/palg/ - Paladins General

Has the Grohk bug where you can't see your ray after doing a right click been fixed ?

Why cant we see our top plays again I just got a team wipe with Seris and forgot to record

whoops didnt mean to link you

>people still picking Grover as a healer
>in 2017

So am I right to think that when waifufags finally overwhelm the thread like Overmeme the game will be officially ded ? We had some pretty good discussion in the last bread.

No it's still there and still annoying

Anyone want to play

It's maybe coming at some point, there's lots of stuff that feel unfinished on the quality of life front. I think they're already planning to improve POTG but I don't know how.

>what is /palg/ay

I don't mind a bit of waifufagging but when it's like the OW thread where 1/3 of the thread is drooling retards not realizing they're the most cancerous thing about Veeky Forums it gets annoying.

Waifufagging, Husbandofagging, same thing.