/scg/edg/ Star Elite: Citizen Dangerous General #162

Want me to give you a ride through THE VISION?

Were talking flyable or at least hangar ready stuff, aalso AYYLMAO ships dont count, they're intentionally memey, were talking about ships intended as practical options that just are not.

Ships that don't exist cannot yet be failures.
Not that I dont think it will be. Shibashicane as well.

Its turrets and weapons are meant to be small. Its primarily a torpedo bomber, if it could actually fight off dedicated fighters that wouldn't be the rock-paper-scissors gameplay that is intended. Cap ships kill fighters easily, bombers kill cap ships, fighters kill bombers.

If its capable of getting in, launching a significant payload and getting out, its fit for purpose even if the corridors are fucked. Still better than the 300i or Reliant.

Survivability is literally just tweaking an XML to have better values. 300i needs its entire design changed to even function.

Most interesting thing about the Banjew defender will be the introcdution of Tachyon cannons.

Just use your use mouse like everyone else. It's useless gimmick especially in a game like Elite where everything is always in front of you. Elite is not really a simulator.

If it were a hardcore flight simulator where you need to read a manual just to get airborne then it's adviced. Also WW2 flight sims need head tracking because you don't have any instruments to track your targets, only your eyes.

You're missing the biggest issues the ship has internally and externally. It can't perform its funciton due to extremely low survivability in all situations it can be in. It's a humongous target for capital ship weapons as well as fighter mounted ones, with a large enough cross section that the mere act of turning away from a capital ship after a run will cause it to get totaled. This means the crew will have to quickly get to the upper deck to reach the escape pods, and one person will still be left to die even if they do manage to get there before the ship is torn to shreds. This means the three people in the back are fucked, since the corridor layout maximizes your time in transit, then you have to climb a goddamn ladder, too, one at a time.

The Retaliator will not survive having both fighters and capital ships gunning for it in its current state... And that's before we get into the placement of the turrets, the lack of thruster power, the lack of pilot controlled weapons, the small size and low power of the weapons attached to the turrets, and the wasted space in the bomb bays. It's not even good for carrying cargo with its cargo modules, since the Constellation is more defensible, better armored, and has a hands down better weapons loadout. And THAT'S not going into the ships that do its niche job better than it, like the Vanguard Harbinger, or Polaris.

I just want the Retaliator to be worth a damn, even if it still gets wrecked by fighters.

>more aegis/anvil/generic military purpose only NPC spam ships

oh boy gee i sure i am excited lemme tell you what


>SC eventually release
>All features like stealth and Electronic Warfare are In
>Its speed was rebalanced up
>Turrets even in auto-mod make it too dangerous to pursue as you can't dodge easily
>Everybody get used to call it the Silent Death of all capital ship
>The Polaris turn out too fat and heavy to survive cap battle and is forever a patrol&rescue ship

You know this pict to be true

>first paragraph

already covered this. Retaliator could be a flying tank of a billion HP shield or made of tissue paper at the drop of a hat. Placement of escape pods is relevant to crew survivability, but not SHIP survivability - the hope being that it doesn't come to it getting blown to pieces in the first place.

Already talked about the turrets, too. They're not meant to be good.

Why the fuck are you comparing it to the Constellation? It can't carry torpedoes, so how in the merry hell is it going to fit that niche better?

I think the Eclipse will be smaller than this, my money is on a stealth bomber to replace the Gladiator.