Keying cars

Arguing with a faggot in another thread talking about keying someones car what are your opinions of keying cars. Personally i think its one of the most cowardly acts thoughts?

Don't bother arguing with him. He is a piece of trash engaging in subhuman levels of petty behavior against people he consciously are subconsciously feels inferior too. He's not worth your time until he can function as a stable member of society.
The more you interact with elements like this the more they will try to drag you into their shit.

i would go to jail for attempted murder if i had a car over 200k and some fucker came by and keyed my car. anything under that i would just put a clear bra on & move on

You're just mad you got owned in the argument, fucktard

refer to for more info

that's what tire irons are for

Arguing with people that are petty enough to fuck with someone's car is usually like talking to a downie.
No matter what you say, nothing really gets through and they'll just go back to being retarded the second you're done.

It's a car. No one outside of this shit hole shares your sentiment. If keying someone's car falls on your "most coardly acts" list, then you're probably a teenager without a real sense of the real world.

I think the world needs more cars keyd. people need to realize that it's just material shit and get over it.

>>doesnt understand hyperbole

OP is assblast over the hypothetical act of keying an assholes car lmao

keying someones car is a piece of shit thing to do, why would you do that? if you have a problem with the owner, confront him you fucking pussy.

I rather somebody just key my car rather then some short tepered twat comfronting me.

I'd rather not have keys inside my stomach

Of course I couldn't understand the hyperbole you fucktard. Your lack of punctuation made your post down syndrome tier retarded. I could have smashed my face on a piece of parchment paper and it would have been easier to read than your middle school structured syntax. Fuck you, stupid.

>>talking about structured syntax uses sentence fragments

>doesn't understand the Oxford comma
Your thread is shit, you're a shit person, you're shit at the English language and you're stupid to boot. Either way, yeah man keying someone's car is bad. There, you've been vindicated in your online slap fight. You can delete this thread; actually, just kill yourself. Your thread will die on its own.


>talks about sentence formation
>doesn't use possessive nouns properly

I think telling someone to kill themselves over something so unimportant as you yourselfe pointed out, is alot worse as a decent human then what he did.

>Nitpicking and crying this hard

End it, faggots

Only subhumans key

>car owner shows up
>he's a lower middle class guy who spends almost all his money on his car
>he has to deal with the damage or go broke

If breaking someone's windows falls on your etc etc etc
What is the value of property? What are morals?

Something you lack because you are less than human.


Only women and retards do such shit.

They wont comprehend morals anyway if so materliastic.

>says the idiot mad enough to start a thread to vindicate his internet cock waving contest
We've already established that you're shit at the English language, so I'm going to give you some homework. Look up the definition of irony. Fucking idiot.
I think, if I gave a shit about your opinion, I would have asked. I think, if he was stupid enough to make this thread, I don't care how "decent" of a human being he is, because he's mentally deficient. I think, I don't really care what you think.
Morals are subjective, stupid. Just because our morals aren't the same, doesn't make me wrong. The fact that you think morals are objective means you're not smart enough for me to discuss this with you anyway.

You did literally the same thing here
Are you actually going to try and hold some form of superiority when you literally did the same thing some 10 minutes ago? Fuck off, you absolute retard.

The best way to argue with materialism is with material.

Morals are not subjective. Or should I say, ethics. It used to be "oh, god says so, and if you disagree god will send you to hell, but not before I smite you myself" but at this point we have found that things like basic empathy and respect for property are innate, and a lack of those things can be attributed to either A: an individual not being capable of abstract thought or B: mental illness (psychopathy). As only retards and psychopaths truly lack them. Everyone else is a self-deluding asshole that secretly feels bad about it and goes through mental gymnastics to try and feel good about the evil they do.

That said, since morals are subjective please give me your address so I can smash all the windows in your shitty oversized materialist capitalist pig house for assholes and paint dicks on the siding.

Don't retaliate when I start, I have my own interpretation of the NAP that says property doesn't count, so if you interfere with vandalism you get shot/

Cowardly, only a little bitch would smash someones shit instead of talking to them face to face.

>Morals are not subjective
I stopped reading there. You're wrong. I don't know what else to tell you. Morals are subjective.

Literally proceeds to skip the part that proves his argument wrong oh well....

hey man take some chill pills, were all here just to shit on subhumans who vandalize peoples cars because they are petty and afraid of confrontation

What? You didn't prove anything. You actually just fucked up definitions and acted smug. Let me tell you why you're a fucking retard. 'ethics' and 'morals' aren't the same thing, hence why we have 2 different words for them, you fucking retard. Ethics are 'rules provided by an external source' morals are 'individuals own principles regarding right and wrong'. You're fucking stupid for not understand these basic concepts. Morals are subjective, they are left to the individual to decide THAT MEANS THEY'RE SUBJECTIVE.
But yeah, tell me again how you ignore all definitions and that somehow equated to a 'part that proves'. Fucking idiot.
I'm here to shit on everyone with a stupid opinion. That includes you.

not user you were getting angry with but i found this look at the synonyms

no theyre not lol

i mean ignoring definitions is cool and all ig uess next youll tell me black people cant be racist

>luk @ mE I cun google! :D
Great, no draw me a picture on paint and I'll hang it on the fridge, so you can have something to be proud of.

i didnt say do it you stupid moron, i said arguing with a woman is a waste of time

The fact that you can't discern the difference in that definition means you might actually be dumb. This isn't me being an asshole, you actually just do not understand the English language. It specifically states "a set of moral principles". Ethics and morals are different, your definition literally proves my point.

thats a philosophical viewpoint that is subjective not concrete as are all the definitions i have provided

if it were not as specific as you imply why do none of the dictionaries recognize it as such

Morals have to be philosophical you dolt. They're subjective. You can't measure morality. It can't be objectified. How did you pass middle school without knowing this?

Hold on. Keep this thread alive. I'm about to post this on Veeky Forums, so we can all laugh at the brainlet that doesn't understand the definition of subjectivity.

moral relativists....

if they will not accommodate my morals and the morals of my people as absolute truth or adopt a compatible viewpoint then they give up every right they do not recognize. right there on the spot.

if you say "it's not wrong to key cars. morality is subjective." then I throw a brick at your car

>if they don't believe the same exact things I do, they don't have any rights
Take your bullshit commie beliefs elsewhere faggot.


hmm ethicist that sounds like an expert in the philosophical realm of ethics oh look the majority of them consider the terms interchangeable

Gee, seeing how I would qualify myself as an 'academic' and would fall under the 'law' portion as well, as my degree (academia) is in law (law) it would make sense that smarter people (academics) would understand the difference.
No they don't? Your post literally tells you academics think you're wrong lol.

"says the idiot mad enough to start a thread to vindicate his internet cock waving contest"

Yeah, I am mad. I'm mad idiots like you exist and need to be spoonfed and ridiculed until you educate yourself.

"most ethicists(that is, philosophers who study ethics) consider the terms interchangeable"

You just said here
My definition was philosophical. Then you try to claim that my definition is not philosophical? Are you really that stupid as to forget what you typed 15 minutes ago?

as much as i love arguing subjectivity i think it will be more fun to leave you stewing in your anger have fun manlet who masquerades on the internet as a lawyer? Pre-law? Noting you didnt make the distinction proves youre neither....

You seem to really "believe" in this phycology mumbo jumbo and in your interpertation of "reality".

Why since morals are subjective you smash my house? You probably already know what my address is so why play these head games with me? But with that sayd I think my house would look really edgy if you did those things to them you say you are but never actually going to do them like all the other countless things you never do that you want to in your head.

First off it would be "proves you're either" not "neither". Second, I'm not a lawyer I just got my degree in law because it was easy. Third, I don't really care if you leave me stewing, because you're still wrong and everyone here but you knows it. Either way, have fun floating through life uneducated, ignorant and dumb.

What a pussy

Nice story faggot
Type less THEN I'll consider reading your shitpost

Nah, I enjoy writing novels.

not user but respectfully do you not feel it is futile to argue over these things with people when it just angers you and theyre most likely trolling? Also the general consensus is that law isnt an easy degree whered you go to school not trolling just wondering

I key cars all the time. Some fucktard in a SL got a new pinstripe on his left door after parking between two spaces. That might teach him to park better. Another time I slammed my door on purpose on a sti, because the retard left me less than 2 feet space to open my door and get in.
If you don't want your expensive car to get damaged, park in a private lot. Also it seems like the expensive the car, the less of a fuck the driver gives about being a sensible driver.


I'm glad to live in a state where I can say "hey" and then shoot you as you face me, and say he was running at me brandishing a sharp object. Not witnesses = self defense.

It's not futile. If I can educate one person then maybe they won't wander into the next thread without understanding basic concepts. I also work graves, so I have nothing else to do. I received my degree from the University of Utah in 2002, then started to work in law and decided it wasn't for me. Anyone who tells you that law is a hard degree is just lazy. It's just long hours of case law memorization.

why dont you key people that dont think they deserve it? your too predictable, be more advanced.

Literal subhuman turbowog

A pretty good rule of thumb is: don't fuck with another mans car. You can fuck anything else, just not his car

i key cars literally everyday i dont care its not my fuckin problem

nah you dont

Ohhh what a badass.
I dont feel like scratching cars for no reason.

You dont do it because of how you feel before but how you feel after, silly.

Nah why would you go with someone's property? Thats just bullsht.

As a side note if scratchproof glass exists why the fk is shitty paint eveb a thing?


It's a pretty pathetic act. No decent person would key a car, only shitbags who are deluding themselves.

It's a right petty bitch move done by petty bitches.

The sub humans who key cars would just get assmad and do something even worse. Better off to have scratched paint than dents and broken shit i guess.

In civilised countries people respect other people's possessions.

1. That's not true
2. You can't provide any empirical evidence towards that
3. More vandalism happens in 'civilised' countries than not, especially in the terms of cars.


>next youll tell me black people cant be racist
of course the /pol/cuck has to always brings in niggers into the argument

>I think, I don't really care what you think
Then why reply to him?

you can kick the shit out of a man, you can fuck his wife; but never touch his car or his dog.

also the commie faggot ITT who rationalizes such behaviour is objectively wrong.
If not, then I'm free to set his house on fire 'cause he can afford it and our moral compasses aren't aligned lmao

Nice cherry picking.

>acts high and mighty like he’s the next Albert Einstein
>is in reality, arguing with a bunch of autists on a Norwegian basket weaving forum
Are you ok?

I was thinking the other day about this.
Is there a system yet that can start recording from a 360 camera when the car detects a knock on a body panel?

a /g/fag could probably wire up something like that

At least he's the smartest autist.

It would depend on what you mean by "bump". A lot of cars have crash detection now a days, so yes your idea is already in effect in a roundabout way. However, if you just want a small bump to set it off, you would have to rig it to the security system (if someone bumps it hard enough the alarm and camera go off). Anything other than that would require you to put aftermarket 'bump detectors' at a higher sensitivity than the alarm system.

I once key'd a guy.
Did you know that if the stab doesn't hit any major organs it's not the stab that kills you, it's the blood loss.

1. That is true

2. Literally look out your window, you won't see people rioting in the streets

3. Don't reply to me or my wife's posts ever again.


Yeah, it's material shit that i slaved a long time for. My car has sentimental value to me

>being such a massive pussy that you have to take action against inanimate objects and run instead of doing something face to face
>Not cowardly

Change car to literally anything else and it's still the same thing. Not to mention that repairing paint work isn't cheap and costs hundreds/thousands.

vandalism is inherently a shitbag move


if you cut someone off in traffic or drive/park like an asshole, expect to get keyed.
not saying I personally do, but a group of friends of mine have made it their life's work.
we r legion etc

t. westerner
It's always people who can have whatever they want at any moment that preach the transient nature of property and other nonsense. It's easy to have no more than what you need...when you can just order more on amazon. It's easy to not care because it's just a car...when you can go to maaco to fix the scratch for cheap and then sell it to some sucker for what you paid for it.

Try living an actual limited life and you will find that you care for your possessions a lot more and don't ever want to be caught with a genuine reason to want more/better stuff.

Even a monk keeps his robes clean.

as far as americans are concerned, a legal lane change is "cutting off" because they wanted to tailgate the guy in front of you. the car length gets them there faster! even if you accelerate faster than them and they have to speed to catch up to you and then resume tailgating.

if you notice someone follows you, stay near your car, or follow them, and if they touch your car, get in a fight.

Pussy shit.

Car bombing, now that's what real niggas do.

Wouldn't is be pretty simple and inexpensive to fix key scratches?

lol no, the entire panel has to be replaced or repainted

>replacing entire factory panel is not cheap

>sanding down, possibly filling if the gouges hit the metal, priming, painting, blending, etc. is expensive/time consuming

I work in insurance. If someone has a car with 80% of the panels keyed/scratched, it's a total loss in 50-70% of cases. Even if the entire vehicle is mechanically sound, windows intact, etc. it just costs so much to fix that damage. It's not even like getting a car sandlbasted and repainted in full, because if they've dented/gouged the metal it's a PITA to fix.

Usually those are fraudulent claims, though.

simple, yes, cheap no.

IF it goes through to the bare metal, you are now going to sand that surface all the way smooth until you eliminate the valley. Now you need to go through spraying your 7-9 layers of paint again (etching primer for bare metals, 2-3 layers of a base primer, a sealer, 2 or so layers of color, 2-3 layers of clear)

You also have to blend the new paint in with the surrounding paint, when you deal with flakes and pearls humidity, air mix, paint flow, temperature, even ambient breeze can make the flake lay down different. You are going to spay an area 2-3x larger than the affected area to hide it.

To fix a keyed car like the OP image, to factory specs you are going to burn through 1000+ USD in labor, and most likely about 500-800 dollars in materials if you use Dupont or other OEM colormatched paint.

Keying a car is pussy shit and people should be shot for it.