>smart car is trying to merge in front of me on the highway
>don't let them pass
>peer through the window at the driver, it's a roastie
>she's giving me the finger
Smart car is trying to merge in front of me on the highway
you did good user
>Roastie in an SUV behind me
>Obey the speed limit, like a responsible adult
>This appears to enrage the roastie
>She starts tailgating me
>Can see her in my rear view yelling and flailing her arms around
>She's trying to overtake me on the shoulder, looking for room, but can't because of her vehicle's size
>Road eventually opens up to a two lane highway
>She floors it, can hear her SUV trying its best to produce horsepower
>Me, in my 3k civic with a few tasteful mods, floor it and start swerving to and from the two lanes
>She's literally on the verge of tears right now, yelling, speeding up, and slowing down
>Eventually get to the next city over, and let her pass me
>She lays on her horn, and blows through a red light giving me the finger
>Sirens start up and lights flare as an undercover cop pulls her over
I'm sure this is feel good bait but on the off chance it's not holy shit user good job
I want to believe
>pull up to stop light
>see full bus stop not far ahead
>light go green
>squeal tires and let the nearly straight piped exhaust sing as I pass the bus stop
>look over and see faces of disappointment as I blow by
>floor it and start swerving to and from the two lanes
Sounds like you're the cunt in this this story.
no one is impressed of shitbox
>Be me, learner driver
>Little older than most learners in my country; I'm 20, most learners are 16 and skittish so some drivers bully them
>Cruising along on freeway with my Dad as a passenger
>Some bitch in an SUV is in front of me varying her speed every 8 seconds and generally being a pain to drive behind
>Get sick of it and overtake; did it by the book and smoothly, while staying within speed limits
>In front of her, and she does not like being behind a learner
>That's when I see it's an enraged middle age woman behind me
>She starts tailgating me
>Keeps coming right behind me and revving her engine
>I've been going right at the speed limit; I'm always careful to go right at the speedlimit on freeways so I'm dead sure about this
>Realise it's just us two in this lane for as far as the eye can see
>Slow down
>Just enough that it's not dangerous, but enough to be a real dick move
>Oh look the beeping started again
She tried to overtake a few times, but none of the cars in the other lane wanted to let her in; probably saw how shite she was. I kept this going for a few minutes until another car showed up in our lane and I had to actually go at the speed limit.
No idea why this was so satisfying, but meh. THought you guys would enjoy the story.
>driving 5 - 10 over on single lane 80kmh road
>van is still on my ass regardless
>turn on windshield washer
>spray the living shit out of him
>keep doing this until he backs off
Am I the only one that thought about this?
>Coming up to 4 way intersection at 11:30 last night
>double clutch from 5th to 2nd so I have a little momentum when the light turns green (its late so I know the light will turn soon)
>Nissan leaf blows through the light by at least 3 seconds
>almost home, so row through the gears to get to legal speed
>pass bus stop
>see blues n' trues flash
>ah shit wat did i do
>cop pulls a U-turn and blasts after the leaf
>all is right in the world
10/10 breddy gud idea. Too bad my washers are mid 90s and don't shoot water like a pressure cleaner like modern wipers.
>Live on outskirts of city
>Faggot in a stanced bimmer lives near me
>Have to drive through a small village to get from the highway to my home
>Speed bumps were made much sharper recently since everyone did 40-50 km/h in a 30km/h zone
>Most cars can go max 20 over these bumps, mine can do it with almost 30
>Know the hippies in that street requested this
>Floor it after every bump and leave my car in 2nd gear
>Few days later get tailgated by stancefag bimmer, ignore him, he gets pissed
>Turn into hippie road, he follows while he does not live in this direction
>Keeps tailgating me
>Go 30 over bump
>He notices the bump too late
>Hear a loud screeching noise behind me
>He pulls over, I continue as if nothing happened
>Drive past stancefag's house a day or so later
>He lost his rear bumper and muffler
God that screeching was music to my ears
Having decent speed and setting the wipers to full speed to wipe off the excess onto the sides should be enough to blast your tailgater with the fury of a thousand super soakers.
>on highway going 70 in a 55 in the middle lane
>being tailgated by bro in a brodozer
>open sunroof and pick up a pebble from the floor
>toss pebble from open sunroof, chipping brodozer's windscreen
>he backs off
I do this once a week now. People suck.
>trying to turn left out of parking lot at busy intersection
>finally gets clears except for some ROASTIE sitting on her phone on the left not realizing the light is green
>whatever, I pull out
>she looks up and yells "OH I GUESS YOU CAN JUST GO THEN IDIOT"
>get an inch away from her and squeal the tires getting around
>see her face of anger turn to one of fear
nothing personnel
Eeh, maybe the fury of one one-handed $2 shop water pistol with my car's wiper pressure. I appreciate the thought and the sentiment behind it though.
Quick question what is your reason for not letting pass "tailgaters" ?
they're obviously going faster than you so what's the issue exactly ?
the road is for everyone to share and if you let them pass then nothing happens
and don't get me the "they were speeding" stuff that's not a valid reason
They enjoy tailgating more than passing you.
that's doesn't make sense
because that would mean you give them more to enjoy if you don't let them pass
please think before posting
I personally always try and sit right on the limit, so some cunt flying up behind me doing 100 in an 80km zone just pisses me off. I just kind of think "Fuck you, we could have all had lots of driving space to enjoy but you had to be a cunt and specifically ride up my arse."
I guess I'm just real vindictive. I usually coast down 5km or so just to get them to give a little space, but sometimes if they're being real fuck-knuckles and try to pass me I'll step on the gas a little just to edge them out of their passing window. That usually pisses them off. Especially since most of the people around here a pussyfooting dipshits who don't know how to effectively overtake, so they try to do it only 5km faster than you.
>"I personally always try and sit right on the limit"
Dude I commute 5 days a week in coptown, fuckin' sue me
>driving at the speed limit
>not driving at the flow of traffic
inb4 "everybody here really does 80 and no 90-95I sware on me mums"
Sadly my dashcam app didn't have the bimmer on the driveway in it's view, but pic related are those new speed bumps. Everyone slams their brakes just before them, hence the skid marks
so you're just being a cunt
that's a valid reason i guess
I mean yea basically, but I'm a cunt in retaliation to others being cunts.
And no I'm not talking about people driving kinda close to me, I'm talking about 4WDs driving literally withing 2 metres of my rear bumper at 80kph. Then you can fuck right off, you're making my own driving time shitty.
again, you're scum
Lol okay, next times some faggot in a shitty falcon flies up behind me and tailgates me I'll just tailgate the guy in front of me who's a few car-lengths ahead until he gives in and tailgates the cunt in front of him, and so on. M A K E S S E N S E
Seriously, you make it out like I'm the only person on the road ever. Everyone around me is fine going normal speeds but I guess I should reevaluate my driving because one cunthole in an SUV wants to get to McDonalds 1 minute faster to get their shitty coffee on the way to work. Eat my ass you entitled sperg
Or you could get out of the passing lane retard
>on my local highway
>speed traps everywhere
>know each one
>going at the limit 70
>see when someone wants to overtake moi
>dont let them past
>they get pissed and tail
>reach a speed trap
>finally let them through
>they floor it and overtake me at 90-100
Enjoy your ticket nig3r
As long as you're doing it in the right lane, godspeed. If you're sitting at the limit in the left lane and don't move to let people pass you can die in a fucking fire and know that you're 90% the reason traffic jams exist in the first place.
>fucking traffic jam
>3 lane highway
>In right lane in shit work truck
>people keep blowing by on the shoulder and merging in up ahead
>see wall of LEDs approaching quickly on the shoulder
>quickly pull out so im 3/4 on the shoulder 1/4 in my lane
>suv ends up swerving into the ditch
>pull back into my lane
Roastie in the story detected.
ur a fag m8
>start swerving to and from the two lanes
Your continual swerving in both lanes to prevent anyone from passing is deliberate reckless driving and road rage. Since the other car never did anything to you, it seems you have temper tantrum problems. It's too bad they didn't have dashcam footage to give to the highway patrol.
Not that user, but are you trying to imply people only tailgate in the passing lane?
>two lane carriageway
>big artic in inside lane
>pull out in my little 1.2l corsa to overtake
>slowly accelerate to 80 to get past
>van comes thundering up behind me and sits half a metre off my arse
>whatever mate I'm doing my best here
>he flashes me
>fuck you
>match speed with truck and box him in until he calms down
>eventually he pulls back, so I overtake artic and pull in to let the can pass
>give him a little wave
what does it mean to be a roastie?
you're still a cunt
>Nobody said anything about passing lane
>Better make it about you being on the passing lane to validate my point.
Go pound dirt, retard.