Im back from dinner, anyways...
Why are Americans bad at cars?
Im back from dinner, anyways
Sorry, I dont understand this American humuor.
>be australian
>go 4wd'ing
>wheelspin in mud
>cop comes out of bush wearing full camo
>"I saw that wheelspin, thats a hooning offence"
>4wd gets impounded and crushed
>go to court
>$2000 fine
>loose my license for 5 years
Stop fucking bumping the shitter kangaroo's threads.
>be American
>get shot
>go to school
>get shot
>go to work
>get shot
>get hurt
>can't afford medical care
>get shot
>eat fast food and get shot
>bitch about Australians on a Austrian sewing machine enthusiast's maintenance and projects image board
>get shot
Strange, I'm Murican and have never been shot or shot at.
Me neither but then i live in the midwest where there are few tacos and dindus so less reason for the police to be trigger happy in general.
better than being upside down
>be kangaroo nigger
>pay thousands of dollars a month for pathetically slow internet service to shitpost about my garbage dump of a country
>disregard the fact that we lost a war to birds
>be austrailian
>driving down highway
>need to go to the bathroom
>pull off the side of the road
>cop pulls up behind you
>tickets you for not being on a designated off road trail
>begin driving again
>see an emu
>start shaking uncontrollably remembering your grandpa telling you about the war of 32
>>start shaking uncontrollably remembering your grandpa telling you about the war of 32
>be australian
>go to truck
>abo has siphoned half your tank of gas, huffed the fumes and passed out on your driveway
>before he passed out he shat in the bucket with your gas in it
>have to throw away gas
>have to touch abo and move him to sidewalk
>get in truck
>put on unintelligable radio station
>drive to offroad course
>go offroading, get ticket for spinning wheels
>return to road
>get stopped on road for a speck of dirt covering headlight
>continue down road
>move to overtake land train
>hit kangeroo
>emu pecks your dead corpse
I live in the hood on the east coast and ive never been shot or shot at. People seriously underestimate that our nation is the size of their entire fucking continent and the news makes it look like america is post apocalyptic hell hole full of domestic terrorism
>disregard the fact that we lost a war to birds and are losing another one to the bin chickens
you average 96 people dying everyday to guns, 2 of those are children.
even adjusting for population between aus/usa, its fucking retarded. your murder rate is 5x higher as well and you (on average) die younger.
you also keep poor people poor, meaning they're only hope is to sell drugs/steal/rob and anyone middle class is only 1 bad accident away from being poor.
>converting your 4wd into a dog catcher
top kek, m8
17-year old gang members are minors, not children.
>you also keep poor people poor
Meanwhile you keep your entire country poor.
Australia doesnt have a gang culture that radiates throughout 330,000,000 fucking people either. I'll admit America has a very big suicide problem, since out of our 32,000 gun deaths 21,000 of them are fucking suicides (mostly middle aged white men). The other 10,000 deaths are young black men killed, this portion largely encompasses our masses amount of gangs and the stupid radio promotes it every single day. Dont even get me started on those crime statistics but in a nutshell a large portion of them comes from black on black crime.
its starting to look like /pol in here so go ahead and call me racist and ignorant so we can go about our lives.
>you also keep poor people poor
I am not even american and I can see that it is mostly about the fact that the individual can't control themselves.
>Ooooo I got my taxes back
>Better blow it all on useless shit
call me absolutely crazy if you want but 10,000 homicides from guns compared to a population of 330,000,000 people isnt THAT bad.
>be a leaf
>have all the freedom of the US
>don't get shot
>have money to buy toys
>not fat
>have all the freedom of the US
What about bill C16
Ehhh most of "them" wind up necking themselves or dying of aids. The trans fad will be dead in 5 years anyways. It's still not on the same level as needing a license to own a paintball gun or living somewhere where butter knives are illegal.
>need government permission to buy a semi auto
>still cant buy handguns with a barrel under some arbitrary length
at least you're not "protected" from foreign car markets.
You can walk into any gun shop and buy something that will easily take down a 1200lb grizzly or a 2000lb bull moose. What the fuck are you supposed to use a semi auto for? Guns are fun and all but come on.
>be Australian
>at least I'm not American
they don't procreate, but they do spread their memes and so new generations of kids brainwashed by their propaganda will continue to stifle your free speech. good luck, canuck
Feel free to dispute this table
This tbqh
The EU is filled with criminals, anyone who thinks otherwise is an idealogue
But you're just as fucking fat and your country is the asshole of the earth.
Dunno, honestly if I was to choose between my life intact or my television set still in my living room, I think I'd know which option to pick.
>when you're so offended you can only retort with adhominems
It's 80% niggers that are 12% of the population. Take out 80% of murders if you want to compare us to other whyte nations. And why the fuck would I want to give up my guns because of niggers? What kind of faggot are you? Scared to walk outside because of a little scary nigger that might shoot you?
>it's another episode of "If you remove all the murderers, america has no murderers"
top kek amerifats
>greece in last place
yeah, because there is nothing to steal kek
Oh it's cool, just give it one generation to turn the white EU into le 56% because they want to import african niggers by the boatload.
oh it keeps going
>delusional amerifat; the post
>"it's the niggers fault" argument
>What kind of faggot are you? Scared to walk outside because of a little scary nigger that might shoot you?
Nope, because I'm statistically only 1/5th the risk of becoming a homicide victim. I'm sure you'll be able to talk down the bullet heading towards you with the tough guy talk though :^)
I'm staying tuned for next episode too.
>yet Yurop is still safer
Really makes you think
Ive never once been in fear of my life, but somehow you are scared shitless in another continent far away. Drama queens will believe anything. Dont do drugs, live in a ghetto, or be black, and youll be fine. But thats why you're so scared.
Just look how quick the US went to le 56%.
been to both murrica and aus, and the us is by far the bigger shithole
>its another australian pretending that japanese 4x4s are actually australian episode
i goofed in only the typing
>100 guns per resident
was supposed to be
>guns per 100 residents
im quite the unintelidumb when it comes to typing.
>oh? I might live in the last frontier, but I'm super brave!
Thing is American driving habits and legislation has been brought up many times on this board, with suggestion that tougher drivers licence regulation and training would be a positive. Although these suggestions are often met with retorts of "but mah freedom" and "Darwinism".
Literally no one said that
Lol, I saw that but glossed over it. Initially I thought that was a reasonably optimistic number.
>Literally no one said that
alright so you wont mind it when i start making threads saying that japanese 4x4s are superior and nonexistent australian 4x4s are garbage then?
Not at all, I love Japanese 4x4s and have a few ;)
Yeah, we don't give a fuck. And we sure don't want some bootlicking abbo to lecture us on what laws we need, stay in your asian hellhole, plz.
>on this board
yes, but its not broadcasted from every damn media platform like MUH GUN REGULATIONS is.
Don't think you get to call others bootlickers when you're statistically more oppressed
But hey, at least you can overthrow your government with your unregulated Glock right?