then were talking months
>geting specific card from packs/making from dust+2 weeks of devoting all resources into said card+ getting more packs to get a decently rounded deck
take as an example
Eva+ guiltard 3 is already a month of dedicating all your kamas to leveling them
+ however long it takes to get them from packs+ maybe you want yugo to get eva faster or joris to protect them from spells, so you gotta work on lvling them too along with getting them
and when you're not lving them you average only get 1 brons/silver/expac pack a day.
assuming you complete your dailys every day.
/akg/ - Ankama Games General
Assuming the daily gives you packs. The daily pack for yesterday was gold.
Are the dailies the same for everyone? Today is win a match with Feca or Cra IIRC
surely you could build a deck with out any infinites at all and have it be effective. Surely infinites are nice little gimmicks to add spice and not the foundation of a deck, which should be an overall strategy of deck-wide synergy, and not a couple cards.
nah from daily wins its 60 kamas enough for 1 bronze, the quests range from 40-80 kamas or 1 bronze/silver/gold pack
dailys are random and can be rerolled once a day
i wish i had that kind of optimism.
user, Cra can be pretty good. Some of the best Cra players are on the top 50. This expansion gave her really strong cards, so she is in a really good spot right now.
I'll give you a good example of a killer deck later.
Remember is a card game, collecting cards IS part of the fun of it. Don't expect to instantly reach high ranks, it all takes time and dedication. Just focus on doing achievements for extra gold and packs. This is why you also need to branch out and try other classes, since they have achievements that give you more kamas for your favorite class.
The starter pack was really nice, is all you really need desu. The halloween pack was also a great deal, but is no longer available sadly (5 bucks.)
Btw, there was an event to get an exclusive krosmic if you bought 5$ of kamas. The card isn't amazing by any means, but is a fun one, and a nice freebie (Kwismas Queen.) Dunno if it is still up.
I fucking love eniripsa so much, her lips are cute, CUTE!
Hope you also like the taste of dragon cock because her lips have plenty of it
>thhe panties on the eniripsa
>that eca going commando
This pic was made by Anakam, wasn't it?
Or someone who knows the style of each race and it's not afraid of backlash?
It was retweeted by Ankama user. Even artists like Xa and the others complemented him on the post.
>so she is in a really good spot right now.
No she's not. Even the devs said she hasn't been rebalanced for the recent expansions. Just look at her Piercing Arrow, 3AP for 2 damage that ignores armor and compare it to a similar Feca spell, Break or something. 2AP for 2 damage and it destroys the armor.