League of Legends general - /lolg/

Like how in the fuck is this guy related to that literal fucking ape

>yeah i think TSM is bad but they are good guys!!!!

>you guys are mean to them!!!!

>stop this!!! :(

when did this website went full 14 year old normies

fuck sake just fuck off already you bunch of pieces of shits

The shitters are also the hardcore stans tho when the team performs well. Just fairweather fans which all good teams will have

>TPA Cinderella story

TPA was on a fucking godlike level on that tournament. Attempting to say that they luckied out is retarded as fuck. They were beasts at drafting and their mechanics were on point. Fuck you and fucking kill yousrelf.

>I don't feel sorry for him, his a literally retard that got lucky owning a team before it exploded and is now rich as fuck from it despite having 0 skills going in.

Let's be honest he was good back in those days. Same as how Bjergsen was a good player when Assassins were introduced.

we repostian best salt from twitter and reddit

>TPA was on a fucking godlike level on that tournament. Attempting to say that they luckied out is retarded as fuck.

They were Cinderella in a way that they were fucking underdogs.

I mean who beats M5 and Najin who were so hyped up for actual good reasons.

please AHQ do this, kick C9 from worlds

>Even with Riot rigging the group stage to give TSM the easiest possible fuckin group to assure investors that the LCS Franchising would be a good investment, TSM STILL manage to lose.

You can respond to me directly if you want to cry more shitter. Careful with that edge btw.

>all good

You mean all popular teams. By no means do I think TSM deserved to get out of groups with that performance, but even if it's just a video game, they put a lot of work into it and it's their job. It definitely sucks 100x more for them to embarass themselves internationally and then have "fans" who can't even get out of silver telling them to retire immediately after their loss and acting like TSM killed their puppies. I get wanting change and wanting them to get their shit together or even rebuild completely, but it's like these kids have zero tact or social skills and just live on the internet.