Hi, How do i destroy a scooter? What should i put in the gastank? Mothballs or battery acid? Anyone got a idea how to fuck one up? Literally to destroy it
How do i fuck up a scooter
Grow up
Petty revenge is never the answer
Fuck off if you have nothing usefull to say
You can't, a reasonably strong person can undo frame damage and the engine costs $75
just throw it off a cliff or something
or just don't be a dick with its owner
Dump a bunch of sugar in the gas tank.
Lol, That doesnt work for shit.
We're not your personal army faggot
Give it to a homeless man and video record him riding away into the sunset
By not posting with your ip online so when your local authoritys investigate you are not liable
Stupid fuck
You dont have to be fucker. I just need some help. Cunt.
Why the fuck would they investigate me?
Btw, I dont kno
Kill yourself OP.
>implying trashing a $75 engine is anything more than an inconvenience
At this point I'd rather call your local cops on you than help you, because it'd be funnier. Judging by your attitude and poor decision making skills, I'd wager you deserved whatever you're trying to get revenge for.
just take a fucking hammer, you don't need to be creative. post pics when you're done faggot
While a lot has changed on Veeky Forums, I'm glad people like you still post.
drain the oil, you may seize the engine. if the person rides it and gets injured you're fucked tho
could also try replacing the oil with the wrong kind. again you are boned if the person gets harmed. takes awhile for those types of rides to seize from stuff like that. I wouldn't recommend putting that person at risk. it's dumb. could also dismantle some necessities I guess
>destroy it
Oh no, I have to put in a $30 rebuild kit! Woe is me!
The only way to destroy it is to put it in a car crusher and turn it into a cube. They're so simple and cheap.
Grow up, go be angry somewhere else, stop being a petty cunt and find something more productive to do with your life.
Neither do you, I bet.
Get a job and stop wasting your energy on high-school girl tier petty revenge.
I removed the carb on mine, opened it up, it was perfectly clean. Put it back on my bike and now it won't start. You can try that
>removing the magic carb without a magician to reassemble
It's like you wanted these problems to happen.
Also, OP, you're petty.
Breather pipe broke off. Was basically running open for a while. Thought it was dirty. Going to replace the slow jet. I probably need to gag her to get it to start after doing that.
Am I the only one who really wants to know the backstory to this?
Why would we help you be a cunt, cunt
Drink bleach
>such an emasculated prick he has to resort to damaging a fucking scooter for revenge
Do you even know how sad you are?
Loosen oil drain plug so it will leak out. Water in gas tank. Pour sand into the CVT.
drain the tank of gas and drink it
On a slightly related note, what would happen if you put bleach in a gas tank? Not trying to help faggot OP, just curious
Seize it after driving it around after awhile or warming it up
stash some child porn pics on it and call police....
This. Grow up and fuck off.
Drain the transmission oil
How the fuck is not driving a fucking scooter not enough of a win for you? How fucking insecure can you be that youre resorting to bitch tactics against a fucking scooter rider?