/xcg/ - XCOM General

im a /tfg/ refugee...waiting for the day to return to my homeboard

Finally got an aesthetic I can complete a campaign with. Only took 100 tries.





>set up ambush in concealment
>first group is a purifier, mec, and stun lancer
>set everyone in overwatch while a grenadier lobs in explosives
>purifer triggers perched sniper who fires; explodes, killing the lancer also
>mec takes one step forward and get's grazed by another grenadier and holo targeted
>takes another step past a window with my ranger in side who nails him from the flank
Feels so good when everything works out perfectly

>Reinforcement flare drops
>Move two Rangers with Bladestorm to stand directly on it
>Heh heh heh, this'll be fun-
>Purifier steps out

I feel like Purifiers were built just to fuck over people that stand too close to a drop.

Bump to tell you this