/xcg/ - XCOM General

Augmented/You Let My Fucking Thread Die Edition

1)LW2 will NOT be ported to WotC by Pavonis


3)Julian Gallop Phoenix Point News (New Update: 8/30/2017)

4)Jake spoke at PAX East on March 10th on the growing pains of rebooting XCOM

The /xcg/ Mandatory Read:

/xcg/ XCOM 2 Character Pool:

Image Library of /xcg/:

List of compatible mods for Long War 2

XCOM2 modlist, updated long before WOTC (Out of Date)

MEGA Mod Repository, now contains all of the mods in the modlist

/xcg/'s Long War Library (New LW players read this shit or you will be ignored):

Piratez mod for OpenXCom:

The X-COM Files for OpenXCom:

/xcg/ neither condemns nor condones that which is lewd

Other urls found in this thread:


...first for photobooth being the best fluff addition.

>tfw start a new game in South Africa

I've finally gotten around to starting a WOTC playthrough when I got it over christmas. What am I in for?

nonstop shit talking and meddling.

my hand slipped :[

your hand slipped onto the 1 key?

x3 enemies and 14 squad size along with dynamic pod activation and twice the timers makes it a much greater mission
Except in retaliations site, enjoy losing all civvies by turn 3

>greater mission
Greater game*
It feels like somewhat of an actual war between elites of each faction, instead of 4 guys against 10 aliens

btfo desu

You will learn the error of your ways and abandon your childish terrorist ways to return to the fold. The Elders will forgive.

Playing xcom 2 for the first time but it's been so long I can barely remember the first one, really feeling like I should go back. Well phoenix point be good? I wanna invest but I'm never sure of crowd funded games.

>/xcg/ neither condemns nor condones that which is lewd
Why does the thread always die when I'm sleeping? I have wanted to fix that stupid link for ages.

More like the most arrogant. He's often the weakest chosen. He talks an insane amount of shit but can never back it up

Remember when I had to decide between chopping a wounded scout to pathfinder? This was her second mision. Panicked after facing a Vulcan Mechtoid. Good riddance, I have "Kaworu", but without w and a gril.

>GSGT Zoe 'Xeno' Stewart
That's a rather... unfortunate nickname.


>when you want to play again but you need a substantial gameplay overhaul for you to get back.

Yes. Twice.

Better than me when I thought I was moving to a flank shot on a Muton, then getting cut down by four turrets I forgot were in overwatch

>tfw no LWPP or LWAP

>tfw no gf

It is a nuclear reactor sim, cause this faggot right here is a reactor op and eng, to be exact, this is the annunciator panel,it alarms and shows what of the reactor/plant needs interaction

... you sure you're in the right thread?

Yes, I posted the first pic because dosbox/ xcom before 2k doesn't like me to take pics, this user just asked for what that is.
To be exact, this is the simulation of a russian developed VVER-1000 PWR

i miss him

>tfw the old xcoms are older than you
>tfw you are watching nubs play this on twitch and even donated for a chump my character is quite ok
>tfw you should belong in the egg because you are a flipping nuclear engi
Chryssalid but love/10?

Seriously how unlucky can I be?
Bet on chryssalids or blaster bombs now....

>getting hit by turrets
Is this a legend only thing? I've never perceived turrets as an actual threat.

boogaloo mod update when

There's never any sure certainty for a crowdfunded game. Yes, I believe because of the developer it has very good odds of releasing as a full and complete game, and even a good one at that, but there's no way to know. The good news is that the progress reports have been consistent, no suspect news casting doubt on the development, and there is supposed to be an alpha in Q1 for backers (or was it Q2?).
It's just another less than 100% shot that you have to decided whether to take or not. Ultimately, I decided I'd be willing to throw $40 down the abyss for the even the slight chance of a new x-com game from Gallop.

>link is one character short because someone was short ONE character on their copy paste months ago


Why would I bump the thread when I want it to die so I can fix the link?

So it doesn't die while you're sleeping.

8 hour is more than enough time for the tread to die even if I spend all my time awake with bumping.

>class with the least effective range in the game

who the fuck approved that shit?

>First or second strongest class in game
Do you need help user?

Definition of ranger

3 b : a soldier specially trained in close-range fighting and in raiding tactics

Pistols are Useful.

definitely first.

concealment shenenigans fuck over pods

I think you may be on to something...

Don't wake Central, he's had a long rough day.

>1)LW2 will NOT be ported to WotC by Pavonis
What does this actually mean? Will there ever be a "final" version of the game to play that has everything like XCOM+expansion+TLW is?

James was NEVER cool.

>Will there ever be a "final" version of the game to play that has everything like XCOM+expansion+TLW is?
Only if the general modding community does it themselves. Pavonis is done with X2 and focusing on their own game.

So basically no? What the hell do I need to play then, TLW2, or the expansion? Is the expansion shit?

snore of le chozo


>Not that anyone should expect bright colors, talking plants and crazed forest creatures in the next XCOM. But don’t be surprised to see movement work completely differently.

You play both
>Is the expansion shit?
Expansion is fantastic

Good article


article is actually not bullshit for once, but here you go



Hah, that's my home. I didn't know it was on the map.


>you will never get triple-A xcom with original horror atmosphere, mysterious aliens, and actual shooting mechanics
>you're stuck with this disney arcade forever

meh timeline

desu, XCOM 1 has horror atmosphere and the mysterious aliens vibe and is Triple A, so I don't know what you're crying about.
And Phoenix Pointe will probably hit all those points except for the "Triple-A" part. Openxcom would have never taken off so big without the new xcoms either and I don't think Phoenix Pointe would exist as well.
Things are bretty gud imo


There's no Meld, but you can go marry Vahlen right now, I think she's still single.

I would willingly give my meat-body to vahlen for humanity.

I was referring to original xcom, yeah. Thought that's kinda obvious.

>disney arcade

How is that game coming along?

There is a playable demo being developed designed for expos and events, to be finished by early February.
Project backers/pre-orders are supposed to receive access to the pre-alpha in Q1, which will ongoning and constantly updated.

So it is going on in a stable manner? Good to know.

gollop has experience in games and set s realistic release date

I'm sure he'll get it done

As far as we know. The proof of pudding will be in the actual demo and alpha

10/10, would watch self-ownage again

>tfw no alien bf

>gollop has experience in games and set s realistic release date

That doesn't really mean anything. Many failed kickstarters have experienced devs with realistic release dates.

A demo is promising though so long as it's actually released.


sure but it's a hell of a lot better than some kikestarters

>aliens terrorising civilians again
>go check where
>it's Easter Island
>middle of the fucking ocean

Fuck terror missions outside of Europe or the US tbqhfam.

Confession time: By the time I get home from work I am so mentally tired that I have not had the energy to play XCOM for at least 6 months. Instead I opt for comfort games like Ocarina of Time.

Nothing wrong with this, but why are you in the Xcom general?

Not that user, but I'm in /xcg/ 24/7, whether I am playing xcom or not. /xcg/ is my home.

Minor bug with Packhunter.

It's Oct 31 Avenger defense with the Assassin (forcelevel 17). I believe she's supposed to be summoning 2 Exalted Pathfinders and 1 Elite Hunter, but the only unit that spawns is 1 Elite Hunter. Chosen apparently will not summon units from different spawn distribution levels from the leader and default to only summoning the leader if they're not the same.

"Matching" the min and max forcelevel for the Chosen summon lists in XComEncounterLists fixed the problem for me. She'll summon 3 exalted units or 3 elite units, just not elite/exalted.

Low priority bug since you'd specifically have to be on forcelevel 16/17 to see it, but I thought it'd be useful to know.

>chosen extracted knowledge
>all but 1 operatives are dead
>excellent work out there, commander

damn central

Are the results of each shot set before the turn starts or after you initiate the action. I've returned to the same save 15 times for a 50% shot, and haven't landed it once.
I'm no mathematician, but I think there's something odd going on.

Seeds are determined after every action. So if you do things in a different order, then the game will have a different result.

thanks, been stuck on the warlock and haven't saved in a while. First terror mission with him. Total fucking bullshit.

Is there a way to see all perks/abilities/whatever enemy unit has in WotC? I remember there was such a button in previous xcom but can't find it here. Was fucking bummed when chosen shrugged off my flashbang I was saving for him.




Fuck off

There is an F1 info mod for XCOM2, would reccomend.

>those pathetic health bars
You are like little baby, behold: MAGNIFICENCE.

I had so much fun with LW1+2


im a /tfg/ refugee...waiting for the day to return to my homeboard

Finally got an aesthetic I can complete a campaign with. Only took 100 tries.





>set up ambush in concealment
>first group is a purifier, mec, and stun lancer
>set everyone in overwatch while a grenadier lobs in explosives
>purifer triggers perched sniper who fires; explodes, killing the lancer also
>mec takes one step forward and get's grazed by another grenadier and holo targeted
>takes another step past a window with my ranger in side who nails him from the flank
Feels so good when everything works out perfectly

>Reinforcement flare drops
>Move two Rangers with Bladestorm to stand directly on it
>Heh heh heh, this'll be fun-
>Purifier steps out

I feel like Purifiers were built just to fuck over people that stand too close to a drop.

Bump to tell you this