Titans will never have beards edition
Titans will never have beards edition
Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw no Holliday gf
>emblem tracks the number of night falls you've completed
>done it every single week on all 3 characters
What will your first "main" be for the pc release be anons?
i think its prestige nightfalls? idk i dont have it
>playing on pc
lol get out fagget
damned if you do
damned if you dont
I would think they'd put if it was prestige or not, but considering the competency levels of the rest of this game. maybe not.
I'm not damned if you don't. I knew the impersonation was coming so I got a trip. Now it's not a problem.
>clan drama
it's prestige nightfalls
t. done 19 regular nightfalls and 3 prestige but the emblem only displays "3"
Shut the fuck up bitch.
>10 days left for pc release
Whats the level I should be and and the must haves to raid?
280 and at least a 6 year olds level of intelligence
Got kicked from PS4 II. Reinvite please
inb4 this thread gets filled with that faggot literal who shitter DubCrack tripfagging all over the place and bringing his stupid clan drama to the thread and replying to everyone like he is relevant and totally not OFF FUCKING TOPIC
It's incredible that no matter what level you are or how far along into a game's life cycle or however many entries into a sequel, there are people who do not understand how the game works at a most fundamental level.
People who flip spawns in control need to be just banned from the game.
>I solo my clan xp every week, something that only requires 7 active players to hit the cap every week don't kick me I contribute
>tfw reading this and being able to pick up my welfare engrams without contributing at all and there's no problem
I'm going to sleep so I can drive home from college tomorrow.
Drive yourself off a cliff you stupid faggot alcoholic
Absolutely rude.
the fact they didnt put paul wright in d2 upsets me :(
>mfw I dont do shit and get my free exp and engrams
and none of you faggots will know who I am in the clan
Fuck off TrueDrinniol
Only reason to wife it is because it sucks a lot of dick
can someone kick TrueDrinniol PLEASE
>clan drama
>tfw you play competitive to cool down from playing ib
here's to another 3 years of this
>no clan chat
>no clan hub
>no form of clan interaction at all really
>still somehow manage to make drama
cheers to this special form of autism we have here.
>tfw my clan doesn't have this drama shit
Are there any different strategies to playing Countdown besides not playing Countdown? I'm decent in everything else but may as well be playing with my feet in that game type.
Not really, people just try way harder in game modes with limited/no respawns.
Also, countdown rewards team fire in a game that already rewards it way to much normally.
Who even are the clan leaders? Wasn't BiasedCuck the dude?
Same here. I don't think they even come to this shit hole anymore. I get my welfare engram and they know it. Nobody cares. We do shit together sometimes.
im perfectly fine with mongoose as the founder
>working for 10 days straight
>Wake up out of the clan for leeching
>i was
>the last post i made in /dg/ was about clan engrams being welfare
Feels excellent mang
why are all the ornaments worse than the default gun
>contribute clan xp every week since week 1
the fuck, why
WHERE THE FUCK IS THE FUCKING ironbanner.info/ironicc1 LINK IN THE OP?
because you fucked up the link
what the flying fuck is that domain
1. need to set guidelines for staying in the clan
2. purge should have happened near the end of Season 1
admins, founders royally fucked this up. Bob, Inter, DubTrack, whoever the fuck is in charge. /dg/ clans have always been fucked since the Y1 days.
are you okay?
Midi tool one looks decent enough
>1. need to set guidelines for staying in the clan
This. It's like they purged people they didn't know, regardless of activity.
T.someone that got purged
youre a faggot and have no idea what youre doing
Good thing I bent the knee and have no claim to leadership anymore.
DG3 got everything done every week, why did everyone get kicked who was still playing???
Cause it was 6-10 people who are all in DG1 now
Was this clan shit all on PS4 or did xbox get purged too?
fucking lol, a couple autistic spergs ruined the clans for hundreds of people
/dg/ has just become r/Destiny
Literally fuck everyone who doesn't post or play here frequently
Who cares?
welfare babies saw their free engram leave
nice circle-jerk faggot
I am kinda triggered by the cold heart one, because its just more built up frost all over it so to me it looks like someone just isn't maintaining their weapon properly
>group exclusively for /dg/
reddit is down the hall and to the left
Haven't seen it yet
>NEETS in /dg/ clans are complaining about normies collecting welfare engrams off their hard work
Yeah, fuck em. Deport them. Multiple people had never done the raid but were using raid weapons.
Fuck that. In what world is that reasonable?
2/4 for one round of trials
I just need one win so I can use these tokens on my alt.
Literally who fucking cares. D2 is casual shitfest and endgame is friendship. Guess spergs of Veeky Forums couldn't take it anymore.
>that pic
>tl;dr we own you forever how
Can't be friends with people that never do shit with you and now we've stacked the deck full of people that will do shit with you.
We basically found a meta strat for D2 endgame friendship content.
>1. need to set guidelines for staying in the clan
exact amount of hours or times playing with clan or exp contributed or whatever the fuck is agreed on
PS4 shit was fucking bungled with people cutting before laying things out
I hope Hitcheson is in here
Pretty much
No. If we don't even play together, fuck off.
There's no criteria. But if you have hung out here and played with people from here, everybody knows if you're a /dg/ player or not. YOU know if you're a /dg/ player or not.
If you aren't, fuck off. You don't contribute anyway. Your clan EXP doesn't mean jack dick because you'd have to be retarded to NOT max it out.
Yep like collecting the welfare, they need to show they've been looking for raid and trials groups in the clan each month
Newfag here, how do I git gud at Crucible? Every time I play it I'm pretty much consistently bottom of the leaderboard and get destroyed by everyone on the enemy team, and all the kills I do get feel more like pure luck than because I was actually a better player. What am I doing wrong lads?
Maybe they don't do shit with you cause you act like faggot. Look everyone didn't rush to 305, didn't do Raid on the day it dropped. Maybe take a second and listen and explain game to your clan members. Helping others isn't that hard. But hey now you have your small goup of players who will play with you.. that's cute will see how that turns out in 4 months time. There was Destiny general before you blueberries took over so don't act like you own everyone here little shitter probably has never hold relic for Atheon.
Are you hitting your shots?
the only way to win is to close the game.
Then fuck off
I am when I'm not being shot at, yeah. Whenever I get shot at my recoil goes pretty insane though and it's hard to keep shots on target. I never get this issue in the pve activities though.
We already have guidelines and acted by them as per Phase 1.
Phase 2: see if this shit works.
Phase 3: use an already determined set of new guidelines and redo Phase 1-3 until successful.
Its all hammered out we just have to wait a week or so everytime to see if Phase 1 was a success as per Phase 2 specifications.
>get into a clan on a neckbeard image board full of autismos that claim reddit is shit
>"lol just take your time and explaineverything not everyone is investing time in the game"
This is why our clans are fucked.
Learning to deal with flinch is a part of it- besides HCR, of course. How's your positioning? Are you fighting with your teammates?
10 days until the thread is ours :)
But Reddit clans are better than /dg/
Then fuck off there, little buddy.
You don't want to play with us we don't want to play with you so whats the problem with what just happened here? We've thoroughly separated ourselves from you so you should be happy people you dislike aren't running the risk of popping into your shit, right?
you don't use them because they 'look nice,' you use them because they're rare
Nobody fucking agrees with that faggot. If you are sub 300 right now nobody in this thread will even listen to you. Prove me wrong.
>How's your positioning?
Not great, I don't think. I'm still trying to learn the map layouts properly. Is flanking a worthwhile tactic because it neevr really seems to go well for me.
>Are you fighting with your teammates?
Truth be told, it's something I hadn't really paid too much attention to.
then fuck off
This had might as well read "Do you want to usurp Bob?", XB1 and PC don't have this overblown drama, it would seem.
>tfw no set to match doomfang exotic
Step 1. Only engage when there are one or more of you together.
Step b. Only 1v1 if you have Uriels Gift equipped and even then only if you have the drop.
Step 3. If you see a trace rifle laser run.
Step 𝛿. If you get hit run, even the tiniest bit just run.
Alright, thanks for the help, I'll see how it goes bearing this in mind. I'm still used to playing Titanfall and zooming around the map at mach 3 so I'd not really considered to actually stick with teammates. You the MVP.
Next thread please move the PC Clans above the PS4 ones, it makes more sense to be alphabetical + have main platform first.
We do have main platform first with descending order of relevancy based upon players. Gain more active members and it will be readdressed.
wojak...easy on the feels
Use long range and high impact, and port forwarding
>Is flanking a worthwhile tactic because it neevr really seems to go well for me.
It's important to keep your abilities in mind when you make choices. If you're a weak player, don't flank.
>Truth be told, it's something I hadn't really paid too much attention to.
It should be.