/owg/ - Overwatch General

So pro players and grandmasters can't aim, got it

Post yours!
Will post template right after this


Why the shitting dicknipples are you asking us to explain something about the game instead of the pro players and grandmasters you were playing with?

worst taste

he has social anxiety and can only deal with anonymous internet users instead of putting his cred on the internet

Because I'm not playing with pro players and grandmaster but I have working eyes and ears and can read and hear what they're saying when they play against Junkrat

damage reduction did nothing but let him tank ults arbitrarily combined with his self heal
theres no reason to give a character damage resist over health other than exploiting the extra relative healing you get, its a stupid mechanic that shouldnt have been added in the first place

theres no magic number between 35% and 20% thats suddenly going to be balanced and fun to play against
either hes immortal or hes not, thats the only difference between s tier and f tier, hes a garbage design, its better for the vast majority for him to not be in a "meta" place until they actually do a proper redesign and address his real design issues rather than trying to force him into a higher place without making him any more engaging or enjoyable for either team to play around or against

Not doing pictures, going to bed after I post this.

Clockwise from top left: Picture of Mercy looking tough, picture of Mercy being inspiring, picture of Mercy frowning, picture of Mercy laughing, picture of Mercy from the We Are Overwatch trailer, picture of Mercy's genitals with a chibi Mercy angel, picture of Mercy's genitals with a chibi Mercy devil, picture of rule 63 Mercy getting kissed by Mercy, picture of Lucio, picture of a fat lady singing.

>hanzo, at your service