/mbgg/ - Mobage General #813

hey other Eternal Linkage dude. If you go into the shop menu the first banner you see is 10 SSR technique orbs and a SSR book for 100 diamonds. The last banner in that area is 10 roll ticket and some other stuff for 200 diamonds (saving 50).

The most recent post of the same line still uses the title

Which just mentions "plugins."
Which is pretty easily detectable. Random hash checks, flags that trigger when inaccessible data is read/modified, checking what other apps are running on the device, etc.

Macro's/click recording isn't really "detectable," especially when done outside of the OS/environment to begin with.
I use quotations because yes, client-side you can keep a series of the last X UI interactions with coordinates and then check for identical interactions and coordinates. But that isn't really actionable(read: worth banning) since there is a technical chance it's unassisted. Even more if you introduce a jitter variation for mousedown coordinates; in which case it really isn't detectable.

Ultimately it's a lot more realistic and just a better idea to add annoyance filters for any potential macro behavior. ie: Server desync, please re-login.
Best case people get too frustrated to keep using them. Gray area is that it allows macro's so long as it's not left unattended for too long. Worst case, and ultimately the list you posted, people turn to more easily detected(and more egregious) client modifications to do their shit.

So uh, basically, while it's technically entirely possible it's just really unlikely and there are much better alternatives on their end to deal with it(and the game does make it a pretty big pain in the ass to manage).

Douglas shinkis when?

There were two at one point. When I left a few months ago mbgg2 had become an open guild except for one or two other mbgg players still left. I don't know if the first guild had the same fate or not, but given the nearly non-existent levels of discussion VC has had for a long time, I'd wager it's either open or gone.

After Setsuna/Towa shinki.

>Grasma is dead already with nothing to do except grinding

its only been out for little over a month

when did they end up falling so far behind on shinkis anyway? didn't they do soul of knight on time?

what's with this event in AG? why is the drop rate so much worse than normal?

they had a daily mission where you get a gacha ticket if you did 3 dungeons. Gotten 13 I think by now. Also 2 new weapon dungeons are added at the bottom of the dungeon list. Looks like a new gacha will be coming soon.