>you're on the passanger seat

>your gf is driving and you both have an argument
>she begins to weep, puts both hands on the face
>on the motorway

What would you do in this situation?

One hand on the wheel, keep it between the lines, try to calm her down and get her to pull off until we sort it out. Like a rational human being, y'know?

What said, to the letter. There really isn't a better answer for this that doesn't start and end with "Not letting my GF/mom/any woman ever drive in the first place."

>throws anger tantrum and stomps around with feet in the foot compartment
>randomly hitting gas and brakes

But what now?

This wouldn't happen because thots and roasties that can't act like a normal human adult aren't worth my time. My first and second gf were like that though. The 2nd did that, I calmly grabbed the steering wheel, put on hazards, moved onto the shoulder. We swapped places, I drove her home, walked home myself. When she came by the day afterwards and didn't apologize or anything I asked her why she put us in danger and she said I was overreacting and shouldn't expect her to "be like a guy who can stay level headed". Noped rihht tbe fuck out of there. I check her fb once in a while, jesus fug I dodged a bullet, she got fat as fug

Tl;dr don't associate with people not worth your time

>passanger seat
is that like julian assange?

>have a gf with a brain

don't need to worry about that m8


as if (You) had a use for a gf (female)

no one gives a fuck loser this isn't your blog

t. fat roastie

>yell with all my might
>take shoe off
>open door with foot and kick her in the face in one fluid motion
>unbuckle her seatbelt at the same time
>punt her out and assume control

Don't worry cause the steering is perfectly aligned

push hazard button and let jesus take the wheel as I make sure my seatbelt is on

Take a minute to wonder how the fuck an anime character is riding my motorcycle and how I'm in the passenger seat when there is none

>letting a girl drive in the first place
you were wrong since the beginning

I don't have a gf so I would obviously be in safe control of my vehicle

Considering she drives an 18 wheeler, I'd probably die before I can get up n grab the wheel.

>Wake up

Remember stupid shit like this is why I don't bother with chicks anymore, and wake up.


>t. Virgin

This but after i got out of the car, end the relationship immediately & go get tacos.

>keyboard tough guy
>berzerk pic
>shouldn't expect her to "be like a guy who can stay level headed"
Any woman who subscribes to this kind of shit beliefs is pure cancer. Don't live with psychos cunts.


>letting a woman drive
>being in the passenger seat while said woman is driving
>talking to a woman while she is driving
>arguing with a woman while she is in control of your life

This. Act like a rational human being, turn off the radio, and speak in a soft voice.

Tell her firmly but gently that I understand she's upset but she could get herself killed.

enjoy the sweet embrace of death

>letting your gf drive
Does she do the penetration during sex too?

I been in a similar situations with my father
>Work in the family business
>Carpool with father
>Dad gets distracted by the tiniest of things
It has become scary being with him in a car. I have asked him to let me drive but he thinks I'm a bad driver because it don't have the decades of driving experience like him
>Carpooling to work
>See light ahead turn red
>Cars in front have stopped
>Notice that we haven't slowed down at all
>Look at father
>He's looking at rearview
>"Wow user, look at those Chevy trucks, they have become huge!"
>Scream at my dad to brake because light it red
>He manages to brake at the last second
>Tires squeal, abs kicks in, and almost hit the car in front
>"user don't yell at me when I'm driving, it's distracting"
The same happened again at the next light because he saw a Dodge RAM and couldn't believe that those have also gotten huge.

Good job user. A mature person would do this. I was in this situation just the past weekend but my gf is pretty chill and doesn't do that, she just continues to drive calmly even if she gets emotional, she always chooses the safe route with things.

letting her drive has its advantages


not worth it lol

I want to dive between those.

I'm the one driving.

Ah yes the steering is but the tire pressure is not.

>>letting a woman drive
>in car with mum
>she flies through a stop sign
>leans out the window yelling and screaming at the guy who almost tboned us

>your gf
Where do you think you are?

>not being a qt little femmy twink
>not having a qt twink bf who is a great driver

twink on twink relationship>having a roastie gf

>One hand on the wheel, keep it between the lines, try to calm her down and get her to pull off until we sort it out

at first I read this as "try to calm her down and get her to pull me off until we sort it out".

there you go. a massive twink orgy.