Torbjorn is objectively the most rewarding character to play, and honestly he could use a buff
Mason Allen
i've gob u in me sites
Asher Green
Jamison Fawkes! And Jesse McCree!
How was everyone's Saturday? Anything interesting happen?
Juan Nelson
If you don't listen to Bambous while Sombra dances, she really isn't your waifu
Ethan Diaz
Hana is for breeding but only with me
Cameron Perry
>when you make them so mad their nanoblading Genji goes for your turret first
Joseph Miller
How often does this happen to you
Noah James
Ranking like #7 in most played time with Torb, he's okay, just some things I would like to see:
>Torbjorn's Health is 100 HP, 100 Armor default >Tanks drop two scrap units >Armor scales for tank classes, so its not just 75 HP >During Molten Core, Torbjorn gets unlimited ammo, but must reload after it wears off
Isaiah Roberts
25 boxes, but I finally got a skin.
Eli Edwards
>got Widow's dance emote So pretty
Noah Bennett
My custom Bleu for a sex simulator
Henry Ortiz
>he buys golden weapons for not torbjorn and symmetra
first of all
Luke Fisher
I've been playing this game since before launch and I still have no clue what armor and shields do except give you extra health and why some characters have armor and why some have shields
Chase Smith
>When not one, but 2 different people waste their ults on your turret >Sometimes they don't even manage to kill it
Adam Cox
Give me one good reason as to why Symmetra shouldn't be removed from the game entirely
Dylan Harris
holy shit people still make cards and mods for that? guess it's time to dust it off
Easton Gutierrez
She's purple
Jace Hughes
>During Molten Core, Torbjorn gets unlimited ammo, but must reload after it wears off This would be amazing, Molten Core feels so underwhelming if you spend half of your time reloading
Michael Murphy
Because tards will play her on attack and lower her winrate.
Gavin Smith
>repairing turret in backlines >genji swift strikes the turret >he dies by your hammer >"Hah! You walked right into that one!"
Henry Ramirez
how do people care this much for skins wtf,
Aiden Reed
Armor is good against absorbing lots of small damage (automatic weapons do less damage), whereas shields recharge and protect more against singular damage, like from rockets and snipers
Jace Turner
>You ult just before your turret dies
Ayden Powell
She wouldn't touch you with a 15m stick.
Luke Morales
>enemy Tracer is bullying you >she throws a pulse bomb on your turret >timing it right, Molten Core next to your turret >you die to the explosion, turret quickly goes back to full HP >still have Molten Core
the best feels
David Nguyen
Benjamin Sullivan
7 W 1 L. Still mostly seeing plat and diamond. I'm probably high plat but I'll know in a couple matches.
Leo Cook
>Hero swapping is disabled during the last 30 seconds of a game or during Overtime What happens?
Ethan Hughes
>Ex challenger in lol , right now in masters >Grandmaster in overwatch >Feel like i don't improve anymore because i switch between the games
Alright fags listen up. For someone who might want a future in esports , what would be the safer game to focus 100% on?
Brody Thompson
Honzo switches
Ian Jenkins
Holy shit sombra is pretty decent now when did they buff her? She was always good for hit and run on paper but now her abilities cool down so fast she has barely any downtime between attacks, and her ult charges lightning fast. I just had a short match on hollywood attack, no more than 3-5 minutes and in that time I hacked 30+ people. I havent played her in comp yet but she feels way better now.
Im loving this chonga bitch POST SOMBRA pls
Isaiah Sanders
>playing Ana is still fun >almost every game I'm the first one on fire >I'm on fire most games now IS THIS WHAT IT FEELS LIKE TO CONTRIBUTE TO THE TEAM
Henry Hughes
Did you win the match?
Being on fire and still losing is like dunking on someone into 76 points vs. 106
Brayden Cook
LoL esports is big right now, we don't know how OW esports will turn out until the OW League fully rolls out
Cooper Green
>For someone who might want a future in esports , what would be the safer game to focus 100% on? You should focus 100% on killing yourself
Elijah Fisher
Yeah, I did win the match. I've actually been winning more matches now that I've switched from Lucio/Hog/Rein to Ana >tfw 56% unscoped accuracy and 68% scoped accuracy average
Jack Gonzalez
I won 7/10 of my placements, mostly seeing plats and diamonds and got placed in high gold.
Wyatt Brown
Correct.The lcs is dying slowly for a while now , but i'm afraid no one will care about the OW league.
>Goldbabby mad because he sucks at video games
Ryan Howard
Gonna be a Torbjorn main on my alt and get to GM with a 47% winrate
Eli Torres
Godspeed, Tight granny
Nicholas Gray
Nolan Wilson
>play D.Va >pretty much single handedly win the game with one good ult at 10 seconds remaining and getting a triple kill >no one upvotes me, everyone upvotes the fag genji with 12 elims or whatever instead
Evan Russell
how do i play tracer on 2cp, payload maps? I only do good with her on koth maps which I thinks its because of how those maps are designed
Christian Parker
Sounds like someone got hit by their own flashbang
Brayden Sanders
Junkrat should clean himself up.
Cameron Clark
When the Anniversary started, I really liked Mayhem Mode. Everyone messed around, lots of crazy shit happening, people would have dance-offs and booping contests and all sorts of silliness. But now it's become as tedious as the rest of the game. Why? Because now even it's developed a meta that everybody strictly adheres to. People have discovered all of the characters Blizzard had forgotten to adjust or made their abilities even more bullshit, like Zarya's 2-second bubbles and Mei's 2-second Ice Wall and Cryo and Ana's infinite Sleep Jar and Eternal Jarate, while characters like Sombra and Orisa still have their key abilities like Hack and Barrier at 8 seconds. So now every team has the former three plus Winston and his infinite barriers and if you don't do the same you can't even contest the payload.
Why does everything have to become ruined by autists with metas? Can't we just have fucking fun?
Ryder Richardson
why does torbjorn's shotgun right-click have a faster projectile speed than the single shot left-click?
Nathaniel Williams
Post your pawtuhguhs
Zenyatta is the best robot, you all should play him more.
Juan Sanchez
It also has almost no range and massive spread.
Julian Martinez
Autists would literally create a meta for a shiteating contest.
Julian Gomez
I've lost every single game I've played for the last 4 days despite there genuinely being nothing more I could have possibly done to increase my team's chances. This is really frustrating.
Camden Foster
Because Metas help you win
Ethan Thompson
Helps with hitting targets who are either evasive or on low health. The single shot is more like a lob, good for long distance sniping
Ryan Adams
You keep swapping them up
Hudson Moore
She wouldnt touch you if her life fucking depended on it
Jack Martin
Its super bugged and goes right through people a lot
Samuel Gray
Jordan Clark
He probably smells like a garage. I think that's okay, though, and either way it'd be nice to get to give him a bath!
Tyler Lewis
I need healing
Julian Garcia
Mayhem doesn't need a meta, it's for having fun, not being Competitive mkII.
Michael Bennett
Is there any reason to play comp if i dont care for gold weapons?
Jack Richardson
internet big dick points
Caleb James
Becoming better
Hunter Nguyen
Luis Powell
I think its fun to play non meta heroes and hear people bitch about it
Lincoln Rogers
Nope, McCree instead also Sombra just cause
Jaxson Ross
Make way for Canon DVa
Nathaniel Collins
>putting sprays after kills
I think you confused this general for reddit
Problem with comp is that the only reward is a participation medal "gold weapons" and no actual incentive to actually try to climb
Evan Hughes
nah. it's very stupidly designed if you ask me.
you aren't allowed to leave during Assemble Your Team when you disagree with teampicks and it isn't an accurate measure of skill since Tanks and Supports still dominate the game and they're the easiest heroes to play.
Owen Bennett
Jacob Rogers
tumblr unironically believes that everyone who isnt white shares the same facial features as niggers
Lucas Wilson
>tfw didn't get officer skin It's really one of her best ones
Bentley Phillips
Jordan Garcia
Do you need to spray after every kill? Isn't just the once enough?
Wyatt Wright
torb on volsk defense is the most fun you can have in the game
Nolan Wright
from (me)
Jayden Hill
I love this picture. They literally just drew a black guy, painted him white, slapped a wig on him and called him a 19 year old Korean girl.
Nolan King
Julian Rodriguez
long time ago, jeff said about comp points might be used for other cosmetic stuff, but idk if they still thinking to give an update to that, guess its not a priority now but one day surely will be used for other things besides gold weapons, so it wont hurt saving them if you lazy to do comp, just play the 10 allocation matches every season and thats all
Benjamin Baker
You need to assert dominance whenever possible
Gabriel Morris
torb on volsk offense is better
Asher Reyes
whats the best skin in the game
hard mode: not legendary
John Ortiz
Someone call Officer and have this thing locked up.
Jaxon Edwards
Torb does not belong is this fucking game.
You guy heroes like Pharah/Genji/Tracer/Sombra (the only fun ones) who get fucking ripped apart from this machine that's like a million miles away.
Not only that, even when they destroy it, Torb just builds another one instantly out of fucking nowhere (materials easy to come by)
Then ask your teammates to destroy it, they'll act the same way when you act them to get on point/get a kill/a heal: They'll fucking ignore you.
That's not enough that they'll still have the fucking obese old Pigfuck that this game is so infatuated with making sure whoever uses him gets super tank powers and free kills every 8 seconds to stroke their ego.
I hope they start killing off characters, and that Torb will be the first to die. He's dull, uninspiring, and a cheap bootleg knockoff of Engineer. Fuckers like him belong in Paladins or Mystic Heroes/some shit.
Jaxon King
Actual canon
Benjamin Stewart
I don't even have the energy and patience to do the 10 placement matches. I just know what I'm in for when I join that shit, I prefer QP and Arcade exclusively.
Joshua Smith
>tfw can't play comp because at random times ping shoots up to 1000+ >Close to 3000 Comp Points >It was completely fine until this event started Fix your fucking shit Blizzard.
Lucas Rogers
Colton Nelson
torb spawning and pressing q for potg will never not be funny
Austin Campbell
As a Mercy main You made me blush
Jeremiah Rodriguez
Americree or Coldhardt
Ian Clark
Breeding Mercy against her will is okay. If it's within her race, then there's nothing wrong with it.
Brandon Long
cinnabar gengu
Juan Davis
Its going in the lootbox rotations, same for oni genji
Jose Campbell
>canon D.Va is a black mtf tranny
Dylan Sanders
enjoying the free weekend?
Bentley Jackson
Why don't you switch and go like him then
Jaxon Carter
>Torb just builds another one instantly out of fucking nowhere (materials easy to come by)
Torb's building turret is not based on resources like TF2 Engi. It's just based on cooldown.
Ryan Ross
then at least try to do them in events, they're good source of exp for that, although for this one, total mayhem is a good farming one