D went to shit after 4th season

Aren't the soundtracks the same in both the dub and sub? And plus the dub isn't that bad, I actually like English

first stage sub has shitty rock instead of Eurobeat

The tokyopop version changed the music. Funimation did not.

*dub that is

Well yea that's what I'm talking about is the funimation dub. The music is the same on the funimation dub and subs.