/assg/ General

Need more and need it now

>What is Dead by Daylight?
Asymmetrical multiplayer slasher game where 4 survivors scramble to fix 5 generators, while 1 killer wants to sacrifice all of them.

>What is Friday the 13th?
A slasher game featuring Jason and counselors. 7 counselors with different stats and abilities try to escape the camp while Jason kills them one by one.

>What is Last Year?
Beta coming this October, Class based with weaker killers.

>Discord Chat

>Steam Group

>Latest Patch Notes (DbD)

>Skill Check Simulator (DbD)

I-is that a dead thread?!:

First for 4k EW1

post yfw hearing heart beatings 10 seconds after starting a game

>David 'Ratface' King

>it's another getting sandbagged by a le ebin memer twitch streamer getting you killed episode

>those tits
Should I start maining feng min /assg/?

Depends, can you handle all that smug?

Just stick it in and get it over with killer senpai

You convinced me.



You used my art.

: )


For the "risk it all" achievement, am i supposed to enter the match with a rare item and get out with it or can i just enter, use it all and survive? Either way, fuck the frogs.

Typical Nea main.

It just occurred to me that Billy doesn't have overalls. Why isn't this a thing?

>Billy doesn't have overalls. Why isn't this a thing?
If only...




fucking faggots always ruining this general

>Tfw been playing different killers instead of just spamming one

They were talking about a dude in overalls, I'm not sure what you guys were expecting. Perhaps this will be more to your liking?

Went to tumblr to look for art for the op and it was the literal first thing in my feed.

It was providence.

this will be a challenge but i will do it


I didn't even mean that in a provocative way, it just makes sense that farm boy would run around in overalls, but if you're into disfigured, possibly inbred mutants more power to ya.

Wraith just ruined my win streak i fucking hate him


>had a flashlight
>didn't go for the burn stun
Even if he killed you afterwards, you still would have won in the end. Now, you're just the guy who died to a wraith.

Back to spamming sally~

I would love to do that. If all my games were no longer black shirt niggettes with darkest moonlight nearly every fucking game.

>get hooked
>ride out hanging phase
>almost never attempt escape
>instakill upon entering struggle phase
I've tried differeng speeds of smashing X, even holding it at one point in case I was just misunderstanding how to do it. I don't know what's wrong and I feel like I'm getting scammed out of a whole extra slice of game. Does anyone else know this feel? What am I doing wrong?
t. console shitter

>trapping daily
>start lobby
>everyone constantly tbags and rushes with bt
>end up facecamping 3 of them to death

and I was in a good mood when I started this round

>hooking people when you have a trapping daily

bonus: the two russian kids just added me on steam

yeah, I was going to go light and focus on traps but the fucking tbagging behind pallets with purple dildo in hand got to me, and I became spiteful

It card was got nerfed... you loses your items now.

holy fuck metalkid267

I think it is a latency issue. If your connection drops or lags for a moment, the game misses your inputs and kills you.

you deserve it

iron will any good lads

One of the best perks in the game.

Let that be the next general title

>very rare reward box
>faint reagent

>not going solely for perks and flashlights


gens n roses xd


>not using noed on streamers and memers

>not simply killing them in the first few minutes

who is this?

>not knowing who irondad267 is

I know who it is, i am him, i was asking who you are.

>not killing them at the start

lmao baka senpai

just a nobody, i play for honor on pc but i saw you meme/spam the general a lot. good name, good man

ah okay, I was thinking it was someone from the club. well, have a good day user.

y-you too

why do people always play the "haha I got it all recorded kiddo ;)" card? it means shit cause it's a standard game.
I feel sorry for the frogs getting flooded by reports.

>I feel sorry for the frogs getting flooded by reports.

The unpaid moderators handle bans.

>spend all day reading stuid reports
a fate even worse than death

>Claudette in the trailer is the first to go help what sounds like Meg getting fucked by Trapper
>she's concerned and even in the face of a psychotic murderer, she wants to help others
>her lore and entire character is about helping others and being kind
>every single cancerous cunt latches onto her as their go-to character

Sad really. Claudette is a patrician waifu desu.

>it's another killer abuses lag episode

The way they characterized her is why I picked her originally back in the beta and early release. I still maintain the playstyle but I get too much shit for running claud even with my bright-ass clothes. It's just unfortunate, I wish all the shitter clauds would just fuck off so that people would stop complaining about survivor mains and we could find harmony between all the murders.

Do non-4-man SWF groups even play this game?
They're the only cucks that ever join my lobby.

I don't feel like playing survivor today but jesus dude i'm not dealing with this garbage.

I think the matchmaking gives them priority.

it's sucks when I join as a survivor and we all appear at the same time, so killers dodge me all the time because they think I'm in a SWF.

I'm curious about why survivors refuse to be more polite, they wait for like 10 minutes to get a game only to shit on the killer and then act surprised when no one wants to play with them

Why does this game still crash so much?
It's been how long now?
I'm sick of the game crashing and some smug ass killer thinking i ragequit because he just picked me up.

If they pop up all at the same time I do a quick background check. If they're all private, with vac bans, prestiged or with 500+ hours I bail. If at least a couple only have 10x as much playtime as me I roll with it. Also, everyone with over 1000 hours just goes to areas where they can't be caught and dares you to chase them while teabagging. Holding the game hostage after the exit is open is also a common occurrence but at least I can farm my ability while waiting for them to grace the exit with their presence. Truly starting from scratch as killer is suffering, but the smug bastards getting wiped anyway is immensely satisfying.

Is the content update for F13 going to bring people back or is it just totally dead on PC?

Its totally dead on pc

>leatherface killer
>game ends
>see this
is this some sort of bug?

Which content update? Every update causes the playerbase to increase slightly for a few days but then it drops back down, probably because every update breaks as much as it fixes.

Offering that let's you play a killer you don't own.

>two p3 players on lobby when I'm rank 12
>game starts
>lag like shit, killer spawn nexts to me but I dodge it
>hide in a locker nearby to see what the fug was going on
>memer claudette wasting his flashlight on me
>get to a gen
>first thing she does is fuck up a skill check
>killer is back to me
>I end up doing 3 gens and the p3 meg doing nothing starts insulting the killer
how do I stop getting paired with memers?

what about the addons? do they get wasted?
seems like a cool idea, I want to test hag.

huntress is free and doesn't have a splinter associated with her, probably just a UI glitch

Guess F13 dominates console and DBD dominates PC.


I'm retarded and you are correct.

It's far from totally dead. The numbers are low, sure, but you still get into a match faster than you do on DbD which has 10 times the playerbase.

but what about the rare addons? was he just being retarded and wasted them?

>not killing them all before the match even starts

Come on man


what this guy said for me too

>1 Minute into match
>3 people are hooked
>Killer takes pity and lets me escape
Why are randoms so suicidal?


How do I stop survivors abusing my shitty FOV and running circles around me and toying with me all game?
There's always that one guy that has 3 million hours in the game and just fucks with you while the rest do generators.
I suck and it makes me sad.

Play survivor more so you know where they can be hidding.
If some memer wants to loop you for 10 minutes then you can try with another target but it's really situational.

literally git gud

I'd say im really good at tracking and finding survivors, it's just when im being looped and they know how to run me around all game.

Thanks for the re-cap of what I already said.

I'd say focus more on gens and less on chasing people, if you legit lose someone and have no idea where they went, just give up sooner, and head back to gens. If you're taking too long to get someone, let them go and go back to securing gens. They can't escape if the gates aren't powered anyway.

Can survivors really force you to chase them for 10 minutes or break off? Is there anything the killer can do if the survivor jukes correctly in some areas? I've had similar situations where no lives with literally thousands of hours and all equipment make vanilla killers look like a joke. Funny how they managed to make a game where the serial killer facing a bunch of unarmed kids feels underpowered albeit I wouldn't know what it's like to play with maxed equipment.

It feels awful to do this, I've got a wound on them and if I break off they're just going to self heal then run at me again and do the same shit.
I suppose it makes more sense though.

Not him but I've been playing Trapper and the games kind of turn into stalemates if they leave the last few gens within decent reach and/or line of sight. We play merry go round the remaining generators until someone manages to walk into a trap, rinse and repeat. Maybe I should just start running Insidious or whatever the perk is that hides your presence. People just run away and with no reasonable way to catch up or find them I keep going back to patrolling and shooing them off generators until we die of old age. I usually win in the end but it's quite tedious, might be fun for the survivors I guess (at least for the one that leaves through the hatch for practically free).

10 minutes sounds like too much but there are places with houses where survivors can make killers lose a bunch of time by just playing well.
I remember getting memed hard on haddonfield in one of those houses.

Blue names are truly the worst

>taking my image to shitpost against me

I was actually thinking about that map while writing the post. You should be able to kick down the vaultable fences. A lot of the time I only ever get people because they underestimate the range I can hit over the fence.

You can't be looped if you don't chase the looper.

Literally just fuck off and go check other generators. You have no obligation to waste time chasing them.

You have to catch someone.