OPGG: One Piece Games General

Use a friend BB for every stage to make the new island easy.

Pulled 5 crocs



Only ones I wanted were kaku and Lucci

FP pulls only up to Water Seven (or Ennis Lobby), once again.
Anybody else only pulling for the turtles?

>Another Croc (3 actually)
>Big Bun
Didn't get my Lucci but oh well.
Shitton of turtles and Zeffs though.

Does Sanji carry over his special level when you super evolve him?

used all my points and i still dont have base impact usopp, if i dont get one by the end of this FP pull event i'm gonna cut a bitch

doesn't help they mixed in turtles to muddle it up more

Since he's in RR I don't think you'll get him from FP.

nothing is ever lost when super evolving

Does he require more exp to max?

Yes they do. Farmed so hard to max him last time books came. Feels good to have it done now.