Alright lads I'm off to college in the fall and bought this car with money I saved up running an online business and...

Alright lads I'm off to college in the fall and bought this car with money I saved up running an online business and trading crypto.

I'm not interested in upgrading/improving it and definitely not interested in showing it off at car shows/meetups.

But it looks damn nice and I can use it for my college years.

Did I make a good choice?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Ford Mustang
>good choice
pick one

Yes. But don't kid yourself, you will get the mod bug. Get a shift kit if auto or a short shifter if manual and a nice-ish exhaust minimum.

Didn't we just have this thread? Fuck off

>showing it off at car shows/meetups
dude there is going to be a LOT of demand from people to see a specimen like this. Good luck staying away lol

I think this is a meme at this point

If I were you I would get rid of the fake hood scoop. But that's just personal preference

I really don't think I will. I own a website that prints eSports jerseys of all things and this will just me my daily driver. I'm always interested in new businesses and such so that will likely be my main focus during college.

I'm also developing an app that aggregates and summarizes news so that will likely be what I spend time and money on.

Ah really? I know it's fake but it definitely looks nice.

I've never posted in Veeky Forums before.

It is a meme atm.

Veeky Forumstards coming over here to cash out there worthless digital assets they made investing daddys money and getting lucky in to get an average car.

Idk why u would need a car when u do all ur "work" in ur undies and only need to drive to get groceries and to the courthouse.

>t. I used to mine and trade crypto then got a real occupation when I wasnt 17 anymore.

Sure, kid.

This thread again?

>I've never posted in Veeky Forums before.
>June 30, 2017
>I also own a website with a few friends that prints custom eSports jerseys.

You must be jewish, considering your proclivity for bragging about fiduciary success and your proclivity for lying.

It's super tacky. It's like getting ab implants with a tattoo that says NOT REAL above them.



"i managed daddys money just well enough to buy a shitty mustang"

If your going to humblebrag at least try

bait thread, op is a lonely attention-starved cretin

Not a unique choice but a decent one.

I'd argue a fifth gen is a nice mustang. I only got a fox with wagecuck jobs. Still love it to death but it's a lot of parts and work to get it to fifth gen levels of performance.

Should have bought a FoST


Front fogs and fender badges, it's a GT.

>money I saved up running an online business and trading crypto
should have spent that time sucking dicks, you would have been able to buy something worth more than 6k