Hello Veeky Forums. /mlp/ here

Hello Veeky Forums. /mlp/ here.

I just financed a 1993 Ford Escort with 181,980 miles. I don't know anything about cars, but I financed it for 7k. My mom told me that this was a bad idea because it's worth nowhere what I paid for it. I didn't know that there is a website to tell you the value of cars.

Is there any way I can get out of my loan?




Your best bet may be for your mom go down and bug them and they will unwind the loan so that they don't have to deal with her

Unfortunately, she is not willing to help me since she is not happy about my sexual orientation.


Why would you state your home board
Especially if it's mlp

I just got the car last Saturday if that counts

Just letting everypony know that I'm not familiar with cars or Veeky Forums

I have osteoporosis

i want to come inside rainbowdash

You got scammed.

Get the fuck out of here xXHomerSimpsonXx

Congratulations, you fucked up.

Either pay off the loan or default, let them repo it and pray it doesn't show up on your credit score.

It most likely will though.

This is a good idea

How would this affect me applying for another car loan? Probably get something new from 2005

Good fucking luck.

>not having 7k in cash
>coming here after signing
>not listening to your mom

Goddamn is this bait trying too hard

I had 3k and used 2 for the down payment

I named her twilight sparkle


No bank will ever finance a car that old.

Buy here, pay here car "dealerships" gladly would though.

Your waifu and your car are shit.

Defaulting on a loan ruins your credit.

It essentially says to a bank 'I can't into finance too good and can't think into the future please don't lend me money'.


What do I do then?

We all do, friend

Daily reminder that CWC dailies an Escort Wagon.

Literal aspergers-mobile.

Maybe investigate if you have a cool-down period where you can cancel the loan and give the car back, idk.

There's no easy way to get out of a car loan without losing money and/or fucking your credit score up.

fill the car with mlp trinkets for flammability , fuck with electronics and have it catch the trinkets on fire, have car burn to ground, make sure you get burned, claim it was a shoddy car, sue, no one will suspect it because you're a clueless autistic brony and everyone will expect you to have mlp shit in the car

it's best if you sit in the car while it's burning for insurance purposes, but better yet don't listen to some fucking moron on Veeky Forums like me and accept that you've went and fucked yourself with no way out

Wait no, he replaced the Escort with a Seville and then bought a '09 Focus.


>I just financed a 1993 Ford Escort
quality b8

This isn't bait

>1993 Ford Escort with 181,980 miles. I don't know anything about cars, but I financed it for 7k
Well, I guess some people have to learn the hard way...

how the heil is he able to afford that, selling his amibo things?

Fuck you

>he watches mlp and jacks off to pony porns
>payed 7k for a car with near 200,000 miles on it

Are you brain dead?

Love and tolerance

where have i seen that figure on the tshirt before?

if this is real, kill yourself

abu ghraib

See if you have a satisfaction guarantee. Most places give you two weeks or so. You can bring it back and undo the the sale. But I'm guessing if the place was willing to sell a $1000 car for 7k they don't have that.

Then lay off the HRT