>5 murderers are the heroes Ionia needs
Maybe if they purge the vastaya degenerates. Damn vastaya. The equivalent of Gypsy
League of Legends general - /lolg/
Ethan Thomas
Ian Evans
kayn is cute CUTE!
Nicholas Diaz
did you open the video at the correct timecode?
Connor Morgan
>no slow and boring tanks
Daniel Sanchez
So i just got a dodge timer on the PBE coz the only champ anyone on the team could select was braum. ????????????????????????????
Owen Rivera
Got LP decay notification, how do I know if its for flex or solo?
Landon Russell
Justin Walker
>>no bullshit assasins
>>no slow and boring tanks
nigger are you kidding me?
>>fun supports in meta
yeah getting polymorphed every 2 seconds is fun to play against
Owen Wright
why are you skeptical
Lincoln Sullivan
Vel'koz mana cost are too high wtf