What's the human condition equivalent of a check engine light

What's the human condition equivalent of a check engine light

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Coughing. Might just be a sensory twich, might be lung cancer.

Pains in your neck, jaw and left arm. Been getting a bit of that lately and know what it likely means, but dgaf.

What's the automobile equivalent of pain in your genitals like burning when pissing

This or abdominal pain

Rectal bleeding. Might just be a sensory twitch, might be lung cancer.

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Coolant in the engine oil

Might be that you are a degenerate faggot.

>What's the human condition equivalent of a check engine light
Headache. It sucks, but it doesn't tell you what's wrong.

Anxiety. Sometimes it's good, and warns you of a real issue. Other times...

>disliking gay homosex faggots fucking eachother in the asshole

it's 2018 grandpa, get with the times. baka...

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>know this guy who is a drywaller
>looks old as fuck, like he's 70 or so
>he's actually 45

Yes please continue and remember that a real man dies from aids, don't be a little bitch and seek treatment.

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occasionally bleeding from the penis tip

great minds think alike

Please remember that girls are nothing but selfish whores and real men die alone. (i dont want you to procreate)

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Blowing your nose and seeing green or yellow mucus instead of clear mucus
>t. knower

I shit blood all the time.. my hemorrhoid like like my little buddy.. sometimes he just likes to say "hi" for a couple days. He communicates in blood.

It's nice to have friends.

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sheesh grandpa it's 2018

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Joking about suicide.
Everyone just ignores it until shit gets bad then they act like it came out of nowhere.

You must be at least 18 to post here.

but I am?

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Anything that feels 'not normal.'

The CEL just says "there's an issue," it's the OBD-II codes that tell you where said issue is coming from, then you diagnose what's wrong based upon those 'symptoms.'

>Just being semantic, yo.

>no check engine light but car still doesn't feel normal

What's that called genius

getcher wheels balanced

>tfw first sipp of the day

>tfw check engine light is on because of a hole in the catalytic converter

wtf its not even the engine

haha gay

Chest pain.

>tfw stick random household objects up my ass when i really need to get off
>no roids

how do you even get them

Posting on Veeky Forums

Depression, anxiety


>don't wear PPE
>die early
Wear your PPE.

Kids these days punching holes in their catalytic converters just for that extra 5hp, you're ruining the environment bud. Stop.

>mfw gutted my rx8's cat
>blue smoke everywhere

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why is she drooling like a fucking idiot

She's fasting

by pushing too hard

t. opiate addict

jk i dont do drugs

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a headache