How do you fuck up someone's car without them finding out it was deliberate?

How do you fuck up someone's car without them finding out it was deliberate?

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post tits

Please do not fuck with someone's car

You can't hide from me, motherfucker. Your post has been logged, and I will be sending TOP men to your residence to teach you a valuable lesson is respect real soon, KID.

Mountain Dew in radiator

tampon in exhaust pipe

cum inside it

Tits or gtfo

What’s the story here?


paint filled balloons

semen filled condoms in the exhaust alternatively use a big ass potato

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Dick in exhaust


Puke in the Vents for the A/C

Remove valve cores.

dont be an asshole faggot, if you have a problem with someone deal with it like a man.

Best posts. Don't be petty scum.

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kill yourself afterwards

What did the car do to you?

I'll be waiting with open arms, faggot.

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How do people justify car vandalism? I'm guessing it's because to a normalfag, having a "sports car" is purely a way of flaunting your wealth, but surely if they were genuinely upset by this they'd go after the person, not their car.

I only ask because the only explanation i've seen is "they're poor and jealous", but I am poor and have been poor for my whole life. When I see some mid-twenties guy with slicked back hair in a business suit and aviators revving his straight piped Porsche at the lights, I think "wow, what a massive cunt of a man". I don't think "wow, what a massive cunt of a car".

Perfect idea I just thought of OP.
So first off, an hero. But here's the thing. leave a note saying the car in question is the reason you did it and fabricate some evidence up to support your claim. If executed well you could get the car pinned with a manslaughter charge and nobody would ever find out the truth because cars can't talk

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LS1 swap it

Walk by and step on their exhaust pipe.

>How do people justify car vandalism?

Personally, I had a friend whose house was robbed so he responded by torching the assailants car. It actually almost burned his entire house down. Friend never got caught, it was pretty based.

Water in the gas tank is good enough right? Simple and nice.
Kinda considered loosening the lugnuts on the wheels but I don't want to kill anyone.

Well what do you want me to do the person? Poison him?

>Well what do you want me to do the person?

Talk to him and sort out your problems like a man, instead of vandalising someone's property like a cowardly little bitch.

jump in front of the car when it's going 20-40 mph. It's look liek an accident.

Chop your dick off and eat it. That ought to do the job.

If you're really so offended by someone's presence, ideals, actions whatever, challenge them about it face to face. If you aren't prepared to do that, suck it up and get a life.

Wank onto cabin filter


I've sprayed people's wheels pink or orange whenever they've been a total prick. Also a bit of spray paint on each panel for ultimate cost to fix.

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Ok OP, what you do is go to their house, make sure to bring plenty of cleaning equipment.

Clean the dudes car for him carefully, exterior and interior if it's open. After that, vandalize your OWN car by wrapping it around a tree