/tekgen/ - Tekken General

>Character Overviews:
>Frame Data
>Top 15 Moves per Character

>Oki/Tech Trap
>Throw Breaking
>Wavedash/Backdash on Pad
>Getting Up
>Video Playlist for Combos with Every Character

>Tekken World Tour Announced
>New PC Patch Segregates Hackers and Other Fixes
>Tekken Bowl Announced
>PS4 Patch Version 1.03
-Changed Revenge Match Restrictions in Online Mode
-Made Adjustments to matchmaking conditions
-Made adjustments to game balance
-Fixed bugs related to some customization items

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Why did they make the roster so shitty?

Leave JDCR to me

Play the robot

>No Wang
fuck this gay earth.

I already do.

if you play a fucking bear
I'm downloading a trainer while I kbd away from you and turning it on

Jack is shit

Remember to filter tripcode user Lucifer !!ss9GITmavRN

my boy mr naps looks like the people who torture you in asian mafia movies

Sorry I don't play misogynist characters and get off to male power fantasies.

he's a cyborg not a robutt



>trying to learn Nina's IWS 1
oh my god

my body was not ready

this is the hardest thing to do in tekken im pretty sure

Gigass is the best robutt

yeah its real hard
its on par with taunt jet upper and ch df2 electric with kazuya

Korean Feng player 일십백(OneTenHundred)'s opinion on Knee's Feng pick

''Feng is a good character. It's not as insane as Leo and Paul where you are filled with OP moves or that crazy bitch [refers to Xiaoyu] where you can spam one stance to play 50/50 while dodging high and mids. But Feng certainly is one of the best character at close range combat.''

Leo fags btfo

can I get source on this?

Would anyone want to play a Genbu Alisa on PC NA or something

lmao even korean pros says the same shit scrubs in here do

Nina's IWS is 5+ just frames in a row so definitely much harder

It's like my Japanese animes

huh? why would anyone want to play against you?

Original source is gall.dcinside.com/board/view/?id=fightgametekken&no=1408254

Translation is on Reddit reddit.com/r/Tekken/comments/6mf8wl/a_korean_players_analysis_on_knees_feng_pick_for/



Aris has said the same about Feng: he is a really versatile character than can play in your face or poke from afar but he doesnt have any really good and/or cheap moves, just a whole bunch of OK moves.

It's why I main him, I feel no other character has as many options

the best part is that this guys right
Paul is too strong in this game compared to his past iterations (imo his enemy is literally when his opponent is at the wall)
and Leo can still heavily mix you up to the point that every frame is a guessing game


i dont feel like getting 100 - 0'd today sorry

Nigga that's cringe. Why did you make your shitty webm the thumbnail

Okay. Please, keep working hard so you can feel confident enough to fight me in the future.

I'll play against you in like 10 minutes if you want
t. Fiend

I knew it he looks like this motherfucker.

>spam one stance to play 50/50 while dodging high and mids.
He sounds like a scrub

>King players never tech when they get thrown
Really makes you think...

I need that alisa tech add me, steam id peraliq

>gf has hots for DevJin
>meanwhile Heihachi is my nigga

Which one do I pick up, tekgen?


thats why i only use the simple moves like
d 4 - 1 then f 2 1 4
why is nina so fucking hard

>the king player who runs at you from halfscreen to try and shining wizard

I don't think so sweet cheeks
Alisa is completely dishonest and low iq (which explains how you're in genbu anyways)
pick up a real character and I might consider going against you

that's exactly what I was thinking. Mad Dooooog!!!!

it's true. I suck at teching throws. I only really break them when I fight a character with a command throw like Bob or Kazumi. They always go for it and they're 1+2 break so it's easy.

I can do instant shining wizard in front of your face! I only get it half the time though. I need to practice.

"Eliza will be available 30 days after release"

But its okay when Tekken does it.

>One of the best Feng players in Korea's arcades is a scrub

wew lad

Yellow rank gameplay is so much more fun than green. It's like tag 2 again

I wanna bring up a few more characters to yellow before I continue ^__^

>lost my promo to fighter AGAIN

I guess I don't deserve to make it out of greens...

Why are you losing?

who said it was ever okay?


stop being dumb then

What's a good Jukebox song for Arctic Snowfall

Play the Robot


Replied to the wrong person, you still trying to play? I main alisa so if we play it will be mirror

gigASS is not a robot

>"No ganryu" is a bad thing


Fuck this shit was frustrating to deal with

t. Love dawn

Grats on vanguard 1 more til yellow

I have like 20 throw setups. Also thanks

sorry I just like sumo wrestlers. They're neat.

I really like Leo's moveset, but her movement is not very fluid. Like, a lot of her moves end up with static animations but she is still in her recovery frames so the whole experience is janky.

Play young heihachi

Ok that's understandable

Usually when people complain about him not being in the game, they have never even touched him

Your gf has shit taste

If it's the first match, getting outplayed. If it's the second match, its my opponent just turning it up because he doesn't want me to promo.

I really don't think I'm playing any different because it's a promo, but I don't know for sure since there's no replays.

>tfw I'm STILL garbage with Xiaoyu

Please respond


Could be nerves and thinking about that promo making you impatient. Happens to me.

Tips for playing Steve against Asuka?

ask in the discord

watch Tanukana gameplay.





Is this the best robit?


>2-2 against Gigas
>glitchy broken fucking annoying hitbox
>i have full hp
>he has 1 hp
>trying to jab to kill him
>his throws have longer reach than my jabs
>his throws also crush and ignore highs
>he figures it out and throws me 8 times to death

fuck this game

>>his throws also crush and ignore highs

after the second time why didnt you just duck or break the throw


I will win EVO Bruv

PAB d/f+2 if she's spamming reversals


>tried the same tactic 8 times and got punished each time.

wiv shaeen..i fink hes a good character

I can't break 100% of throws, just most of them

What is the pkb df2 combo? Tfw warrior rank Steve and I don't even know it lmao

>Complaining about Gigas

How salty are you, user?

His hitboxes are buggy and it's somewhere in between annoying and irritating.


>Eliza will be available 30 days after release

Honestly she's nothing special. I kinda wish she wasn't part of the Tekken universe as she's a gateway for Tekken characters to have super meters now.

1-3 Kazuyer
4-6 Heihachi
7-9 Jin
0 Kuma


>I really like Leo's moveset, but her movement is not very fluid

Her animations snapping like that seems to be intentional as in the martial arts she uses have real moves that do that.

I vastly underestimated the difficulty of transitioning to Tekken from a SF/MK background. Like holy shit it feels like every characters movelist is double the size I'm used to and it doesn't even include the juggle options. I'm the type that likes to grind out in training but I still feel like I don't know half the buttons available to me, mostly because the buttons feel unintuitive (but probably because Tekken just feels unfamiliar). Maybe I got spoiled on how easy it is to pick up new characters in SF5 and IJ2.

How do you first time Tekken players do it

>got myself a stick
>playing Kat
>4 4 4 4 4 ing all day
>got a perfect
>4th kyu already
I am pretty much godlike, this shit is easy.

You're kind of right. I feel like Alisa has very good mixups options that makes it hard to guess and I have good IQ so I can easily make use of her.

However, I play a lot of characters. What do you consider a real character? I might be able to play them.

Some things came up, but please do add me so we can play later.


I tell this to every new player that gets scared by characters with large moveset. Don't let it intimidate you. Less than half of your characters moves are useful at all.