Is it considered lawful self defense to pull out a gun while on a motorcycle if a car purposely tries to run you off...

Is it considered lawful self defense to pull out a gun while on a motorcycle if a car purposely tries to run you off the road or hit you?

Probably, but it would be pretty hard to prove that the person was trying to do that.
Also, pulling out a gun while on a moving vehicle is retarded and dangerous, so don't do that.

Pretty fucking stupid idea.
Virtually guarantees the guy will hit you if you pull a gun on him

its not hard to find footage of people deliberately driving to run street bikes off the road. People have a biased against 2 wheels and they think might makes right just because they're in a car. It's close enough to attempted murder IMO

You're on a bike nigga. Just speed off.

If you shoot him while he's trying to hit you his car doesn't just stop and disappear

if you get their plate number and/or have the footage on tape, could something happen to the driver trying to fuck with you?

>Is it considered lawful self defense
YOU will almost always get a pyrrhic victory. Even if you prove self defense, your public brandish of a gun in a road rage incident can cause other accidents. Those other accidents may generate lawsuits against you.

Drawing a gun and aiming it at other cars can also allow those cars to hit you. When you brandish a gun at another car, you are actually brandishing that gun at a large number of cars in the visual arc of the gun. All those other cars have the right to assume you are aiming at them because they cannot read your mind that you are aiming at only the one car.

If you actually have a CCW and aren't some teenager or manchild basement dweller posting more of these "what if" threads or "identify this car" threads, then you would know there are times you cannot simply brandish.

to be fair i should have worded the post better, and never said to shoot the driver or anything. I believe the 2nd amendment big time and im just wondering if theres anything a car could do on the road to classify as attempted murder and at what point would it be ok to act in self defense

>Can afford a bike + gun
>Can't afford a car

This is exactly what's wrong with America

>completely disregarding the fact that some people would rather drive a bike than a car

why is it this so difficult for you faggots to understand?

You seem to think pulling a gun would deescalate the situation it's likely to the opposite and even if don't believe that, you still have no idea how the other driver will react.

How expensive do you think guns are, exactly?

>decent bike

yet if you have those things that means you can't afford a car? you're fucking retarded, kid. absolutely fucking retarded.

that's called brandishing a weapon and it is v illegal user

resolve your conflicts through peaceful means whenever you can

It should be. Carry a shotgun so you don't miss.

>car tries to cut you off, drive you off the road, or hit you
>respond with peace

yeah lets just let punk ass drivers fuck with bikers, good one bro. Fuckin idiot

Is it 'brandishing' if you're simply an open-carry patriot with a loaded 12-gauge shotgun openly slung over your back?
And besides; he threatened my life, officer. I merely responded as was my constitutional right by blasting the shit out of him and his vehicle.

you have to escape, unless there is a clear "stand your ground" law, which you fully understand

otherwise you can only shoot the motorist if you are unable to flee


Depends on the area. I'm not 100% clear on the polices' ability to use civilian recordings as the sole evidence in a case.

You'd definitely have to catch the guy's face to actually get a conviction, and even then, I've heard different states have different rules about using the recordings.

But /pol/ and Dr. William Hyde Pierce and Donald Trump and Augusto Pinochet and Richard Spencer and Sam Hyde told me "might makes right"

>getting cut off is reason to pull out a gun

shooting at someone on the freeway while on a moving vehicle will likely be a felony
have fun with that

Can't always do that safely.

Depends on the state, Firing it in open traffic may be unlawful.

You pull a gun the car can run you over and claim self defense.

Depends on where you live OP, here in commifornia we have a castle clause stating that if you fear for your life or the life of someone else you can use deadly force. Of course assault is a crime so if you were to be carrying an illegally concealed weapon it would be ok for you to use said concealed weapon to stop a person committing a crime. But as said depends on the area your in.

>Yuropoors are so poor that they think that $1000 is a lot of money

>Is it 'brandishing' if you're simply an open-carry patriot with a loaded 12-gauge shotgun openly slung over your back?
Probably because the situation is a hostile situation. At that point, showing off a firearm is brandishing.

Other hostile situations have made use of carry interpretations. For example, someone can be shoplifting. There was a case where the shoplifter had a concealed pistol. He did not handle it and it remained hidden in the holster AND no one in the store saw it. But he got caught and was charged with Armed Robbery instead of shoplifting simply because he brought a firearm with him.

So, when you openly carry a firearm, and then engage in hostile actions, it is fair for the other people to assume you will use that gun on them. Thus, it is an armed conflict.

Have fun in prison or 6 feet in the ground ya arrogant prick.

>officer: so why did you run this man down with your SUV
>driver: He was carrying and pointed this loaded shotgun at me and my family, and I felt threatened so I panicked and hit him with my car
>you: .... (ded)

cool it Arnold

>being that insecure and afraid of everything that you need to carry a gun

Americant's, baka

But pulling out a handgun to shoot the pilot of a 2-3 ton 20+ foot death rectangle that will lose control wether you hit him or not while on a 400 lb overpowered schwinn going 60 mph with as much protection as flannel pajamas in a wasp swarm...
But you're worried about the safety implications about speeding off

Only if your within 3 feet using the stand your ground meme. Plus if you have time to pull a gun on someone while your driving down the road you're probably going to go to jail. You would need to get it on camera and be in complete danger.

This is a great point, can't believe no one has addressed this yet

>needing to afrim your masculinity to a scale of giving yourself the underhand in a situation because real men use fists, your stupid nothings ganna happen, why not just let the cops deal with it etc

being this yuropoor

>going this far to try and justify resorting to weapons because you're insecure and people trigger you

Seek help.