it's prestige nightfalls
t. done 19 regular nightfalls and 3 prestige but the emblem only displays "3"
it's prestige nightfalls
t. done 19 regular nightfalls and 3 prestige but the emblem only displays "3"
Shut the fuck up bitch.
>10 days left for pc release
Whats the level I should be and and the must haves to raid?
280 and at least a 6 year olds level of intelligence
Got kicked from PS4 II. Reinvite please
inb4 this thread gets filled with that faggot literal who shitter DubCrack tripfagging all over the place and bringing his stupid clan drama to the thread and replying to everyone like he is relevant and totally not OFF FUCKING TOPIC
It's incredible that no matter what level you are or how far along into a game's life cycle or however many entries into a sequel, there are people who do not understand how the game works at a most fundamental level.
People who flip spawns in control need to be just banned from the game.
>I solo my clan xp every week, something that only requires 7 active players to hit the cap every week don't kick me I contribute