Maplestory has no win condition nor barely functional pvp, still it's massively p2w unless you play Reboot.
/wfg/ - Warframe General
how do you prove it though? that's my issue. you have no way of knowing someone bought it or grinded for it
I use frost for fishing. Mining I use Loki but Nezha seems like a good choice too.
How disappointed should I be?
Repost edition.
(I feel you Skana and Heatsword user, I got stuck with a Jaw Sword riven for my first melee riven.)
There was a massive influx of Ivaras during the sale, especially on Hydron, it's obvious a lot of people bought her. I know that wasn't exactly your point, I just wanted to point that out tho.
When there's a warframe mobage that you can play and get items for the main game. Hire me DE!
the energy ticks faster if you have a lower duration. it ticks slower with a higher duration
so say you have a channeled skill that ticks 1 energy per one second and 120% increased in duration. instead of 1 energy per second it will be 1 energy per 1.2 seconds
negative duration increases per-second energy cost, but can be offset by increased efficiency above the normal 75% efficiency cap
Is it something that you really need to know?
Just live in blissful ignorance.
Until they somehow flub a vault as Ivara somefuckinghow, thus exposing them.
Then you're allowed to feel superior.