where is this mystical island located
/xgg/ - Xenogames General #6
If you go up a bit, there's a salvage point with lower level enemies by it that you can safely use for your winding gears
>got my first rare blade
This guy any good?
>Salvaging with a silver cylinder
>Nail all three prompts
>no chests
>two crabs
>four whites
>Salvaging same place with normal cylinder
>Miss first prompt because I was petting dog
>Panic and press second prompt early
>Nail third prompt
>First white chest i've ever fucking seen
Why does it feel like the QTE is nothing but a placebo?
How good is xenoblade postgame usually?
>Doing the tomb dungeon
>game won't let me progress unless I have blades with Ancient Wisdom
>Only blades that I have that can learn that skill are Dromach and a generic blade
fuckin groan zone.
It's not the enemy levels (although they're pretty spooky)
It's the fact that the QTE's are absolutely fucking brutal and they seem to change every time I do it. The first QTE comes and goes in about a tenth of a second.
Salvaging with Silver cylinders and 2+ Blades with Salvage Mastery gives you tons of good shit.
>Zeke's introduction
idk if blowing their whole budget on this stuff was worth it, but damn that was good.
There's a totally safe salvage spot right in the middle of catgirl village that you can use to gather winding gears, I don't understand why people are having trouble with that. It's right fucking there, you cannot possibly miss it.