I fucking hate them. Just hit one tonight and fucked up my hood and bumper real good. Fuck them. Roadents. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Other urls found in this thread:

I was driving the night shift in a bigass RV once and saw one of those fucker's eyes right next to the road.
>absolutely no possible course of action but to plow on through
>can't swerve or stop in an RV at highway speeds
>oh no you don't you little motherfucker
>don't you fucking dare you little shit

Fortunately it didn't suicided.

You are lucky m8. I swerved and braked to avoid 3 of them standing in the road and the left one ran right into my car anyway. Holy shit I hate them. Fuck fuck fuck. Dumb cunts. It seemed to have survived but I hope it dies a slow miserable death from the injuries.

We should probably exterminate them within a 200 mile radius of civilization. There's not even an environment left for them to live in. They just manage to survive as long as there are leaves and hiding places.

I pull over to shoot them.

Daily reminder that american lives are less valuable than that of deer.

I'm allowed to shoot deer though user

Why aren't you helping keep populations In check?

It would be nice if we could use them more as a cheap and easy food animal for when people who like to hunt would be more than happy to take down more of them for easy side cash. You know, a little bit more of a market than having to do everything because you know a guy and finding a butcher and a deep freezer to make it work.

you don't see many deer in australia luckily, but we have kangaroos which are just as shitty.
they'll wait until a car comes along because of the headlights or something, and then they try to cross the road. and the big ones can do a fuckton of damage. hitting kangaroos with our cars is basically how we cull their population. I'd rather just hunt them to cull them honestly.

A deer is dead, and people care more about a fender.

I hit a fox last night. Actually felt bad.

Luckily my car wasn't damaged

>you don't see many deer in australia luckily
I've never seen any wild deer in my life down here. One wild pig, but never knew we had deer.
Just drove from perth to vic, there were 20km stretches with a dead roo every 100 meters, just dead, dead, dead, dead. Trucks don't give a fuck down here.
Saw one dead camel, that was all.

heh rutting season can get a bit bloody in the US along the interstates because what else are trucks going to do, but bloody mangled carcass every 100m sounds special.

And to think you could have exported that roo meat to the US :/

I hit one with my Miata years ago, and my hood and fender will never fit right ever again, even after pouring a lot of money into it. Fucking sucks.

I actually do feel bad about killing the deer though.

Daily reminder that refugee lives matter

If it's the season you should purge them.

>not getting one of those fender ramming things so you can just pile through the deer
Good goyim everyone.
>oh vey yes goyim you must not install protection so we can fix your car every time a deer decides to cross the road

*plow through the deer

If I had to worry all that much about plowing through deer I probably would. But so far in 20 years of driving I've only once spotted a deer that might have jumped in front of me so it's not really at the top of my priority list. That's what (((insurance))) is for.

i saw a dead one at the side of the road once and said "oh deer!" and then laughed for the next 4 miles


oh deer! lol

>I fucking hate them.

/k/ doesn't like people talking shit about their waifus

I honestly might. Deer are really bad on Colorado mountain roads

Shit that sucks, foxes are so cool. Coyotes, though, I try to hit. Fucking bastards.

Frigg off op

Where could I get one for a 2015 Subaru Forester?

These are far worse.

Insurance will typically cover deer under "vandalism" or something of the like.

Only positive to deer.

>fender ramming thing
It's called recovery bars. And it's so you can attach a chain to it and haul it out of a ditch easily. Hitting a deer is always bad.

/k/ please go

>recovery bars
they're called push bars or bull bars and they're for exactly that

>recovery bars
I like this new meme

squirrels are worse.

But these won't damage your car as badly

>*bump bump*
>*continue driving*
Not very hard

What the fuck are you on about?

The Brits imported Asian deer to the eastern side to "Anglicize" the wildlife. Luckily you don't have to deal with them as much but I guess roos are a much bigger issue with how they stand in the roads and attack stopped cars.

>not getting roo bars

I feel your pain. No durr where I live, but we're overrun with these assholes.
Bad as they are for traffic, don't even start me with the agricultural damage.

Holy Beautiful

there is a solution to the deer problem

Ain't got shit on moose bud

Is that safe for pedestrians?


yep one got me fired from my job

because i smashed the shit out of one that jumped out from behind a sign

good thing i already was going to quit and had another job lined up

Fucking moose. My absolute biggest fear when I'm out and driving

See them pretty regularly here in the north of Sweden :P

Pics of damage or fake and gay

I like seeing them in my backyard, I hate seeing them on the road.

Fucking assholes will literally look at you, stand there for a few seconds, then jump right out in front of you as you're trying to cruise by slowly. Suicidal retards

Could have been worse.

Not really thats pretty bad maybe learn to drive around it next time your cuck mobile won't flip

Oh well. I did what I could with the reaction time I had.

Foresters actually have a pretty low CoG

>drive around it next time
fucking city boys

nah, that dude slaloms around deer without his headlights on


Faggot eurocuck btfo

Austria Muslim majority in 20 years

Enjoy niggers.

>drive around it
>it vaults into the side of your car as you pass, breaks your mirror off, dents your side panels, and gets caught in your rear tire

It turned into this disgusting deer donut that forced its way into everything back there.

I hate the fuckers... run rampant here in Idaho/Washington

....They killed my first brat

>I've hit 13 of them in my 78 F150 though

At least yours aren't on stilts

Why would they fire you for an accident? That's just fucked up.

i wonder what its like to fuck a deer

i wonder what its like to get fucked by a buck

sad doggo :(

My roommate hit a deer going 70 mph, totaled his car. Out of curiosity i ask him how packed the interstate was he said he was the only one on that part of the interstate and saw the deer coming and didn't even try to slow down his reasoning:
>your supposed to go 70 on the interstate not slow
My roommate is a tard

>A deer is dead, and people care more about a fender.
a painted fender is like $300+
a plastic bumper cover painted is like $500+

They are fucking delicious.

shoulda been pit or dogo argentino
fuck deers

fucking bears too. They're everywhere where I live. Always rooting around in the garbage like oversized raccoons.

And your life is worth about $0.0000000001, fucker

Be glad you only have to deal with deer. We have all the issues with whitetail deer here in Aus but with the added bonus of Kangaroos and Wombats being the bigger, more retarded threat. Kangaroos in particular are just big, fucking stupid, 65kg+ hunks of solid, highly strung muscle who jump in front of you out of nowhere.

I literally had one of them jump in front of my dad's truck while I was inching past them on a road one night, he stopped in front of the truck, then jumped AT the stationary truck, smashing the whole front grill in and damaging the hood.

As for wombats, they're the same but slow and wheel height, so they fuck the front of your car up like there's no tomorrow.

They're just the right height so that when you hit them, their two-ton bodies drop right on the windscreen when their legs buckle. It turns any sedan into a convertible, and you're basically fucked.

Come back to me after you've run over a fucking wombat. Those cunts destroy cars for fun.

you get deer in the snowy moutain region. they're rare as fuck luckily and legal to hunt on private property and in open season.

I too hate meadow niggers


oh my god this makes me so sad and triggered and angry! oh no! I can't see these things I swear! poor little mustang! is she ok?

>poor mustang
She just eat, nothing poor about it

Cats are even worse, at least i wont feel guilty for creaming one of those annoying fucks, but a cat is cute and it belongs to someone so if you hit it you feel like a piece of shit. Theres one in my neighborhood that just chills in the middle of the road all day.

amazing greentext

Fuck deers. They're jealous as fuck they're are near the bottom of the food-chain and just decide to attack a dogger from an entirely different eco system. Disgusting niggers.

Meanwhile America already nearly 50% non-white

I hear the road spiders, ditch bears, and giant scorpions are absolute hell, too, not to mention the emus and deadly moss.

Modern safety on cars is fucking incredible.

It literally ate that fucker right up, and lost a grill and radiator/possibly fan in compensation

Did you drive home from that? Was there any measurable body damage at all? Incredible.

It's not really safety, american cars just add a foot or two to the bonnet to look more powerful despite their tiny baby engines.

Another reason why a 2 inch lift and 35" tires will make me live eternal

And if even that fails... well, I'll still ride on eternal, shiny and chrome

>user, why do you have that metal bumper with bars on it?

>tfw crashed volvo into a fuckhueg moose
send help

Why? Don't know enough people to eat the moose?


Did you at least talk to it first?

Venison is like a sort of lean steak with a fibrous feeling.

If I ever go mad I'll get one of these

18 years of driving and I haven't hit a single animal.

you're just a bad driver.

>he doesn't know that deer hide behind things and wait so they can jump in front of your car just in time for impact.


What a beautiful piece of machinery

Damn that looks mean

That's a very deerodynamic car
>when it gets caught in the branches for a bit before dropping back to the road

I flipped a car trying to dodge these fuckers. Always just plow right through them kids.

That's what they taught us to do in driver's ed. Plowing them down the the safest option.

I cant win

With a kangaroo, is it similar to deer in that if you see one, you should be ready for 2-5 more of the bastards to be hiding nearby, possibly waiting to bound out in front of you? Because that's the other problem with deer. Seeing one is just the tip of a meaty iceberg.