Yes, in a lot of cases you're right. FWD is less "fun". but you don't fucking drift down the streets don't even try to lie about that. So what you rather have is the ST, that doesn't fucking understeer because it's Ford of EUROPE. It's a good fucking machine. It will beat the 370z in each and every single way relevant.
Grayson Robinson
I've own several hothatch before so I would choose 370z.
Carson Campbell
I built a PC and left it at stock clock and also bought a car and left it unmodified lmao
Lincoln Wilson
Consumer reports says it's got shit reliability, though buying new with a warranty is always good, with used you're kinda SOL
Levi Morgan
the only issue I hear about with the Fiesta is the automatic transmission. which the ST doesn't even have
Carter Baker
Consumer reports doesn't differentiate between the base Fiesta with DCT trans issues and the Fiesta ST with the Getrag 6mt. The FiST is quite reliable, even when modded and tuned.
Dominic Clark
Oh, that's good to hear. One less downside to the fist I guess. Still pretty ugly though
Luis Thompson
Oh god yeah, thing is completely hideous. Both of the STs are. I don't buy my cars for looks, I go for power-to-weight, stock handling, and power-to-price. Looks never factor in because I'll be inside the car lol.