What car is this?
What car is this?
Other urls found in this thread:
Bamberini Smegmisto
Its a Bamboozli Againi
my dad had one fantastic car
Looks like a movie prop to me
awesome one
I would restore that and LARP as a Blade Runner
Those are Volkswagen wheels and steering wheel from the mid 70's if that helps...
found more pics
those switches look 90's
It's perfectly fine, the cupholder is still working
Wheels and tails are off a Rabbit.
googles never heard of it
Obviously it's a kit or handmade car. The instrument cluster looks like mid 90s American Ford. The steering column looks like something from a European car of that era. I don't know what the fuck that engine is, obviously it's an FWD four-pot though.
looks like a hearse
I base that assumption on the fact that it looks like a sedan and it's longer and taller than a normal sedan
Engine might be from a Saturn.
It looks french, where is this?
looks home made as fuck
Bingo. The instrument cluster and engine are from a 1991-1995 Saturn. I don't know where that steering column is from though.
Addendum: Steering column is from a 1996-1999 Saturn.
Some car that picks passenger up in a amusment park maybe?
did saturn use 4x100mm bolt pattern? I know Opel (GM europe) did. If so, VW wheels would fit since they were 4x100 aswell.
Probably, because the later Saturns were rebranded Opels anyway.
Earlier ones were 4x100 too.
Triangular pillars
That chasis must be ultra stiff
Bamberini Smegmisto - rare AF but horrible car.
I found the exact same thread on some other website, it's like looking at an alternative universe, but it says it was made earlier. I don't know who to trust.
came here to post this
what the fuck
its this exact thread but on a different site??
It's an automatic mirror that's been running since Hiroshima took over or something around that time. I forget what it's for. Maybe ad revenue.
This is disturbing
>no tire kickers
humvee placenta